- 网络rogue state;rogue nation;rogue country

Overnight , the US was cast as a rogue nation .
When a bank is merely fined for dealing with a rogue nation such as Iran , that payment is nothing more than blood money .
Washington 's shift over the issue signals increasing flexibility by the Bush administration in dealing with what it deems rogue regimes .
Sanctions , and worries over reputational risk about operating in a pariah country , have been major investment deterrents .
The government alleges that HSBC engaged in unscrupulous transactions with rogue nations , including Iran , with a total notional amount of around $ 20 billion .
Western countries , which have long treated Burma as a pariah and subjected it to a range of sanctions , are now scrambling for an appropriate response .
Even before fresh sanctions were imposed against the rogue nation this week , in response to its nuclear test on October9th , North Korea could not feed itself .
Rogue states and their operatives could go after a Bond movie because they didn 't like its taste in villains . ( The script for the next installment was released as part of the intrusion , by the way . )
Thailand sits on the " Tier 2 Watch List , " a notch above the worst of the worst . If it slips down this year , as it might , it will join a rogue 's gallery including Eritrea , Sudan , Syria and Zimbabwe .