
  • 网络Socket;Test socket;ic socket
  1. 有固定衰减器系列,短路插头座系列,镀金插孔系列,插针系列,测试座系列,均衡器外壳系列等配件。

    Have a fixed attenuator series , short-circuit plug seat series , gold-plated jack series , pin series , test block series , EQ shell series accessories .

  2. 事实上,实验快堆并网发电或许正是反映了这种谨慎,因为并网之前北京花了一年时间来测试这座电站的运营。

    In fact , the grid hook-up to the experimental fast-breeder plant may underscore that caution , as Beijing spent a year testing the plant 's operations before linking it to the grid .

  3. 采用空间有限元软件ANSYS对简支梁桥与连续梁桥两座实际桥梁的固有振动进行了计算分析,并现场测试了两座桥梁的自振特性。

    The vibration properties of two existing bridges , a simply supported beam bridge and a continuous beam bridge , are analysised by the using of the all-purpose software ANSYS . Simultaneously , the vibration properties of the two bridges are also tested in locale .

  4. 此次试飞估计耗资3.75亿美元(约合23亿元人民币),打算对猎户座太空舱的重返大气层系统进行测试。这座太空舱的设计用途是最终搭载宇航员离开地球轨道,接下来可能会前往月球或火星。

    The $ 375-million flight is intended to test re-entry systems for the Orion capsule , which is designed to eventually carry astronauts beyond Earth orbit , perhaps to the moon or Mars .

  5. 我发现测试车的驾驶座舒适足以应付4小时定额,控制单元,包括导航系统,很容易使用。

    I found the driver 's seat on the test car comfortable enough for a four-hour stint , and the controls , including the navigation system , were easy to use .

  6. 然后测试者会给被测试者另外两个城市,他们同样没有听说过,然后问被测试者两座城市之间的距离。

    Then they 'll give them two other cities that they 've never heard of and ask them how far apart they think they are .