
yǎ zhi
  • elegant;tasteful;refined
雅致 [yǎ zhì]
  • [refined;elegant] 美观而不落俗套

  • 这个饭馆小巧,出众,极其雅致

雅致[yǎ zhi]
  1. 我们已经成长的更雅致、更精妙了。

    We have become more refined , more subtle .

  2. 当然,在这个画廊内还有用雅致的书法撰写的可兰经文本。

    And there are , of course , Koranic manuscripts with refined calligraphy .

  3. 她擅长做便宜但雅致的服装。

    She 's expert at making cheap but stylish clothes .

  4. “要我说,这很难称得上雅致。”她不以为然地说。

    ' It 's hardly what I 'd call elegant , ' she sniffed .

  5. 她突然转身,迈开穿着雅致的皮鞋的双脚离去了。

    She turned on her elegantly shod heel .

  6. 这个房间布置得很雅致。

    The room was furnished with taste .

  7. 她的穿着随意而不失雅致。

    She dresses with casual elegance .

  8. 这卧室布置得很雅致。

    The bedroom was tastefully furnished .

  9. 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造雅致的氛围。

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance .

  10. 这家餐厅氛围轻松,装修雅致,而且价格非常公道。

    The restaurant is informal , stylish and extremely good value

  11. 这座大厦外观雅致而优美。

    The exterior of the building was elegant and graceful .

  12. 一张雅致的供重大活动使用的餐桌被摆放在橱窗里。

    An elegant occasional table is framed in the window .

  13. 这顶白色的帽子戴在她金色的卷发上显得非常雅致。

    On her blonde wavy hair , the white hat looked nicely prim .

  14. 卧室布置得很雅致,充满女人味。

    The bedroom has a light , feminine look .

  15. 那间脏兮兮的小屋现已变成一座整洁雅致的住宅。

    The dingy cottage is now converted into a neat tasteful residence .

  16. 那位女士穿着一身雅致的粉红色套装。

    The lady wears an elegant pink suit .

  17. 该图表的格式很雅致。

    The format of the figure is very tasteful .

  18. 屋里摆设得很雅致。

    The room is tastefully furnished .

  19. 其文字虽气盛而不失雅致。

    His style , though vigorous , is not without elegance .

  20. 暗花儿的缎面儿看上去特别雅致。

    Those subtle patterns on the silk look elegant .

  21. 这是一个雅致的花瓶。

    This is an elegant vase .

  22. 苏珊总是穿得很雅致

    Susan always dresses very elegantly .

  23. 这座建筑让我想起了弗兰克12539;劳埃德12539;赖特(FrankLloydWright)设计的牧场风格住宅,一座简约又不失雅致的房子。

    The architecture reminded me of one of Frank Lloyd Wright 's prairie houses , an exercise in elegant simplicity .

  24. 附近的巴比安内罗别墅(VillaBalbianello)坐落在12英亩(约合4.9公顷)的地峡上,它还坐拥起保护作用的树林、精心打理的花园与雅致的建筑。

    The nearby Villa Balbianello , set on a 12-hectare isthmus , pairs protected woods with meticulously tended gardens and elegant architecture .

  25. 精致的小舞厅,雅致的KTV包厢可供您随意选择;

    Exquisite small ballroom and elegant KTV rooms are available at your pleasure ;

  26. 他们对我都不错,还把我请到雅致的小饭馆吃饭,并在他们位于Beverly的家中给我开Party,并为我的生日送来慷慨的礼物。

    They took me to dinners at elegant bistros , threw parties for me in their Beverly Hills homes , and gave me lavish gifts for my birthday .

  27. 一条雅致的林荫小路沿着台北北郊的小山而上,直通一处名为GloryCentury的豪宅区。从这里可以俯瞰一条热闹的小巷,巷子里满是开在老房子里的小餐馆。

    An elegant tree-lined path leads up a small hill in the northern outskirts of Taipei to the Glory Century , a luxurious estate overlooking a busy alleyway filled with small restaurants in old buildings .

  28. 从上周起,这两款雅致的新Galaxy手机开始在美国发售。

    The elegant new Galaxy phones , which went on sale in the United States last week , are aiming to pull Samsung out of that pickle .

  29. 用CO2激光辐射筛选培育出高产鞘磷脂酶的工程菌&雅致放射毛霉变异株AE255-6。

    High sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase-producing Actinomucor elegans mutant ( AE255-6 ) was obtained by radiation of CO2 laser .

  30. 麻生太郎(TaroAso)看上去不像一艘正在沉没的船上忧心忡忡的船长,他大步走入一间雅致的会议室,脸上带着标志性的歪嘴露齿笑容。

    Taro Aso does not look like the beleaguered captain of a sinking ship as he strides into an elegant meeting room sporting his trademark lopsided grin .