
  • 网络gender stereotype;gender stereotyping
  1. 本研究的目的在于检验名声判断中存在的内隐性别刻板印象,并探讨它的稳定性问题。

    The goal of the present research was to test the existence of implicit gender stereotypes in fame judgment and to explore its stability .

  2. 性别刻板印象及其对女性领导发展的影响

    Gender Stereotypes and Their Implications for Women Leaders ' Development

  3. 有没有人的性别刻板印象通常是显而易见的

    There is none of the gender stereotyping usually evident in school uniforms .

  4. 该公司所有app的设计都避免性别刻板印象。

    Each app is designed to avoid gender stereotypes .

  5. 基于IAT和SEB的内隐性别刻板印象研究

    The Researches of Implicit Gender Stereotype Based on IAT and SEB

  6. 首先,SEB测量方法极其显著地检测到了一种内隐性别刻板印象,且这种内隐性别刻板印象没有显著的性别差异;

    Firstly , SEB showed significantly a certain kind of implicit gender stereotypes , and there was no gender difference in this implicit attitude .

  7. 采用内隐联想测验(IAT)和刻板解释偏差(SEB)两种测量内隐社会认知的方法考察了120名大学生被试的内隐性别刻板印象。

    Implicit Association Test ( IAT ) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias ( SEB ) were used to examine implicit gender stereotyping of college students in this study .

  8. 研究2使用IAT和SEB这两种内隐测量方法检测被试是否具有男性比女性更擅长于数学的数学&性别刻板印象,并将这两种内隐测量方法所测量的结果进行比较分析。

    In Study 2 , We investigate whether there are implicit math-gender stereotypes that " male does better than female in math " , and give analysis to the results .

  9. 大学生内隐职业偏见和内隐职业性别刻板印象研究

    A Study on College Students ' Occupational Prejudice and Occupation-Sex Stereotype

  10. 性别刻板印象和谈判绩效的理论研究

    Gender Stereotypes and Negotiation Performance : An Examination of Theory and Research

  11. 不同测量方法下小学生父母内隐职业性别刻板印象研究

    A Study on Parental Implicit Occupation-sex Stereotype of Pupils with Different Methods

  12. 性别刻板印象的内外结构之间出现实验分离现象且两者相互独立;

    Two experiments appear the phenomenon of the experiment dissociation ;

  13. 现代社会仍传递着职业性别刻板印象。

    Vocational Gender Stereotype still exists in modern society .

  14. 性别刻板印象及刻板信息对3~9岁儿童玩具选择的影响

    The Development of Children 's Gender Stereotype and the Influence of Stereotyped Information

  15. 动画片有助于改变儿童已有的性别刻板印象。

    Animation is conductive to change sex-role stereotyped image .

  16. 内隐性别刻板印象对女大学生成就动机的影响

    The Negative Effects of Implicit Gender Stereotypes to Female Graduate Students ' Self-Achievement Motivation

  17. 实验一以图片为材料研究了儿童同伴群体活动中的性别刻板印象。

    Experiment 1 investigated gender stereotype in children peer group activity by picture materials .

  18. 高职生职业性别刻板印象特点的调查研究

    The Research on Characteristics of Vocational Gender Stereotype

  19. 高中生职业性别刻板印象的内隐联想测验研究

    A Study on Implicit Occupational Gender Stereotype of Senior Middle School Students by IAT

  20. 外显性别刻板印象有显著的性别差异,是一个二维的结构。

    Explicit gender stereotyping shows significant gender difference and it is a dual components structure .

  21. 儿童的性别刻板印象对其愿望理解的影响

    Gender Stereotype in Children 's Desire Understanding

  22. 性别刻板印象维护的心理机制

    Psychological Mechanism of Maintaining Gender Stereotypes

  23. 关于性别刻板印象的初步调查

    An Elementary Survey of Sex Stereotype

  24. 性别刻板印象存在着一定的危害性,它是对女性的一种刻板的歧视和偏见。

    Implicit gender stereotyping does fixed harm to female , to which is a discrimination and prejudice .

  25. 结果表明:⑴性别刻板印象会影响对职业这种社会范畴的判断;

    The results showed : ⑴ Sex stereotype can influence other social categories such as occupation judgments .

  26. 科因发现,严重的性别刻板印象会很成问题,会阻碍女孩们的发展。

    The strict gender stereotypes can become problematic , Coyne observes , if they hold girls back .

  27. 长久以来各个社会施加了无益的性别刻板印象,区别对待所谓属于男孩和女孩的东西。

    Societies have long imposed unhelpful gender stereotypes , differentiating between what is expected of boys and girls .

  28. 没有发现在颜色判断任务阶段,被试对于是否违反性别刻板印象的行为出现任何显著的差异。

    However , there was no significant difference for actor 's behaviors during both the gender and behavioral judgment task .

  29. 内隐性别刻板印象效应显著但性别差异不显著,是单一的一维结构。

    Implicit gender stereotyping shows significant effect , and does not show gender difference . It is an integrated structure .

  30. 结果发现,(1)在同伴群体活动中三个年龄段的儿童都存在着明显的性别刻板印象。

    The results suggested : ( 1 ) In peer group activity , the children of three grades had obvious gender stereotype .