
xiāo fèi rè diǎn
  • consumer focus;consumer favourites;popular consumer item
  1. 中国加入WTO已全面融入经济全球一体化;新的消费热点形成、投资环境改善、工业生产增长强劲。

    China 's joining WTO leads to the economical globalization , the new hot spot of consumption , improved investment environment and the strong industrial production growth .

  2. 3·15是“国际消费者权益日”,CCTV-1的3·15晚会不仅是对消费者权益日的热烈庆祝,更是承载对中国经济市场、消费热点的年度盘点。

    March 15 is the annual International Day of Consumers ' Rights and Interests . The March 15 Evening Party held by CCTV-1 is not merely a celebration , but it is also an annual review of China 's economic market and the hot points of consumption .

  3. 新时期城镇居民消费热点探析

    Exploring the Consumption Preferences of Urban Residents in the New Era

  4. 这将改变广播影视服务的模式,形成新体制。可能推动形成新的消费热点。

    The new media will lead to new hotspots for consumers .

  5. 观光休闲农业已经开始成为城市人口新的消费热点。

    Sightseeing leisure agriculture has become the new major consumption of urban residents .

  6. 关于房地产消费热点的冷思考

    Sober Thoughts on the Consumption Attraction of Real Estate

  7. 可能推动形成新的消费热点。

    Unified media will promote shape new consume hotspot .

  8. 在如今的中国,珠宝业已成为既房地产、汽车之后的第三大消费热点。

    Jewelry good is now the third consumption hotpot just following housing and automobiles .

  9. 教育消费热点分析

    Analyzing the hot Subject of Education Consumer

  10. 要培育消费热点,拓展消费空间。

    We need to cultivate areas of high consumer demand and expand consumption in new areas .

  11. 作为扩大需求的有效途径的消费热点就具有了研究的价值。

    As the effective ways to expand demand of consumption hot spots , has some research values .

  12. 住房、家用轿车和国内外的旅游已经成为新的消费热点。

    Housing , private car and domestic and outbound tourism have become the new highlights of consumption .

  13. 大力发展第三产业,同时,培育居民新的消费热点。

    Vigorously develop the tertiary industry , meanwhile , to cultivate the residents new consumption hot spots .

  14. 住宅集中空调&21世纪的新消费热点

    Residential Central Air Conditioning System : A New Expenditure Hot Point in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  15. 近些年化妆品已经成为新型消费热点,化妆品广告语在人类生中承担的角色越来越重要。

    Recently , cosmetics has became a new consumption hot spots , assumed an increasingly important role in human life .

  16. 交通通讯项目是未来的消费热点,该项目上的需求收入和价格变动十分敏感;

    Transport and Telecommunications is a consumption heat point . Demand of the item is sensitive to price and income .

  17. 编辑部每月重点选择创意产品及消费热点,纯属个性化偏好,以感性笔触分享各自心头所好。

    The editorial team selects the monthly pick on creative product and of consumption and shares sentimental preferences with the readers .

  18. 住房作为一个产业,既可以增加投资,又可以引导和培育新的消费热点。

    As an industry , housing can not only increase investment , but also lead and develop new consumption hot issue .

  19. 随着互联网在世界范围内的普及和高速发展,网络音乐作品的传播和下载成为新一轮的消费热点。

    Following the rapid development of internet , the dissemination and download of digital music has become a new consume form .

  20. 消费热点的出现既是一定经济发展阶段的产物,又与特定的人口状况有关。

    The appearance of consumption focus is a product of economic development and it has something with the status of population .

  21. 休闲旅游业作为现代服务业的重要组成部分,也是新兴的消费热点。

    The leisure tourism not only as an important part of modern service industry , but also the emerging consumer hot spots .

  22. 住宅产业化既是国民经济新增长点和新的消费热点,又是涉及国民经济发展的全局,还是体现政府主导行为的重要标志。

    Housing industrialization is new increasing point of country economy or new consumption hotspot or reflects importance sign of government leading actions .

  23. 住宅价格是当前我国将住宅业培育成新的消费热点和经济增长点的关键。

    The residence price is critical to fostering the residence industry to be a new hot consumption point and economic growth point .

  24. 近年来,住宅业被确立为新的经济增长点和消费热点,发展迅速。

    In recent years , the domestic industry was established as a new economic growth point and consumption hot spots , is developing rapidly .

  25. 通信、汽车及其相关商品消费热点初步形成,家用电器继续保持旺销势头。

    Telecommunications , motor vehicles and related products had shaped new hotspots in consumption , and the sales of household electric and electronic appliances were brisk .

  26. 具有传统吉祥文化元素与典雅时尚元素完美结合的现代银饰将成为消费热点。

    The modern silver jewelry , which be able to integrate traditional culture elements with auspicious elegant and fashionable element , will become the consumption hotspot .

  27. 实施时应依托教材理论提高决策认知、依托消费热点提高决策意识、依托活动探究提高决策能力。

    When implemented should rely on textbooks theory improve decision cognitive relying on consumption hotspot improve decision making based on exploring raise awareness activities decision-making ability .

  28. 建筑装饰行业已经成为国民经济和社会发展中充满活力的新兴朝阳行业,是社会新的消费热点和新的经济增长点。

    Architectural decoration industry has become the national economic and social development in the vibrant industry is emerging social new consumption hotspot and new economic growth point .

  29. 近几年来,我国房地产业迅速发展,并逐渐成为国民经济新的增长点和消费热点。

    In the recent years , the real estate industry in our country develops very quickly and gradually become the new increasing and consumption point of our national economy .

  30. 21世纪中国城市住宅建设进入了一个新的阶段,大众生活的改善使住宅成为新的消费热点。

    The Chinese urban housing construction has entered a new stage in 21st century . The improvement of the public life makes the residence become the new consumption hotspot .