
  • 网络Consumer credit
  1. 核Fisher判别分析方法评估消费者信用风险

    Evaluation Consumer Credit with Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis

  2. 这些分行主打的是保本型产品,没有延展到消费者信用领域。

    ABN branches concentrate on capital-protection products and do not extend to consumer credit .

  3. 利用基于核函数和线性Fisher判别构建的核Fisher方法评估消费者信用风险。

    In this paper kernel Fisher method is applied to evaluate credit risk of consumer .

  4. 消费者信用评估是金融与银行界研究的重要内容,最近的研究显示统计学习理论(SLT)方法在信用评估中有优势。

    Credit assessment has attracted lots of researchers in financial and banking industry . Recent studies have shown ( that ) Statistic Learning Theory ( SLT ) methods are competitive to statistical methods for credit assessment .

  5. 消费者信用多准则模糊综合评估模型研究

    A Model of Multi-criteria Consumer Scoring Using Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Method

  6. 消费者信用评级指标体系的研究

    On the Measurement System of Consumer Credit

  7. 消费者信用评估中支持向量机方法研究

    Support Vector Machines Approach to Credit Evaluation

  8. 论文分四个部分逐步深入递进的介绍消费者信用法。

    The paper is made up by four parts which gradually and deep-going introduce consumer credit laws .

  9. 更不用说它还掌握着大量消费者信用卡信息,以及一个颇为富裕的消费者群体。

    Not to mention Apple has this huge cache of customer credit cards , and an affluent customer base .

  10. 私立公司,提供消费者信用贷款和给授权的使用者提供信用调查,收取费用。

    A private firm that maintains consumer credit data files and provides credit information to authorized users for a fee .

  11. 通过对住房消费者信用指标的设置、各指标的权重和评分标准的确定,为商业银行决定住房抵押贷款提供决策依据。

    Through setting up housing consumer credit norms , defining proportion and mark standard , provides decision basis for commercial bank decided housing mortgage loan .

  12. 个人征信系统又称消费者信用信息系统,主要为银行等信贷机构提供个人信用分析及信誉等级评价等。

    Personal credit information system , also known as consumer credit information systems , mainly provide personal credit analysis and credit grade evaluation for bank etc. credit institutions .

  13. 其中包括公司卡,小型企业使用的公司信用卡,这些条例只适用于消费者信用卡,而不适用公司卡,所以一定要记住这一点。

    Among them , company cards , small businesses that have a company card , this is for consumer credit . It 's not for company cards , so remember that .

  14. 德理表示,他的公司可能会尽力帮助国内外银行,建立先进的消费者信用评级体系,和针对富人的私人银行业务,并改革无序的银行分支网络。

    Mr drzik says his company is likely to try to help domestic and international banks establish advanced consumer credit rating systems and private banking divisions for wealthy individuals and to reform sprawling branch networks .

  15. 今年美国消费者信用卡支付的违约率远远高于去年的水平,这加大了陷入困境的美国次级抵押贷款市场问题蔓延至其它类型消费者债务的可能性。

    US consumers are defaulting on credit card payments at a significantly higher rate than last year , raising the prospect of problems in the stricken US subprime mortgage market spreading to other types of consumer debt .

  16. 此外,微软还披露了windowsphone新电子钱包(digitalwallet)的情况,这是一个移动支付选配功能,可存储消费者的信用卡和忠诚卡信息。

    The company also disclosed a new digital wallet for Windows Phone-a mobile-payment option-that will store consumers ' credit-card information and loyalty-card information .

  17. 但到明年秋天,美国商家面临更新信用卡支付终端,采用EMA规范的最后期限,这种技术使消费者的信用卡交易变得更加安全,EMA代表Europay、万事达(MasterCard)和Visa。

    By next fall , though , American merchants face a deadline to upgrade their credit card terminals to accept E.M.V. - which stands for Europay , MasterCard and Visa - a technology that makes credit transactions more secure for consumers .

  18. 消费者提供信用卡信息

    The consumer provides credit card information

  19. 这些黑客呆在该店附近,收集了逾150万名消费者的信用卡账号。

    Sitting nearby , the hackers collected the card account numbers of more than 1.5m consumers .

  20. 将其应用于消费者个人信用评估中,通过实验对比表明该算法精度较高,容错性好。

    And applying it to personal credit assessment , the contrast experiment shows this algorithm has high precision and good performance .

  21. 通过个人信用评估,可以以一定方式量化消费者的信用度,使得信用好的个人通过信贷提前购买生活资料,以享受到物质生活的便利和舒适。

    A person , who has good credit , can buy bread and butter ahead of schedule so as to enjoy convenience and comfort .

  22. 信用风险是多层次的,它可以是政府的信用风险、银行的信用风险、消费者的信用风险和企业的信用风险,等等。

    Credit risk has many rank-order , it is may be Bank Credit , Fiscal Credit , Consumer Credit , Business Credit , and so on .

  23. 该章分析了消费者和信用消费者的基本特征,介绍了信用消费者的基本权利、分析了中国信用消费者的弱势地位。

    This chapter introduces the basic features of consumers and credit consumers , the basic right of credit consumers , the weak position of Chinese credit consumers .

  24. 已有一套精心设计的机制用以调查及评估消费者的信用价值、信用状况、信用能力、信用品格和一般名誉。

    An elaborate mechanism has been developed for investigating and evaluating the credit worthiness , credit standing , credit capacity , character , and general reputation of consumers .

  25. 人格特质变量方面,我们发现影响消费者循环信用使用频率的因素依据其影响程度的高低依次为:自控、自尊、自我效能、延迟享乐、内控和冲动性。

    For personality factors , self-control , self-esteem , self-efficacy , defer gratification , internal control and impulsiveness were significantly correlated with the intensity of revolving credit use .

  26. 由于很多新兴市场消费者没有信用卡,能提供所有付款方式的应用软件商店将获得最大范围的成功。

    With many emerging market consumers not having access to credit cards , it will be the app stores that cater to all payment methods that will achieve widespread success .

  27. 另一方面,发卡银行和信用卡消费者在信用卡的整个生命过程中均存在着诸多非规范化操作,致使发生纠纷时互相推诿责任。

    On the other hand , the card issuing banks and credit card consumer credit throughout the life course there are many non-standardized operation , resulting in a dispute each other pass the buck .

  28. 在研究二中,我们系统分析了人口统计变量、态度变量、人格特质变量、信用卡属性特征变量这四类变量对消费者循环信用和小额分期付款使用频率具体影响作用。

    In study 2 , we divided factors which influenced revolving credit use and petty installment use into four categories - demographic , attitude , personality , credit card related features according to traditional marketing research .

  29. 界定初始声誉的概念,对其进行模糊形式化推理,分析自荐信任、推荐信任,进而研究初始声誉的构建与电子商务系统所提供给消费者的信用因素相关性。

    The concept of initial reputation is given . Fuzzy reasoning is carried to analyze the self-suggestion and recommendation trust to study the constructing of initial reputation and the contribution of trust factors in e-commerce system .

  30. 个人信用评价体系就是详细记录消费者历次信用活动的登记查询系统,是构建发达的信用消费经济的基础,也是建设健康有序的金融生态环境的要素之一。

    Personal credit rating system is the detailed record of the registration of credit by consumers , previous query system , is building a developed economy based on consumer credit is also building a healthy and orderly financial environment one of the elements .