- 名maritime arbitration

Salvage contracts on Lloyd 's Open Form ( LOF ) and China Maritime Arbitration Commission Standard Form (" Beijing Form ") are the most frequently used forms of salvage contracts in China .
The System of Security for Costs in London Maritime Arbitration
Comment on the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002
Comment on the 14th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators in New York
Research on Legal Problem of the Validity of Foreign-related Maritime Arbitration Agreement
London Maritime Arbitrators Association London was the biggest aggregation of human life .
Independent Arbitration Principle and Its Influence upon Maritime Arbitration
Rules of Arbitration for China Maritime Arbitration Commission .
Multi-Party Disputes Arbitration Proceedings in London Maritime Arbitration
Arbitration Rules of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission
The theme of the forum are China standard ship building contracts and maritime arbitration .
London Maritime Arbitrators Association
In addition , this paper also analyses the content of the validity of the foreign-related arbitration agreement .
The Maritime Arbitration Commission may endeavour to settle by conciliation any dispute of which it has taken cognizance .
" Any disputes arising from this contract shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission ( CMAC )" .
He is also an accredited maritime arbitrator in these jurisdictions and a director of the Vancouver Maritime Arbitrators Association .
The Maritime Arbitration Commission may also , upon the request of the defendant , alter the period of fifteen days .
By researching , we know that Chinese maritime arbitration takes the form of institutional arbitration and arbitrator 's qualification is strictly required .
In London Maritime Arbitration , security for costs is a very useful system which is used to protect the successful respondent 's legal right .
England is a big marine country in the world , whose long history of maritime industry 's development gestated the earliest written legislation in maritime arbitration .
At present , there are two permanent foreign-related arbitral organs : the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ( CIETAC ) and the China Maritime Arbitration Commissicn .
To further enrich and perfect the summary procedures in the maritime arbitration of our country , the successful experience in English maritime arbitration is undoubtedly worthy of absorption and reference .
The comprehensive quantitative assessment of damage to fishery and marine biological resources resulting from oil or chemical spill is very important in the process of maritime arbitration and claim for compensation .
One distinctive change brought about by the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002 is that the Rules adopts many case managements and other procedures enlightened'by Civil Procedure Rules ;
This thesis analyzes some aspects with respect to the procedures of maritime arbitration including the constitution of arbitration court , the qualification of arbitrators , ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration , the simplicity procedure , and so on .
With regard to the final and binding effect of the maritime arbitration award , concerning the different demand of parties in the shipping industry , it designs a pattern of judicial supervision upon autonomy of will of the parties .
Chapter Five : Through the study of development trend in the field of maritime arbitration system , combine with 2004 arbitration rules , author bring up some legal suggestions to china maritime arbitration development . This part is the core of the paper .
The characteristic that English maritime arbitration applies to maritime disputes provides the party to the dispute of medium and small amount with two sets of more rapid , economic , flexible and efficient summary arbitration procedures & small amount claim procedure and rapid and low cost procedure .
First section of the chapter introduced British maritime litigation and arbitration system , involved the civil rules and arbitration law .
Based on the realistic characteristics of direct shipping across the Straits , the realism and inevitability of direct shipping and joint arbitration on maritime disputes are proved . Further discussions on several problems on law arisen in arbitration have also been made .