
  1. 这是温州话下一站到哪里的谐音。

    This Wenzhou sentence " next stop where " partials .

  2. 温州话动词重叠式分析

    An Analysis of the Reduplicative Verbs in the Wenzhou Dialect

  3. 问问你自己你能听懂温州话(或者苏州话)吗?

    Just ask yourself if you can understand the Wenzhou dialect ( or Suzhou dialect ) .

  4. 和温州话一样属于吴方言语系的苏州话排名第三。

    In addition to the Wenzhou dialect , another linguistically related tongue of the wu family from the city of Suzhou comes in in the top three .

  5. 温州话对你来说可能听起来像日语,但是即使你一个字也听不懂,你也跟温州人一样知道它是汉语。

    The Wenzhou dialect may sound like Japanese to you , but even if you cannot understand a word of it , you know as well as its speaker 's do that it is Chinese .

  6. 民间一般公认温州鹿城区通行方言为温州话。

    The dialect used in Lucheng District of Wenzhou is generally called Wenzhou dialect .

  7. 这位未具名作者写道:据说在抗日战争中,八路军部队相互之间联系由于保密需要,都是派两个温州人,进行电话或者步话机联系,而日本的情报部门,总也翻译不出发音极为复杂的温州话;

    The author , who posted the list anonymously , writes that the Wenzhou dialect is so notoriously difficult that during the war against Japan , the Chinese Communist Party 's Eighth Route Army used Wenzhou speakers to relay messages by foot or by phone so that Japanese intelligence officers would not be able to understand them .