
hǎi yù
  • sea area;maritime space
海域 [hǎi yù]
  • [sea area;maritime space] 包括水上、水下在内的一定海洋区域

海域[hǎi yù]
  1. 广东省近岸海域麻痹性贝类毒素HPLC分析

    HPLC Analysis on Paralytic Shellfish Poison from Alongshore Sea Area of Guangdong Province

  2. 利用误差反向传播(BP)人工神经网络,建立了海域船舶溢油风险程度甄别的评价模型。

    An artificial neural network is made to identify the oil spill risk degree of the different sub-areas of a sea area being interested .

  3. 在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。

    This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean .

  4. 石油沿着海岸线扩散到了大约1,000英里范围的沿岸海域。

    The oil washed ashore on roughly 1,000 miles of coastline

  5. 船上的雷达扫描了前方的海域。

    The ship 's radar scanned the sea ahead .

  6. 皇家海军会控制所有海域。

    The Royal Navy would command the seas

  7. 这些海域的海图已经相当精准。

    These seas have been well charted .

  8. 一两年前,我有一阵子曾迷上了在芬兰海域中进行帆船运动。

    A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters

  9. 当局允许在近海海域勘探石油和天然气。

    The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas .

  10. 汉密尔顿石油公司宣布其已在爱尔兰海域的利物浦海湾地区开采出石油。

    Hamilton Oil announced that it had struck oil in the Liverpool Bay area of the Irish Sea .

  11. 飞机在飞越这片海域时遭到了攻击。

    The plane was attacked as it flew over the sea .

  12. 他们不可以在我们的海域捕捞金枪鱼。

    They cannot poach tuna from our waters .

  13. 他们在远东海域保持着一支非常强大的舰队。

    They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters .

  14. 母灰鲸带着三个月大的幼鲸游向食物丰富的海域。

    Mother grey whale and its three-month old baby heading for feeding area .

  15. 例如,在巴西南部海域,海豚使用了一种很聪明的计划来获取食物。

    In the seas of southern Brazil , for example , dolphins use an intelligent plan to get food .

  16. 这条船行驶在英国的海域里。

    The ship is in British waters .

  17. 澳大利亚拥有世界第三大专属经济区,坐拥广阔的海域。

    Australia has the world ’ s third largest Exclusive Economic Zone , with access to vast areas of ocean .

  18. 中方在钓鱼岛海域巡航执法是行使本国固有权利。

    China 's patrol and law enforcement in waters off the Diaoyu Island is an exercise of its inherent rights .

  19. 但在这种靠近地球赤道的海域里,海洋生物的多样性正因气候变化而缩减。

    But in seas like this – near the Earth 's equator – the richness of marine1 life is shrinking due to climate change .

  20. 象山港海域N、P污染特征及潜在性富营养化程度评价

    Characteristics polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus and potential eutrophication assessment in Xiangshan Harbor

  21. 南沙海域沉积物/海水界面分配与转移Ⅱ.铁和锰关于{x/n}的分布

    Distribution and transfer at sediment-seawater interface in sea area of Nansha Islands ⅱ . Fe and Mn

  22. 胶州湾海域COD浓度场数值计算应用研究

    Numerical computation of distribution of COD in Jiaozhou Bay

  23. 最后,应用VISUALBASIC语言中的绘图功能编制了潮流场绘制静态流场图程序,并实现了欧拉潮流场的动态演示,运用到大连湾近岸海域潮流数值模拟中,流场演示结果良好。

    Lastly , using the drawing function of Visual Basic , programs of drawing static tidal current field map and demonstrating dynamic Eular tidal current field are realized .

  24. 台湾海峡及其邻近海域AVHRR遥感SST的初步验证

    A Primary Validation of Remote AVHRR SST in Taiwan Strait and Its Vicinity

  25. ~(234)Th示踪法测定北太平洋西北海域冬季真光层中颗粒态有机碳输出通量

    Particulate organic carban fluxes from euphotic zone estimated with ~ ( 234 ) Th deficiency in winters in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean

  26. 国际上,越来越多的LNG船、LNG浮式接收终端需要系泊于近岸浅水海域。

    Besides , increasing LNG carriers and LNG floating terminals will be moored in shallow water in the world .

  27. 为了实现海域使用的规范化管理,引入了地理信息系统技术,在可视化开发环境Visualc++下,开发了江苏省海域管理信息系统。

    According to realize the standard management of marine uses , GIS technique and the maritime management information system of Jiangsu province based on Visual C ~ ( + + ) were introduced and developed .

  28. 分析了赤道东北太平洋海域沉积物中Ba、Ti、Al和有机碳(Corg)的含量。

    Ba , Ti , Al and organic carbon contents of sediments from the abyssal Equatorial Northeastern Pacific were analyzed by ICP-AES and Elements Analyzer respectively .

  29. 黑潮无分支,它在台湾岛东南海域由东南向西北偏北向流,到达台湾岛附近转向东北,位于123°E以西,沿着台湾岛东岸由南向北流。

    There is no branch of the Kuroshio . The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows from the southeast to the northwest until reaching near Taiwan Island , and then flows northward west of 123 ° E ;

  30. 根据模拟结果绘制的M2分潮的同潮图,揭示了湛江附近海域M2分潮振幅和迟角的分布特征以及M2分潮的传播和发展规律。

    With the simulated cotidal chart of M2 tidal constituent , the distributing characteristics of the amplitude and the phase lag of M2 in the sea region near Zhanjiang are revealed .