- 网络Prime Minister of Luxembourg

Jean-Claude Juncker , the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Eurogroup , should make imbalances the defining issue of his agenda and propose binding policies .
Junker , the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg , will take over from Jose Manuel Barroso .
This could have been a moment of glory for Jean-Claude Juncker , Luxembourg prime minister and President of the Eurogroup that brings together eurozone finance ministers .
The Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker , who heads the eurozone finance ministers , said there was no alternative to Greece cutting spending and raising taxes .
Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem has been tapped to chair the eurozone , taking over from Luxembourg 's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker , who has headed the group the last eight years .
Also attending the summit were the European Central Bank head , the prime minister of Luxemburg who is also head of the Eurozone group , and the head of the European Commission .