
cè shì ɡuī fàn
  • test specification
  1. 在实现的基础上,根据M3UA协议测试规范,对M3UA程序进行了测试。

    Based on the implementation , it also tests the M3UA program referring to the M3UA test specification .

  2. 在本测试规范中,始终以“被测卡”称之。

    The card is called " the tested card " in this test specification .

  3. 单击菜单命令时,word将启动并创建新的测试规范。

    When they click the menu command , word will start and create a new test spec.

  4. WCDMA与TD-SCDMA终端射频一致性测试规范的对比分析

    Comparison analysis of test regulation of FR consistency terminal between WCDMA and TD-SCDMA

  5. 根据IMO有关测试规范的要求,进行了一系列全尺度动力机舱模拟灭火实验。

    A series of full-scale fire suppression tests were conducted according to the testing protocol of IMO.

  6. X-CT机空间分辨率测试规范的探讨

    Discussion on Measurement of Space Resolution of X CT

  7. 文章简要介绍了WCDMA系统的发展现状,根据测试规范分析了WCDMA电路域核心网产品对性能测试工具的需求。

    This paper has briefly reviewed the current developments of WCDMA systems , analyzed the requirements of WCDMA CS domain network products for performance testing .

  8. 再根据802.16标准以及WiMAX射频一致性测试规范的要求,从硬件、软件两个方面提出一套802.16设备射频一致性自动化测试系统的解决方案。

    Then a solution of RCT automatic testing in both hardware and software aspect based on 802.16 standards and WiMAX certification specifications is given .

  9. 测试规范使用基于模型的规范语言,由描述语言Z定义TTF基本部件的形式描述测试数据和其它测试信息。

    The model-based specification language was used in test specification , and formal description testing data and other testing information for TTF parts was defined with description language Z.

  10. 本论文从PTCR(热敏电阻器)测试规范出发,以国家标准为依据,论述了PTCR参数测试方法及测试原理。

    In this thesis , several common parameters testing theory and methods of PTCR based on PTCR testing principle and national standards are introduced .

  11. 按照测试规范的规定,在实际开通运营的CDMA网络中选择的测试地点进行测试,在RF信号足够强的CDMA连续覆盖区内进行测试。

    In accordance with the provisions of test specifications , perform the test in the places where has the real opened CDMA network , test in the areas where strong RF signal and continuous follow-CDMA network has .

  12. 将该模型与上述稳态排放模型相结合,以1s间隔预测了汽车按欧洲经济委员会测试规范ECE-15运行时的排放变化规律。

    This model combined with the stationary model above , can predict emission law of automobile run according to ECE-15 per second .

  13. 应用级防火墙测试规范的研究

    A Research on the Criterion of Testing Application Level Firewall

  14. 对不同洁净室测试规范中条文差异的探讨

    Discussion on citation differences of different codes for clean room testing and commissioning

  15. 关于半挂自卸车车架强度测试规范的探讨

    On the Standards of Testing the Frame Strength of the Self-un loading Trailer

  16. 双氧水包装桶质检抽样与测试规范

    Specification for the Sampling & Testing for the Packaging Containers of Hydrogen Peroxide

  17. 扣件系统设计、制造和测试规范。

    Norms for the design , the manufacturing and the testing of the fastening system_ .

  18. 燃料电池测试规范综述

    Summarization of Fuel Cell Testing Standard

  19. 依照测试规范对公司各类产品进行软件测试,并对测试结果进行登记和分类。

    Test according to the related working instruction , responsible for sorting and recording final result .

  20. 燃料电池发动机工作流程的制定、试验方法和测试规范的提出也是本文的重点研究内容。

    Another main content of this thesis is the fuel cell engine operation flow and test methods .

  21. 它可以在规范位于标准组织中甚至在此之前测试规范。

    It can test a specification during , or even before , it is in a standards body .

  22. 确保所有测试规范都以相同的格式编写和显示,以缩短规范的审查时间。

    Ensure all test specifications are written and displayed in the same format , shortening spec review time .

  23. 根据厂家的测试规范,手机在测试期间可加电或不加电。

    Depending on the manufacturer 's test specification , the handset may be powered on or powered off during the test .

  24. 为了考察发动机的稳定性,根据燃料电池发动机测试规范进行了20次工况循环台架试验。

    In order to test the FCE 's stability , a 20-cycle test has been done according to the FCE testing code .

  25. 测试规范可能已经在知识获得,理论和应用方面,比我们所看到的其它理论经历了更稳定的发展。

    The testing discipline has experienced perhaps steadier growth in terms of knowledge acquisition , theory , and application than the others we 've looked at .

  26. 试验结果符合高效电机测试规范的要求,试验方法简便易行,设备成本较低,有实用价值。

    The experiment results accord with the High Efficiency Motors testing criterion , and show that this method is easy-using , cost less , and it is valuable for application .

  27. 可以用这段时间给接下来的故事编写测试规范,做一些分析,或者做一些一直想要做的清理工作,让以后的工作更有效率。

    Using the time to write more test specs for upcoming stories , doing a little analysis , or cleaning up something that you 've been meaning to do would be better .

  28. 根据车辆运行要求,借鉴内燃发动机测试规范,初步设计了一种车用燃料电池发动机的试验工况,并对车用燃料电池发动机进行了测试。

    According to vehicle driving requirements , an elementary draft of drive cycle is designed reference to the test criterion of the internal combustion engine . And it is applied to test fuel cell engines .

  29. 测试规范及结果处理按照《GB/T3768-1996声学声压法测定噪声源声功率级反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易法》方法进行。

    The testing methods and results dealing with are according to China national standard 《 GB 3796-1996 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure-survey method using enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane 》 .

  30. 文章对Benchmark测试的规范和测试方法做了归纳总结,给出了选用Benchmark测试的建议和开发Benchmark测试规范需要解决的问题。

    This paper summarizes specifications and testing methods of benchmark testing , and puts forward for selecting it from a number of benchmark tests .