
  • 网络membrane separation equipment
  1. 目前膜分离设备中使用的有机膜受材料性能的影响,在通量、选择性和化学稳定性、热稳定性方面存在很大缺陷;

    Owning to natural property of material , organic membranes have low flux , selectivity , chemical and thermal stabilities .

  2. 也简单介绍了不同规格型号的膜分离设备用于染料工业中的优、缺点。

    The advantages and disadvantages of different models of membrane separation equipments used in dye industry were discussed in details .

  3. 膜分离设备中使用的膜按其材料可以分为有机膜和无机膜两大类,其中,无机膜又可分为陶瓷膜和金属膜两种。

    There are mainly three kinds of materials which can be used in membrane filtration equipment . They are organic membranes , ceramic membranes and metallic membranes .

  4. 九十年代末,辽河油田成功地引进膜分离制氮设备并应用到油田现场已见到了明显的效果。

    At the end of 1990s , Liaohe Oilfield imported membrane nitrogen separation equipment and applied successfully to the sites operation s and gained remarkable results .

  5. 气体膜分离技术,由于设备简单、操作方便、能耗低、分离效果好、过程绿色等优点,已经成为一种新型的化工分离技术。

    Membrane separation technology has become a good way of chemical separation process , due to the advantages of simple equipment , easy operation , low energy consumption and green performance .