
  • 网络seafood
  1. 最重要的是参与者避免食用所有含有大量n-3FA的食物,其中包括鱼、海洋食品和亚麻籽。

    Importantly , participants were instructed to avoid all abundant sources of n-3 FA including fish , seafood and flaxseed .

  2. LisaDiPinto:“我看到的海洋食品安全检测表明一切看上去都比较好。”

    LISA DiPINTO : " The seafood safety testing that I have seen has indicated everything is looking good . "

  3. 海洋食品及药物资源的开发利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of Marine Food and Marine Pharmaceuticals

  4. 我国海洋食品工业的现状及对其发展的思考

    Status and ideas on the Development of Marine food

  5. 关于实施国家海洋食品工程的探讨

    A Study on Enforcement of National Sea Food Engineering

  6. 大连的海洋食品企业獐子岛渔业集团,重复利用剩鱼来肥沃庄稼。

    Zhangzidao Fishery Group , a Chinese aquaculture company , recycles uneaten fish feed to fertilise crops .

  7. 结果提示包括海参在内的海洋食品可以作为功能性鞘脂类的良好资源。

    The results suggest that marine foods , including sea cucumbers , can be useful resources of the functional sphingolipids . 2 .

  8. 海洋食品因为其营养价值高,提高人体免疫力,防病和抗衰老等方面的独特作用而广受人们的青睐。

    Sea food are more and more loved by people for their high nutritional value , strengthening the immune system , disease prevention and anti-aging .

  9. 所以对海洋食品的生长环境和加工过程中的砷污染进行有效的监控和检测是十分必要的。

    So it is very important and necessary to efficiently control and analyze arsenic pollution of marine foods in their growing environment and artifactitious process .

  10. 现在转谷氨酰胺酶广泛地应用于海洋食品、面条/面团、奶制品、烘焙食品等食品加工领域,通过温和的酶反应可以明显地改善食品的硬度、弹性、热稳定性和持水能力。

    It has great potential to improve the firmness , elasticity , heat stability , and water-holding capacity of prepared foods through the mild enzyme reaction .

  11. 新西兰海洋食品成立于1999年,是新西兰最大的肉类批发商之一,在本地享有极高的信誉。

    Established in1999 , NZ Ocean Food & Services Ltd has now become one of New Zealand 's leading wholesaler in frozen meat , poultry and seafood products .

  12. 对我国的海洋食品及药物资源,特别是海藻资源、鱼类资源、贝类资源的概况和综合利用情况进行了介绍。

    In this article , the general situation and comprehensive utilization of marine food and marine pharmaceuticals resources in our country , especially that of the marine algae resources , fish resources and shellfish resources were introduced ;

  13. 结果表明:(1)鲈鱼肝脏对水体中16种多环芳烃的富集系数大于500,并随着多环芳烃分子量的增大而增大,对于海洋食品的安全构成一定的威胁。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) Bioconcentration factor ( BCF ) values in the liver are more than 500 , increasing with the increase of PAHs ' molecular weights ; so , PAH pollution is a threat to seafood security .

  14. 是不可多得的纯天然、绿色的高档海洋保健食品。

    Is a rare natural , green high-grade marine health food products .

  15. 欧美国家重视海洋鱼类食品安全

    The Europe and America Paya Great Attention to the Security of Fish Food in the Seas

  16. 本文对海洋天然健康保健食品海马胶囊,进行性成熟大鼠的交配能力试验。

    In this paper , the effects of marine health food Hippocampus Capsule on the intercoursing ability of sexually-mature rats were studied .

  17. 海洋药物及海洋功能食品的研究现状和开发思路

    Status and ideas on the development of marine drug and marine functional food

  18. 采用凝胶渗透色谱与激光小角光散射仪联机(GPC/LALLS)测定了青岛海洋大学海洋药物与食品研究所新研制的四种海藻多糖的分子量分布。

    A Low Angle Laser Light Scattering Photometer dector ( LALLS ) used with Gel Permeation Chromatography ( GPC / LALLS ) has been applied for the determination of molecular weight distribution ( MWD ) of four sea weed polysacchrides .

  19. 掩护海洋和为人类供给宁静、康健的生态海洋食品,打造中国生态海洋产物的第一品牌是本公司的谋划宗旨。

    It is our company 's management tenet to protect oceans , provide humans with safe , healthy ecological seafood and build up China 's first brand of ecological marine products .

  20. 现在,海洋科学家们至少已开始研究这种可能性。全球人口不断扩张,海洋资源作为食品的重要性日益突出。

    Now marine scientists have at last begun to study this possibility , especially as the seas resources loom even more important as a means of feeding an expanding world population .

  21. 尽管浮游生物具备巨大的食物潜能,但直到最近人们还很少象种植草类那样付出努力养殖浮游生物。现在,海洋科学家们至少已开始研究这种可能性。全球人口不断扩张,海洋资源作为食品的重要性日益突出。

    Despite its enormous food potential , little effect was made until recently to farm plankton as we farm grasses on land.Now marine scientists have at last begun to study this possibility , especially as the sea 's resources loom even more important as a means of feeding an expanding world population .

  22. 赤潮是严重的海洋灾害,危害水产养殖和捕捞业,破坏海洋生态环境,影响海洋旅游业,威胁海洋食品安全。

    Red tide is a serious marine disasters , which endangers aquaculture and fishing , destructs marine environment , affects the marine tourism and threatens the marine food security .

  23. 海洋贝类如贻贝、牡蛎、蛏子和蛤蜊等含有丰富的蛋白、脂类和微量元素,是我国沿海居民的主要海洋食品之一。

    Marine bivalves , such as mussel , oyster , razor clam , clam , have a lot of protein , fat and microelement , and so on . They are one of kinds of edible marine foods of inhabitants in the coast of our country .