
  1. 随着市场的规范化,买断经营将逐步弱化。

    As the market gradually became normalized , the management became obsolete .

  2. 从我们自己的经验看来,对于那些通过买断经营权而购得企业的老板来说,他们要比亲自创办企业的老板更容易面对企业继承计划。

    In our experience , business owners who purchased their firms as part of a management buyout face succession planning more readily than business founders .

  3. 本文依据初始建立的数学模型,以特定的一类合作方式&买断经营权为例,研究了企业间长期合作的可能性和前提条件。

    By the model mentioned above , the dissertation takes a kind of cooperative mode , buy-out marketing right for example , studies the probability of cooperation between them in long term .

  4. 据此建立的突破企业销售瓶颈的法则包括买断经营、实行全员营销、集中优势兵力开拓新市场、利益共享共十二项之多。

    Thus , principles to break through sales bottleneck include twelve aspects such as buy-out operation , all-staff-involved marketing , opening-up new market by concentrating overwhelming resources , and a sharing of interest .