
  • 网络Consumer Information
  1. 第四章介绍了消费者信息消费的过程,并据此建立了信息消费函数;

    Chapter IV introduced consumer information consumption process , and accordingly established a consumer information function ;

  2. 广告的醒目性程度、受干扰程度与呈现环境对消费者信息加工模式的影响

    Effects of Ad 's Salience , Interference and Communication Environment on the Mode of Consumer Information Processing

  3. 对三星而言,用户评论只是其监控的数个消费者信息来源之一,其它来源还包括cnet等消费电子产品网站上的分类讨论版,以及facebook、myspace和twitter等社交媒体网站上组织性较差的讨论。

    For Samsung , reviews are just one of several sources of consumer input it monitors , including specialised discussion boards on consumer electronics websites such as CNET , as well as the less structured discussions on social media sites such as Facebook , Myspace and twitter .

  4. 非处方药品消费者信息搜寻行为的实证研究&以天津地区为例

    Empirical Study on Information Searching Behavior of OTC Consumers : Based on Tianjin District

  5. 谁拥有消费者信息?

    Who owns the consumer 's information ?

  6. 第二部分主要对风险认知理论和消费者信息搜寻理论作了理论综述。

    The second section reviews literatures of risk perception theory and information search behavior theory .

  7. 本文研究了数字化对于消费者信息获取的影响和改变。

    This paper intends to explore the impact of digital technologies on consumers ' information search .

  8. 消费者信息的商业模式

    Business models of consumer information

  9. 消费者信息搜寻是消费者行为研究中的重要方面,是消费者购买决策的基础。

    Consumer information search is an important aspect in consumer behavior and the basis for consumer purchasing decisions .

  10. 广告的加工时间和注意水平对消费者信息加工模式的影响

    Effects of ads ' exposure time and attention levels on the mode of the consumer 's imformation processing

  11. 关键是要获得正确的消费者信息,并迅速结合这些信息,进行产品开发和内容管理。

    The key is capturing the right customer information and quickly incorporating these insights into product development and content management .

  12. 在体育营销理论研究中,有关消费者信息搜寻行为的研究不够,甚至未涉及到。

    On the study of consumer information searching behavior in the search for marketing theory of sports is not enough , even untouched .

  13. 但是,选择增加关于维生素和矿质食品补充剂最高食用水平消费者信息的国家可使用该准则作为指导。

    They could however be used as guidance by countries choosing to increase consumer information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements .

  14. 基本的纵向差异化下的双寡头竞争模型有两个很重要的假设:消费者信息完全与偏好稳定。

    The fundamental model of duopoly competition in vertical differentiated market has two very important assumptions : consumers ' information is complete and their preferences are stable .

  15. 第三,出版商首次通过数字平台掌握了大量的消费者信息,从而在决定图书的定价与内容时更加心中有数。

    Third , digital platforms give publishers access to rich consumer data for the first time , allowing them to take more informed decisions about pricing and content .

  16. 通过对信息消费者信息利用过程的分析,认为信息的价值就在于它给我们提供了选择的权利与自由。

    Through an analysis of the information consumption course , the author believes that information value lies in the right and freedom of option attached to the information itself .

  17. 信息满足服务是指,广告主利用品牌的几个核心网络空间,通过传递广告信息和商务互动等行为,满足消费者信息搜索需求。

    Information satisfaction service means that advertisers satisfy consumer s needs of information searching through transmitting advertising information and business interaction by using its own brand core network space .

  18. 文章探讨了传统旅游业与网络环境下旅游产业对旅游消费者信息需求的满足程度的变迁。

    This article discusses the evolution of satisfying the need of information of the tourist consumers in the traditional tourist industry and in the tourist industry in the internet context .

  19. 其实,更为正确的是应该给予消费者信息,资源,和他们想要的目的产品,使得他们做出正确的决定。

    In fact , it 's almost certainly true that given the information , goals and resources they had when they made the decision , they did exactly the right thing .

  20. 消费者信息研究伙伴公司的迈克尔o列文周一向媒体公布了上述图表。他喜欢使用传统零售业的语言谈论智能手机市场。

    Michael Levin of Consumer Information Research Partners , which on Monday released to the press the attached chart , likes to talk about smartphones in the language of conventional retail .

  21. 网上消费者信息搜寻行为是网上消费者行为研究的重要方面,对消费者进一步的网上决策行为有着较传统消费环境下更为复杂和多变的影响,因而近年来一直受到学术界的关注。

    Compared with traditional consumption environment , online consumer behavior on information search casts more complicated and multi-variant influences on further decision-making of the consumers and thus caused great attention from academia .

  22. 文章从消费者信息处理的角度出发,将品牌传播的分为四个过程:品牌到达、品牌认知与记忆、态度改变、行为改变。

    From the point of consumer processing the information , the essay divides the brand communication into four procedures : brand reach , brand recognition and memory , attitude change , behavior change .

  23. 商家通过移动终端对消费者信息进行认证,并将信息同步到商家的自助服务系统,消费者信息进行统计,以便后续的精准营销。

    Business through the mobile terminal authentication information for consumers , and the information is synchronized to the business of self-service systems , consumer information , statistics , so that the subsequent precision marketing .

  24. 在美国,自四月份人们对经济复苏的担忧以来,股票价格一直处于下跌趋势。本周,一个商业研究组织报告称,经过三个月的增长之后,消费者信息再次下滑。

    In the United States , stocks have been falling since April on concerns about the recovery . This week a business research group reported a drop in consumer confidence after three months of gains .

  25. 本研究首先从动机和能力出发,研究消费者信息搜寻行为的最基本影响因素,再研究其他因素透过这两个因素对信息搜寻行为的影响。

    On the one hand , starting from motivation and capability , we examines the most essential influence factors on consumer information search behavior and then discusses how other factors influence through these two factors .

  26. 因此,系统研究体育消费者信息搜寻行为及其影响因素,不仅对从事市场调查和研究非常重要,而且对制定体育营销战略或策略有着重要的指导和借鉴作用。

    As marketer and corporation as concerned , it is very important not only to study sports consumer information searching behavior 's character and factor influenced completely and thoroughly , but also guidance and reference to set down marketing strategy or tactic of sports .

  27. 它提供了一个更真实、更详细的消费者信息库,解释了消费者行为的深层原因,并更加全面地描绘了消费者的需求特征,为预测消费者的未来行为提供更科学、有效的数据。

    It provides a more realistic , more detailed information for consumers , explains the underlying causes of consumer behavior , and a more comprehensive description of the characteristics of the needs of consumers , to predict its future behavior to provide more efficient data .

  28. 必须改造供应链架构、构建整个供应链体系的协同库存系统,有效收集消费者信息、适度干预消费者行为,以精益的供应链提升超市的核心竞争力。

    It is necessary to transform the structure of supply chain and build a cooperative inventory system of the whole chain while collecting the information of consumers and interfering in their behavior moderately so as to facilitate the core competitivity of the supermarket by the improved supply chain .

  29. 在P2P结构中,每个Peer都同时具有信息消费者、信息提供者和信息通讯等三方面的功能。

    In a pure Peer to Peer system , every peer take the same role , it can act as a provider or a consumer .

  30. 的。”媒体发言人King对NPR说消费者个人信息将归数据运营商管理,ClearChannel广告公司只能读取这些收集到的信息。

    King , the press spokesman , tells NPR that the personal consumer information will remain with the data providers , while Clear Channel will only be able to access the aggregated data .