
liú tōng huò bì
  • currency;active money;circulating medium;money in circulation
  1. 据亚里士多德说,铁曾用来作为最初的流通货币。

    Iron is stated by Aristotle to have supplied the first currency .

  2. 索姆在中亚地区是价值第二高的流通货币。

    This makes the som the second highest-valued currency unit in Central Asia .

  3. 货币―苏里南元苏里南元(货币代码是SRD)是苏里南的流通货币。

    Currency C Suriname dollar The Suriname dollar ( currency code SRD ) the currency used by Suriname .

  4. 挪威克朗(货币代码NOK)是现在挪威的流通货币。

    Norwegian Krone ( currency code NOK ) is the name of the currency used in Norway .

  5. 货币―埃及镑埃及镑(货币代码EGP)是埃及的合法流通货币。

    Currency C Egyptian Pound The Egyptian pound ( currency code EGP ) is the current legal currency of the Arab Republic of Egypt .

  6. 可以预见,在不久的将来,人民币势将真正成为国际主要流通货币。

    In the foreseeable future , RMB will become a real international currency .

  7. 事物(如流通货币)的价值增长。

    Increase the value , as of a currency .

  8. 现金是对流通货币,硬币,钞票的共同叫法。

    A : Cash is really a common term including everything-currency , coins , paper money .

  9. 本文报告了某市流通货币辐射水平的调查方法,监测结果分析。

    Surveied method and determined results for radiation level of circulating currencies was reported in this paper .

  10. 论述流通货币的一章

    The chapter on circulating currency

  11. 另一方面,随着粤港澳之间经贸来往的日益密切,人民币也日渐成为澳门元、港元以外的另一流通货币。

    On the other hand , economy and trade association between Guangdong , Hong Kong and Macao is gradually becoming close .

  12. 随后,本文研究了美元本位制下的美元供给机制,从基础货币和流通货币两方面详细分析了其运行机理。

    Subsequently , this paper studies the U.S. dollar supply mechanism , analyzing its operation from the base currency to the circulation currency .

  13. 政府根据经验认为,他们所持有黄金的价值应该是流通货币的30%到40%。

    Experience has convinced governments that they should have gold on hand to the value of30 or40 per cent of their currency in circulation .

  14. 社交的流通货币就是“朋友”网上的友情是通过用户在自己的主页与网络其他成员的主页之间创建的联系来表达的。

    The networking currency is " friends " online camaraderie expressed in the links that users create between their homepages and the pages of others members of the network .

  15. 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞浦路斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止在该国流通货币上胡写乱画的行为。

    The Cypriot central bank , alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation , appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country 's currency .

  16. 如果没有某种流通货币,可供我们使用的货物和劳务的范围将大大缩小,交易也难以进行。

    Without some form of money in circulation , the range of goods and services available to us would be co iderably reduced and busine tra actio would be difficult to carry on .

  17. 虽然圣马力诺不是欧盟的成员,但按照欧盟理事会的决定,允许它将欧元作为它的流通货币;

    Although San Marino is not an official European Union member , it is allowed to use the euro as its currency by virtue of arrangements with the council of the European Union ;

  18. 现在人民币已经作为流通货币出现在中国附近国家的边境贸易中,这也就出现了一个新的研究课题,那就是人民币国际化。

    At present , the RMB started in the surrounding countries and areas on the border trade in circulation , the issue of RMB internationalization has begun to attract the attention of scholars home and abroad .

  19. 此外,我们拥有全球第三大的外汇储备,金额庞大,与流通货币比较,超过不止一倍、两倍或三倍,而是八倍。

    We also have a foreign exchange reserve which is the third largest in the world and covers the currency in circulation-not one time , not two times , not three times but eight times over .

  20. 例如,在欧元区,流通中货币仅占广义货币(m3)的9%。

    In the eurozone , for example , currency in circulation is just 9 per cent of broad money ( M3 ) .

  21. 塞浦路斯镑(货币代码cyp),也被非官方称为塞浦路斯里拉(来自希腊)是在塞浦路斯流通的货币。

    Currency C Cyprus pound the Cyprus pound ( currency code CYP ) , also known unofficially as the Cyprus lira ( from Greek ) is the currency used in Cyprus .

  22. 在埃及,支付方式是以物易物,而不是使用流通的货币。

    Barter , rather than circulated money , was the means of payment .

  23. 726.流通(货币)课程使得旅行者招致了时间和金钱的损失。

    726 . The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money .

  24. 流通中货币与结算中资金目前货币流通中存在的问题及对策

    Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present

  25. 货币发行和流通中货币是两个不同质的却有密切联系、相关的事物。

    Issuance of paper money and currency in circulation are two different thing , but with correlative ties .

  26. 随着经济的巨大发展,商品流通和货币流通的速度急速加快。

    With the great development of economy , the circulation of commodity and money become faster and faster .

  27. (经)根据流通的货币和股票证而不是购买力的要求来评价。

    ( economics ) being value in terms of specification on currency or stock certificates rather than purchasing power .

  28. 发行政府证券以增加货币流通量货币回笼的增加,为平抑全区物价发挥了作用。

    The increase in withdrawing currency from circulation has played its role in stabilizing commodity prices in the entire region .

  29. 货币供应量调整货币供应的宏观变化,如利率调整或流通中货币数量的改变。

    Monetary correction macroeconomic changes to the money supply , e.g.by adjusting interest rates or altering the amount of money in circulation .

  30. 战国时代龟贝上的文字主要是指当时楚国境内流通的货币上记载的文字。

    Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text .