
  • 网络dissolution rate;rate of dissolving
  1. P2O5也使可溶相的溶解速率加快。

    The dissolution rate of the soluble sodium borate phase increases with the addition of a small amount of P_2O_5 .

  2. 结果表明:有机酸浓度、溶液pH值、有机酸种类对石灰石溶解速率影响最大。

    The results show that concentration of organic acid , acidity of limestone slurry and the kind of organic acid are the main factors to increase limestone dissolution rate .

  3. 一旦破坏了Al2O3保护层,Al的溶解速率加快。

    If Al2O3 layer was destroyed , Al can dissolve soon .

  4. 黄铁矿在酸性溶液中溶解速率相对较快,并易达到溶解平衡。然而,部分由于反应产物形成的难溶物吸附沉积在表面,导致剩余黄铁矿表面Fe(Ⅱ)的溶解速率要缓慢地多。

    The dissolution of pyrite in acidic solution was relatively fast and easily reached to dissolution equilibrium .

  5. 对于镍在硫酸溶液中溶解速率慢的原因,根据国外学者的研究认为镍的表面对H2分子有着特殊的吸附力。

    Some foreign scholars ' research think the nickel of H2 molecule has a special absorption ability .

  6. 采用Al2O3溶解速率测定仪测定了CaO-SiO2-Na2O-CaF2-Al2O3-MgO连铸保护渣系的Al2O3溶解速率。

    The Al_2O_3 dissolution rate of casting mold powder CaO-SiO_2-Na_2O-CaF_2-Al_2O_3-MgO series has been measured by Al_2O_3 dissolution rate measuring apparatus .

  7. 矿物溶解速率受表面吸附、表面交换反应和解吸反应等表面化学过程的控制并与溶液的pH值有关,正比于溶液αH+值的nθ次幂。

    The dissolution rate of minerals is controlled by surface adsorption and surface exchange reactions and desorption , depends on the pH of the solution and is directly proportional to α .

  8. 胶块处方中加入高分子材料PVP、淀粉可轻微增加明胶的溶解速率。

    The dissolution rate of the shaped gelatin mass increased slightly by adding some polymers ( pvp , starch ) .

  9. 模型预测的石灰石转化率以及颗粒尺寸分布和pH值对石灰石溶解速率的影响能很好地与实验数据吻合。

    Model predictions were in good agreement with experimental data such as the degree of limestone conversion , and the effects of particle size distribution ( PSD ) and pH value on limestone dissolution rate .

  10. 实验研究了W、Mo、K2CO3、SiO2、S等添加剂对铁石墨粉末压坯在900~1060℃高温烧结时碳溶解速率的影响。

    The Effects of W , Mo , K_2CO_3 , SiO_2 , S on the dissolving rate of carbon in mixed compacts were investigated at sintering temperature of 900 ~ 1060 ℃ .

  11. 硅酸盐矿物的溶解速率与溶液的pH值、离子强度、温度及有机酸的含量等密切相关。碳酸盐类矿物的溶解速率主要取决于温度、CO2分压、酸碱度及相关离子的活度等因素。

    The dissolution velocity of silicates is pH , ion strength , temperature and organic acid concentration dependant , and the dissolution velocity of carbonates mainly depends on temperature , partial pressure of CO_2 , pH , and activities of relevant ions in the solution .

  12. 介绍了测定SO2气体溶解度和溶解速率的装置及方法.分析了SO2在灰水、Ca(OH)2溶液和碱性废液中的溶解过程。

    In this paper . the equipment and method for measuring SO2 , solubility in basic solutions are described . SO2 dissolving process and its solubility in basic solutions , such as ash-water , Ca ( OH ) 2 solution and waste solution , are analyzed .

  13. Mo能控制铁的氧化物相,降低Cr的过钝化溶解速率以及抑制Cl-向膜穿透,起着延长应力腐蚀孕育期的作用。

    Mo in 316 alloy affected the composition and growth rate of iron oxides , decreased the dissolution rate of Cr at transpassive region and inhibited Cl ~ - in its penetration through the oxide film , playing therefore a role to prolong the incubation period of SCC .

