
hǎi dào xínɡ wéi
  • piracy;act of piracy;piratical act
  1. 其中7名渔夫因海盗行为遭正式起诉。

    Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy .

  2. ControlRisks的芬宁表示,通过对比索马里与东南亚的海盗行为可以突显出:如果国家落后会发生什么情况。

    According to Mr Fenning of Control Risks , the contrast with south-east Asian piracy underlines what happens when countries get left behind .

  3. 负责监控海盗行为的国际海事局(internationalmaritimebureau)数据显示,今年,亚丁湾来往船舶已发生77起袭击,31起劫持事件。

    This year has seen 77 attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Aden , with 31 hijacked , according to the international maritime bureau , which monitors piracy .

  4. 菲律宾船员工会的Ramirez称菲律宾水手并不会由于海盗行为而停止使用这条危险的航线。

    Ramirez of the Union of Filipino Seafarers says piracy is unlikely to stop Filipinos from working on ships sailing these treacherous waters .

  5. 但是根据HedaBayron从马尼拉发回的报道,菲律宾水手并不会由于海盗行为而停止使用这条危险的航线。

    But as Heda Bayron reports from Manila , piracy is unlikely to stop Filipino sailors from plying the treacherous route .

  6. 柯兰称,海盗行为是一种可以理解的回应;他在一家美国电台上说,海盗活动至少发挥了“清理环境”的作用。

    Piracy , he says , is an understandable response .

  7. 反海盗行为为职业者维修声音软体开发者,制造业者和分配器。

    Anti-Piracy Services for Pro Audio Software Developers , Manufacturers and Distributors .

  8. 本文引言部分回顾了海盗行为的历史。

    Review the history of the piracy in the introduction of this paper .

  9. 海盗行为是对国际航运的一大威胁。

    Piracy is a major threat to international shipping .

  10. 海盗行为最早可追溯至古希腊、罗马时期。

    Piracy can be found in the period of Ancient Greece and Rome .

  11. 引言部分主要介绍了海盗行为出现的历史,研究目的及方法。

    The introduction part mainly introduces the history of piracy , objective and methods .

  12. 2.n.海盗行为海盗的利益已消失,但海盗的本性不改。

    piracy The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained . treacherous

  13. 审议对付包括海盗行为在内的一切海运欺诈行为的手段特设政府间小组

    Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group to Consider Means of Combating All Aspects of Maritime Fraud , including Piracy

  14. 尤有甚者,与制药界巨人签下低预算、付费使用的合约,简直就是把海盗行为合法化。

    What 's more , low-budget , pay-for-access agreements with pharmaceutical giants can seem like legalized biopiracy .

  15. 由于各国国情不同,各国的国内法对海盗行为的界定也多不相同。

    Because of different national conditions , the definitions of piracy in the national law are different each other .

  16. 美国日前起诉一名索马里男子在非洲之角犯有海盗行为,索马里某官员因此批判美国。

    Somali official has criticised the US for prosecuting a man over a piracy incident off the Horn of Africa .

  17. 现代海盗行为对航运业和海上保险带来的影响已经不容忽视。

    Modern maritime piracy is a serious issue and already has a significant influence on shipping industry and marine insurance .

  18. 近几年来,海盗行为愈发猖獗,海盗劫持船舶已经成为威胁国际航运安全的重要因素。

    In recent years , rampant piracy and pirates hijacking events have become an important factor of the threat to international maritime safety .

  19. 本文旨在通过海上保险的理论视角,对现代海盗行为所引发的有关海盗风险问题作出归纳总结。

    This paper aims to summarize the legal issues raised by maritime perils of modern piracy from a theoretical perspective on marine insurance .

  20. 欧盟首席外交官凯瑟琳·阿什顿将要出访东非,她此次行程意在控制索马里海岸的海盗行为。

    The EU 's top diplomat is to visit East Africa at the start of a tour aimed at curbing piracy off Somalia 's coast .

  21. 但是,海盗行为是由非国家行为体执行的,这些非国家行为体虽然同国家相比相对弱势,但他们仍然能够持续制造混乱。

    However , piracy has been carried out by non-state actors who have continued to cause havoc despite their relative weakness in comparison to states .

  22. 奥巴马誓言美国将尽全力,终结当地的海盗行为,并且与国际社会共同合作。

    He vowed again that America will do all it can to end piracy in the region , working in concert with nations around the world .

  23. 在寨马里海盗行为发生后,对于被海盗劫持的货物能否认定为全损,英国法院给予了最新的解读和判决。

    After the appearance of Somali pirates , UK courts provided a new understanding and judgment tor the total loss of goods seized by the pirates .

  24. 不断增加的包括海盗行为在内的海上犯罪活动,严重地威胁着海上航运安全和海上活动。

    So does the growth of criminal activities , including piracy , which have serious implications for the security of navigation and the safety of seafarers .

  25. 一个被雇佣来在印度洋为英国海运护航,后来又被控告有海盗行为而被绞死的苏格兰商船;船长。

    A Scottish sea captain who was hired to protect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and then was accused of piracy and hanged ( 1645-1701 ) .

  26. 国际法对海盗行为的认定经历了两个阶段:第一个阶段是17世纪至1958年,第二个阶段是1958年至现在。

    The international law defined the piracy through two stages : the first phase are the 17th century to 1958 , the second phase in 1958 to the present .

  27. 本文的第二章做了对海盗行为特征的概括归纳,同时对当代国际海盗行为的发展与现状进行了总结。

    In the second chapter of the pirates behavior characteristic generalization of the induction , and at the same time on contemporary international development and current situation of piracy are summarized .

  28. 在习惯法方面,主要介绍了对海盗行为的处置原则&普遍管辖原则在国际习惯法上的确立过程。

    In respect of customary law , this chapter mainly introduced the process of establishing the disposal principles to piracy in international customary law , which is the principle of universal jurisdiction .

  29. 因此,发现海盗行为特点,找出海盗日益猖獗原因,了解国际社会态度,采取有效措施已成为一项刻不容缓的历史重任。

    So it can 't be delayed any more to find the character and reason of piracy , and to cause the attention of international society so as to take efficient measures of anti-piracy .

  30. 首先介绍海盗行为与海盗赎金的关系,引入海盗行为的定义,比较分析海盗行为造成的损失类型,得出赎金损失的特点。

    First introduces the origin of piracy in the international law and the definition of piracy , analyses piracy and the way the loss caused by type , introduced the concept of the pirates ransom .