
  • 网络Fiscal federalism
  1. 拉霍伊政府在意识形态上反对任何财政联邦制的扩张。

    The Rajoy government is ideologically opposed to any extension of fiscal federalism .

  2. 财政联邦制、产业政策与丰田公司在中国的南北分治

    Fiscal Federalism , Industrial policy and Toyota 's Separate Management in Southern and Northern China

  3. 然而,财政联邦制对维护俄罗斯联邦的统一、促进经济的发展起到了不可替代的作用。

    However , fiscal federalism has played an irreplaceable role in safeguarding the unity of the Russian Federation and promoting economic development .

  4. 通过对美国和德国财政联邦制的分析,本文指出了俄罗斯财政联邦制的改革方向。

    Through the analysis of fiscal federalism in the United States and Germany , this paper presents proposals for reform of fiscal federalism in Russia .

  5. 在财政联邦制中,由地方政府管理本地区公共事务与提供公共事务,可以有效地促进和提高当地全体社会成员的福利水平。

    In the fiscal federalism in the region by local governments to provide public affairs and public affairs , can effectively promote and improve the welfare of all members of society the local level .

  6. 当然,没有在欧元区成立之初就促进各成员国进一步整合经济是个错误,而维持单一货币最终也确实需要朝着财政联邦制迈出一大步。

    Sure , it was a mistake not to provide for more economic integration at the outset . And , yes , sustaining the single currency will eventually require a sizeable leap towards fiscal federalism .

  7. 政府干预与市场一样存在失灵,导致交易成本的提高和资源配置的效率损失,而财政联邦制正是解决这一问题的制度安排。

    Both government intervention and market mechanism often result in failure , including improvement of transaction costs and the loss of efficiency of resource allocation , but fiscal federalism is the institutional arrangements to solve this problem .

  8. 该理论是西方学者首先借鉴政治学中的联邦制概念而创立的一个经济学概念,传统的财政联邦制理论是关于公共部门职能合理分配和不同层次政府间财源合理分配的理论。

    This theory is an economics concept originated by western scholar , referring to the concept of federalism in political science . The traditional theory of Fiscal Federalism is a theory about functional distribution of public departments and finances distribution between all levels of government .

  9. 第二,在财政上实行财政联邦制:合理划分中央与地方政府的收入与支出;

    Second , establish fiscal federalism . Revenue and disbursement between the center and the regions should be divided exactly .

  10. 中国的财政体制与国外多数国家相似,本质上是一种财政联邦制。

    The financial system of china is similar to that of most developed countries , which is a kind of financial federalism inessence .