
  • 网络dissolution;dissolution rate;hplc
  1. 目的建立阿昔洛韦片的溶出度检查方法。

    Objective to establish a method to determine the dissolution of aciclovir tablet .

  2. 用Excel软件计算药物制剂的溶出度

    Calculating Dissolution of Pharmaceutical Preparation by Microsoft Excel

  3. 紫外光纤化学传感原位过程监测维生素B2片溶出度

    Fiber-optic-chemical-sensor-based on UV / VIS absorb monitor drug dissolution of VB_2 tablets

  4. 不同pH介质中交沙霉素溶出度比较

    Comparation of dissolution rate of josamycin tablets in different pH medium

  5. HPLC法测定头孢氨苄胶囊的含量头孢氨苄片剂及胶囊剂溶出度考察

    DETERMINATION OF CEPHALEXIN CAPSULES BY HPLC Dissolution rates of cephalexin tablets and capsules

  6. HPLC测定复方甘草酸苷片的溶出度

    Determination of Dissolution of Compound Glycyrrhizin Tablets by HPLC

  7. HPLC法测定罗红霉素片的溶出度

    Development of Dissolution Method of Roxithromycin Tablets by HPLC

  8. HPLC法测定托西酸舒他西林颗粒剂的溶出度

    Determination the Dissolution in Sultamicillin Tosilate Granules by HPLC

  9. HPLC法测定麦角隐亭咖啡因片的溶出度和含量均匀度

    Determination of the Dissolution and Uniformity of dosage of Vasobral Tablets by HPLC

  10. HPLC法测定尼美舒利片和胶囊的含量及溶出度

    Dissolution and content determination of nimesulide in nimesulide tablets and nimesulide capsules by HPLC

  11. EXCEL在溶出度实验数据处理中的应用

    Using software EXCEL to process the data of dissolution rate

  12. 溶出度测定采用HPLC法。

    Nateglinide was detected by HPLC .

  13. 结果:CMSNa能显著提高甲硝唑片溶出度;

    Results : CMS-Na could obviously increase the dissolution of metronidazole tablet ;

  14. 琥乙红霉素片溶出度检查方法的探讨HPLC法测定光疗药物竹红菌乙素的含量

    Discuss the dissolution test met of Erythromycin ethylsuccinate tablets Determination of Phototherapy Medicine Hypocrellin B by HPLC

  15. 结论该方法灵敏,结果准确可靠,重现性好,可用于维生素B4片的溶出度测定。

    Conclusion The method is sensitive , accurate , reliable and repeatable , and can be used to determine the dissolution of vitamin B_4 tablets .

  16. HPLC法研究不同配伍比例下红花对丹参药材中丹参素钠溶出度的影响

    Effect of Safflower in Different Compatibility Proportion on Dissolution Rate of Sodium-Danshensu of Salvia Miltiorrhiza by HPLC Method

  17. 结论以HPLC法测定华法林溶出度,方法准确、灵敏、稳定;

    CONCLUSION HPLC is an accurate , sensitive and stable method for the determination of warfarin tablets dissolution .

  18. RP-HPLC法检测左旋甲状腺素钠片剂含量及溶出度

    Determination of Content and Dissolution of Levothyroxine Sodium Tablet by RP-HPLC

  19. 盐酸吡格列酮片的HPLC含量测定方法目的建立盐酸吡格列酮片的溶出度试验方法。

    Determination of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Tablets by HPLC OBJECTIVE To establish the method of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Tablets on dissolution rate .

  20. 目的:计算药物溶出度Weibull分布参数。

    Objective : To calculate the Weibull 's distribution parameters for drug dissolution .

  21. 电子表格Excel在抗生素效价测定中的应用[方法]运用电子表格Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。用电子表格Excel计算药物溶出度Weibull分布参数

    Application of Microsoft Excel to Data Processing in Determination of Weibull 's Distribution or Drug Dissolution Rate

  22. 国产与进口盐酸氨溴索片溶出度的HPLC法测定及Weibull分析

    Dissolution property of home-made and imported ambroxol hydrochloride tablets determined by HPLC and analyzed by Weibull 's model

  23. 另对C厂头孢羟氨苄胶囊同时采用桨法和转篮法进行溶出度考察,并将结果做t检验。

    Besides , the dissolution tests were conducted on cefadroxil capsules that from manufacturer C by oar method and baskets-rotating methods simultaneously and the results of which were subjected to t-tests .

  24. 对5-单硝酸异山梨酯两种市售制剂的溶出度进行RP-HPLC外标法测定。

    The determination of the dissolution of isosorbide 5 mononitrate preparations was carried out with RP HPLC external standard method .

  25. 建立了盐酸倍他洛尔片溶出度的UV测定方法,并研究了盐酸倍他洛尔片的溶出曲线。

    UV analytical method on dissolution test of betaxolol hydrochloride tablets was developed , and the dissolution curve of the tablets were also studied .

  26. 目的测定5个不同厂家(分别以代码A,B,C,D,E表示)银杏叶片的体外溶出度。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the in vitro dissolution of Ginkgo leaf tablets from five different manufactures ( coded as A , B , C , D and E , respectively ) .

  27. 对于茶苯海明口崩片,则以日本药典(JP)溶出度改良法较为适合。

    Improved-JP dissolution disintegrating method was optimum for the measurement dimenhydrinate ODT .

  28. HPLC法测定大豆苷元片的含量及溶出度寿喜烧是用小肉片、菜和豆腐制成的。

    Determination of Daidzein Solid Dispersion Troche Content and Its Dissolution By HPLC Sukiyaki is made of small pieces of meat , vegetables , and tofu .

  29. 目的建立华法林含量测定的高效液相色谱(HPLC)方法,并以此方法考察比较4个不同厂家华法林片的溶出度。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) method for determining the dissolubility of warfarin tablets produced by four manufactories in vitro .

  30. 其中,B、C、D、E厂采用固体分散技术生产的尼莫地平片溶出度均符合部颁标准规定的溶出限度。

    The dissolubilities of nimodipine tablets produced by solid dispersed technic from factories B , C , D , E , were in keeping with Chinese WS - ( X ) - 100-2000Z .