
hǎi yán
  • sea salt;baysalt
海盐 [hǎi yán]
  • [sea salt] 用海水晒成或熬成的盐,是主要的食用盐

海盐[hǎi yán]
  1. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为homebox的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition home box for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  2. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为“homebox”的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition " home box " for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  3. 钙离子对海盐和NaCl胁迫下菊芋幼苗生理特征的响应

    Effects of Calcium Ion on Physiological Characteristics of Jerusalem Artichoke Seedlings under Seawater Salt and NaCl Stresses

  4. Qi盐3个剂量组和海盐组均能显著地增加高尿酸模型大鼠的排尿量和UA排泄总量(P均<0.01)。

    From the data , the total amount of excretion of the urine and uric acid was significantly increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 北黄海二甲基硫(DMS)的海-气释放及其对气溶胶中非海盐硫酸盐的贡献

    Biogenic Emission of Dimethylsulfide ( DMS ) from the North Yellow Sea and Its Contribution to Non-Sea-Salt Sulfate in Aerosol

  6. 海洋工程环境中使用的钢筋混凝土,受海盐以及潮湿的环境影响,较容易引起腐蚀,其中碳化作用降低混凝土的pH值,破坏碱性环境。

    Reinforced concrete in marine engineering environment is impacted by the sea salt and humid environmental , and easily caused to corrosion . Carbonation reduces the pH value of concrete , and destructed the alkaline environment .

  7. 样品的Na元素和Cl元素XRF分析结果表明:李屋遗址和大荒北央遗址出土的盔形器的含盐量明显高于其他样品,显示这二地的盔形器与早期海盐生产有关。

    The analysis and results of XRF verified that there was a higher salinity in galeiform vessels than in other samples , which suggests that galeiform vessels are related to ancient sea-salt prodution .

  8. 对流层RHS的源主要为有机卤素化合物的排放和海盐气溶胶的释放。

    The source of RHS in the troposphere is mainly from the emission of organic halogen and from the release of sea-salt aerosols .

  9. 海盐胁迫处理24h后,龙爪茅的REC随海盐浓度的增加而迅速上升,而海滨雀稗的REC基本不变;龙爪茅和海滨雀稗的MDA含量仍保持在较低水平。

    After 24h sea salt stress , REC of crowfoot grass increased rapidly with the increase of sea salt concentration , but REC of seashore paspalum kept essentially constant ; MDA content of crowfoot grass and seashore paspalum maintained at a lower level .

  10. 通过形态性状的变化,并结合生理性状变化可以认为,在短期海盐胁迫下,龙爪茅耐盐性最差,其次是海滨雀稗野生型,Salam耐盐性最好。

    By means of the changes of morphological and physiological characteristics , a conclusion was drawn that under short-term sea salt stress , salt resistance of crowfoot grass was the worst , wild seashore paspalum worse , Salam the best .

  11. 在海盐浓度增加过程中,龙爪茅的叶片枯黄率增加最快,Salam最慢;龙爪茅的根冠比急剧上升,而海滨雀稗野生型和Salam上升速度比较平缓。

    In the process of sea salt concentration increasing , leaf firing percentage of crowfoot grass increased the fastest , Salam the slowest ; root-shoot ratio of crowfoot grass rose sharply , but wild seashore paspalum and Salam rose relatively gently .

  12. 南极冰盖雪冰中SO2-4来源的综述表明南极地区雪冰中的SO2-4主要来源于海盐、海洋生物和火山喷发三种。

    The review of SO 2 - 4 resources shows that SO 2 - 4 is mainly marine and biogenic as well as large volcanic eruptions in origin in Antarctica . The progress in the studies of volcanic eruptions recorded in the Antarctic ice cores has been given special attention .

  13. 我是海盐技校毕业的应届毕业生。

    I am a graduate of technical school graduates sea salt .

  14. 研究对象为海盐教师博客群。

    The object of the study is Haiyan Teachers ' Blog .

  15. 海盐石膏对水泥强度的影响及模型预测

    Influence of sea salt gypsum on strength of cement and model forecast

  16. 盐的来源主要是海盐、井矿盐和湖盐。

    Salt mainly comes from seas , wells and lakes .

  17. 塘沽地区气候变化及对海盐生产影响评价

    Influence of the Weather Changes on Sea Salt Production In Tanggu Tianjin

  18. 中国海盐苦卤综合利用技术的开发进展

    Evolution of Development of Technologies for Bittern Utilization in China

  19. 海盐石膏综合利用研究进展

    Progress in research of comprehensive utilization of gypsum from sea salt industry

  20. 粗代数研究海盐文化论

    On Rough Algebras A Tentative Study of Sea Salt Culture

  21. 海盐县生态公益林现状及发展对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures for Further Development of Ecological Forest in Haiyan

  22. 这里以盛产海盐而得名。

    This place is famous for abounding in sea salt .

  23. 好的替代品是布拉格氨基酸或海盐。

    Better alternative is Bragg 's aminos or sea salt .

  24. 它们来自尘埃、花粉、烟和海盐。

    They come from dust , pollen , smoke , and sea salt .

  25. 进口海盐和精制井矿盐制碱的技术经济性分析

    Technological and economic analysis of alkali manufacture using imported sea-salt and refined well-salt

  26. 随海盐处理浓度增高,种子发芽率和种子活力指数逐渐下降。

    With salinity increasing , germination rate and seed vigor index decreased gradually .

  27. 海盐县城市化进程中的水资源配置模式研究

    Study on sustainable use models of water resources in urbanization process of Haiyan

  28. 海盐县2005~2007年食用碘盐监测结果分析

    Analysis of results on iodized salt from 2005 to 2007 in Haiyan County

  29. 海盐水溶液渗透压计算的探讨

    Discussion for osmotic pressure of sea salt solution

  30. 深深的去角质治疗混合富含矿物质的海盐纯精油。

    The deeply exfoliating treatment blends mineral rich sea salt with pure essential oils .