  14. 该法制备得到1~20μm无定形植物甾醇微细颗粒,且具有更高的溶解速率,比原料植物甾醇早3h达到饱和溶解度。

    Amorphous particles ranging from 1 μ m to 20 μ m were obtained by the RESS process . The RESS-processed phytosterol , of which the dissolution rate was much higher , realized the dissolution equilibrium 3 hours earlier than that unprocessed .

  15. CO2向H+和HCO-3的转换.通常是这3个过程中的最慢过程决定着碳酸盐岩的溶解速率。

    And ( 3 ) conversion reaction of CO_2 into H + and HCO - _3 . Generally , it is the slowest of these three processes that limits the dissolution rate of carbonate rock .

  16. 通过建立Al2O3溶解速率和渣成分关系的回归正交设计模型,精确预测铝镇静钢连铸保护渣的夹杂物吸收能力,并通过建立的非线性规划模型对该保护渣进行优化设计。

    The inclusion absorption ability of mold powder for Al-killed steels could be predicted accurately by established regression analysis model for relation between Al_2O_3 dissolution rate and mold powder ingredient , and the mold powder for Al-killed steels has been optimized and designed by established nonlinear programming model .

  17. 结果:随着明胶/甘油比例的增加,制得胶片的溶解速率呈不规则变化,胶片经40℃贮存21d,各种处方的胶片溶解速率呈不同程度下降。

    RESULTS : With the increase in the ratio of gelatin glycerol in soft gelatin shell , the dissolution rate of the shell changed irregularly . After storage of 21 days at 40 ℃, the dissolution rate of the shell decreased at different extent .

  18. 埋藏成岩作用的温度与压力条件(75℃~130℃,20MPa~30MPa)下,乙酸对白云岩的溶蚀实验证明,随着温度与压力的升高,白云岩的溶解速率迅速增大。

    Experiment for dolomite dissolution by acetic acid has been run under the conditions of temperature and pressure of burial diagenesis ( 75  ̄ 130 ℃, 20  ̄ 30MPa ) . The result shows that Dissolution rate of dolomite increases quickly with the increase of temperature and pressure .

  19. 烟气脱硫过程中SO2在碱性溶液中的溶解速率研究

    Experimental Researches on SO_2 Solubility and Dissolving Velocity in Basic Solutions

  20. 盐酸去氢骆驼蓬碱平衡溶解度及溶解速率常数的测定

    Determination of Equilibrium Solubility and Dissolution Rate Constant of Harmine Hydrochloride

  21. 溶解速率溶解速率决定药物吸收时的可用度。

    Dissolution rate determines the availability of the drug for absorption .

  22. 溶解速率、表观密度均达到规定标准。

    The dissolution rate and apparent density all reach the stipulative standards .

  23. 初生硅的溶解速率随时间延长而减小。

    The dissolution rate is decreased with the holding time .

  24. 温度对溶解速率的影响受控于阿雷尼乌斯方程。

    The effect of temperature on dissolution rates follows the Arrhenius equation .

  25. 煤系黄铁矿氧化溶解速率与矿物粒径的关系

    Relationship Between Oxidation Rate of Coal Pyrite and It 's Grain Size

  26. 因此,其动力学可能决定碳酸盐岩的溶解速率。

    Hence , its kinetics may determine the rate of carbonate rock dissolution .

  27. 灰岩和白云岩溶解速率控制机理的比较

    Comparison of Dissolution Rate-Determining Mechanisms between Limestone and Dolomite

  28. 在实验条件下,铋的溶解速率遵循直线规律。

    The bismuth dissolving rate answers to linear law under the experimental conditions .

  29. 岩盐溶解速率的研究

    Study on the dissolution rate of rock salt

  30. 为了降低锌在腐蚀性介质中的溶解速率,对热镀锌钢板广泛采用铬酸盐钝化的处理工艺。

    Chromate conversion coatings have been used widely to decrease the dissolution rate of zinc .