
  1. 虚拟社区作为网民沟通与交流以及口碑营销的平台,越来越受到学界以及企业的关注,成为了企业进行口碑营销,虚拟社区进行流量经营的必争之地。

    As a platform for on-line communication and word of mouth marketing , virtual communities have drawn the attention of scholars and enterprises . It has a very strategic position for marketing and flow management .

  2. 为应对新的挑战,各运营商均提出了从话务量经营转向流量经营的战略目标,从传统的注重用户规模转变为注重流量发展。

    To respond to new challenges , operators have raised the strategic objectives of the business from the steering flow of traffic operations , to focus on the development of traffic from the traditional emphasis on user scale .

  3. 所以,电信运营商应该避免以抢夺市场份额为目标的价格战,同时应该在流量经营方面多下功夫,这样更有利于自身及整个电信行业的长远发展。

    So , telecom operators should avoid triggering price war to rob the market share , should take more efforts on the data flow operating , which is more beneficial to their own and the whole telecom industry .

  4. 同时,通过研究手机流量经营,能够找到消费者喜爱的新产品,为公司开发新产品,满足消费者需求提供指导思路。

    The same time , through the study of mobile phone traffic management , be able to find a consumer favorite new products and ideas to provide guidance for the company to develop new products to meet consumer demand .

  5. 对企业的财务报表进行分析,先后对资产负债表,损益表,现金流量表经营效率,盈利能力,偿债能力进行分析,来论述企业的财务状况。

    Analysis for financial capabilities of enterprise : financial capabilities demonstrated by latest balance sheet , profits and loss sheet , current assets , management efficiency , profits capabilities , refund capabilities .

  6. 只要你的网站到达一定的流量,你经营的网赚项目肯定会赚钱的。

    By having more traffic to your website , the business can truly flourish .

  7. 现金流量表&经营活动现金流量编制方法

    Cash flow table & preparing method of cash flow from operating activities

  8. 现金流量在企业经营管理中的作用

    Cash Flow Rate 's Function in the Enterprise Management

  9. 净现金流量是企业经营成果的测谎器。

    Net cash flow is lie detector of results in company 's running .

  10. 分类现金流量表的经营性,投资性,融资性经济业务。

    Classify operating , investing , and financing activities in a cash flow statement .

  11. 间接法将净利润调节为经营活动的现金流量。公司经营绩效用主营业务利润率、净资产收益率和每股收益来衡量。

    The indirect method shows the reconciliation from net income to cash flow from operations .

  12. 应计利润的功能之一就是结合会计盈余反映尚未转化为现金流量的生产经营业绩,投资者根据应计利润预测未来的现金流量状况。

    One function of accrual is to combine with accounting earnings to show the performance of enterprise management that has not yet been turned into cash .

  13. 揭示了企业投资和理财活动的经营成果。因此,通过探讨现金流量在企业经营管理中的客观存在及其重要作用,从而达到防范风险,提升企业价值,促进企业健康发展的目的。

    Therefore , by exploration on the cash flow 's role in the enterprise management to reach the purpose of risk prevention , value promotion and sound development .

  14. 第二部分结合现金流量分别从经营环节、筹资环节和投资环节三个方面,具体分析各环节的风险来源、识别出各环节的风险因素;

    The second part makes a concrete analysis of financial risk source and discriminates financial risk factors according to the sequence of financing link , investment link and operation link .

  15. 第三部分全面分析了首创置业的财务状况,包括分析公司的盈利能力、资产质量和营运能力、偿债能力,以及现金流量状况和经营业绩的波动;

    The third partanalyses the financial status of BCL , including measuring the company 's profitability , the company 's ability to pay debts , and the cash flows of BCL and so on .

  16. 因此各运营商都把流量精细化经营作为未来发展的着力方向,而采用云计算技术的数据运营中心系统的建设,成为运营商IT支撑系统建设的新方向。

    In this situation , the operators have raised traffic fine management direction for the development and adoption of cloud computing technology data operations center system construction , IT support system as operators building new direction .

  17. 现金流量是企业经营的晴雨表,企业的生产计划、存货制度、赊销和回款制度等都会从根本上决定企业的财务状况,影响企业的现金流量。

    Cash flow is rain glass of enterprise 's management . The financial status of corporation is fundamentally determined by some aspects like production plan , system of stock and system of tick and return payment , which also influence the cash flow .

  18. 通过观测总资产现金流量率、每股经营现金净流量等现金流量指标的变化,可以为改进企业组织效率指明方向。

    It is beneficial to improve enterprise organizational efficiency by observing the fluctuations of cash flow rate of total assets , and cash flow index like net cash flow of per share .

  19. 现金流量逐步成为企业经营成果的一种表现形式,衡量企业经营业绩和财务状况的一个重要指标,而且现金流量是评价企业偿债能力的主要标准。

    Cash flow to gradually become a form of operating results , business performance and to measure an important indicator of financial condition , and because cash flow is the main criteria for evaluating enterprise solvency .

  20. 因此作为评估基础的现金流量应该是包括企业一切活动在内的整体现金流量,而不是经营活动现金流量、自由现金流量、股权现金流量或者债务现金流量。

    Therefore , cash flow , as the basic of the evaluation , should be the overall cash flow occurring in all the enterprise business activities instead of the operating cash flow , free cash flow , equity cash flow or debt cash flow .

  21. 我国使用现金流量表的时间不长,而随着经济的不断发展现金流量在反映企业经营状况的过程中变得越来越重要。

    Our country uses the cash flow indicator the time not to be long , but changes more and more along with the economical unceasing development cash current capacity in the reflection enterprise management condition process importantly .