- 网络consumer-driven

In the first stages of service development , consumer-driven contracts look very much like user stories for services .
Consumer-driven contracts-A consumer-driven contract is a representation of a service provider 's obligations to all its current consumers .
How do consumer-driven contracts map back onto the service-oriented development lifecycle ?
For providers , consumer-driven contracts provide a clear direction for development .
The obligations created on the provider 's side establish a consumer-driven contract .
Consumer-Driving Decision of Safety Responsibility of Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chain
During the build phase , consumer-driven stories can be turned into executable expectations .
Consumer-driven contracts capture what one business group , function or capability expects of another in order to do its job .
Consumer-driven contracts comprise a foundation of asserted behaviour against which we can assess the likely impact of changes to a service contract .
Consumer-driven contracts support the development and testing of service-oriented systems , and encourage collaboration between all parties responsible for the service lifecycle .
It includes : the decision-making of consumer-driven supply chain in safety responsibilities ; the consumer pressure in safety responsibility of manufacturer-retailer supply chain alliances .
The least disruptive way of incorporating consumer-driven contracts into the development process is for the provider team to translate consumer-driven stories into programmatic contracts .
To the extent that consumer-driven contracts are used to plan changes to the service estate , they contribute to a delivery organisation 's versioning strategy .
We have to accept the truth that consumers are driving the demand for animal body parts , for art , for trinkets , for medicine .
If providers are obliged to adhere to consumer-driven contracts-nothing more , nothing less-then consumers must ensure that they too stick to their side of the bargain .
Providers can even incorporate consumer-driven contracts into their runtime activities so as to provide early feedback when real-world messages fail to satisfy one or more consumer expectations .
Consumer-driven contracts identify who depends on a service , and what the nature of that dependency is , increasing operations'insight into the day-to-day behaviour of the estate .
As part of adopting a consumer-driven contract , a provider is free to evolve and innovate its service offering just so long as it continues to satisfy its existing obligations .
How smoothly they manage China 's planned transition from an unsustainable growth model that 's been based on exports and state-directed investment toward an open , consumer-driven economy will have vast implications for the rest of the world .
In the long run , China must move away from such a strong focus on exports , investment and infrastructure building , to an economy that is driven by consumers and takes full advantage of its growing middle class .
Consumer Expectations Are Driving Advances in Data Converter Design
U.S. shoppers have largely driven sales for the New York-based high-end jeweler , but that picture is changing .
Overseas studies of green food supply chain show that it is a typical process " from the field to the folk " and an obvious nonlinear system mutually driven by producers and consumers .
The base of the traditional marketing concept was industry economy and was facing great challenge .
As the driving force of consumer behavior , emotion playing an important role in the achievement process of the " Designer-packaging-consumers " model .
The bus can then forward this message to a JMS consumer , such as a message-driven bean .
An event consumer can implement a message-driven bean ( MDB ) and associate it with the appropriate JMS destination to receive events .
In particular , few research efforts have explored the importance of building brand loyalty for this market where consumers are especially brand-driven .
Much as any with other unit test , consumer tests can be used to drive development activities , with developers creating service behaviours to satisfy the tests'expectations .
It introduced Customer-oriented Economy into TCM industrial research and clearly proposed the concept of customer value to be the motivation of the evolvement and development of TCM industrial chain , which is inventive in domestic as well .