
liú sòng
  • drifting;booming;transport logs by drifting them on the river
流送 [liú sòng]
  • [transport logs by drifting them on the river] 把原木放在江河中顺水运送

  • 流送木材

流送[liú sòng]
  1. 金沙江木材流送工艺改革的探讨

    A Discussion on Process Reform of Wood Drifting in Jinsha River

  2. 叠网纸机备浆流送部DCS的方案设计

    A DCS Scheme for Stock Approach System of Fourdrinier Machine

  3. 该码流输出系统可按不同码率,将存储在硬盘中的测试、评价、演示用TS数据流,以不同输出方式,转换成码流送出。

    This system can transit data stream to code stream to export with different rates .

  4. 适合于现代纸机生产的POM流送系统

    POM system suitable for the production of modern paper machines

  5. 对Bristol成形器浆料流送系统进行了分析和讨论。

    The approach flow system for Bristol Former is also analyzed and discussed .

  6. 系统的主要工作原理:天线接收的卫星信号,通过接收机,解调器和同步器,将GMS展宽数据流送到高速接口板;

    The main principle is that the GMS frame date are transmitted to the high-speed interface through , the demodulator and synchronizer .

  7. 集流式(Converflo)飘片流浆箱运行特性及流送机理的研究

    A Study on Operating Property and Transfer Mechanism of Converflo Headbox

  8. 分析了提速改造中必须满足的条件,探讨了压榨选型、干燥地坑、蒸汽冷凝水系统、真空系统、QCS系统、流送系统配置的优化。

    The choice and arrangement of press section , dryers pit , condensed steam system , vaccum system , QCS system and approach system are discussed in particular .

  9. 生产优质文化用纸及涂布原纸流送系统设计

    Design of Pulp Flow System in Production of Fine Cultural Papers

  10. 溶解电荷和表面电荷为零对湿部流送系统所产生的影响

    Consequences of the Zero Soluble and Surface Charge Wet-end Approach

  11. 流送系统工程设计新概念

    A new concept in the project design of ap - proach system

  12. 高速新闻纸机流送系统结垢的清洗方法

    Cleaning Method of Scale in Approach System in High Speed Newsprint Machine

  13. 某轴流送风机叶片断裂事故计算分析

    Calculation and analysis of an axial fan blades ' accident

  14. 大容重木材流送的技术问题重竞技大突破


  15. 纸机流送系统的特征和发展趋势

    Character and Developing Trend of Approach Flow System

  16. 纤维悬浮液在流送中的起动阻力

    Start flowing resistance of the fibre suspension

  17. 高档文化用纸浆料流送系统工艺设计与体会文化用纸生产成套设备

    Design of Approach System for Fine Paper Manufacture complete equipment for production of culture paper

  18. 带交叉流送管的热交换器。

    Heat exchanger with intersecting flowlines .

  19. 医护人员周围的粒子浓度高于相近换气次数下的垂直流送风方式。手术关键区上的沉降粒子数明显低于垂直送风方式,相近的换气次数下,粒子减少率约为65%。

    Under same air change rate , the particle deposition in horizontal air supply is 65 % less than that in vertical supply model .

  20. 针对低、高压轴流送风机及多级轴流压缩机在低流量区域的失速喘振特性及其预防措施进行了分析。

    The stall surging characteristic and its prevention measure are analysed with focus on low-pressure axial fan 、 high-pressure axial fan and mutiple-stage axial compressor .

  21. 纸机的清洗包括流送部、网部、压榨部、施胶部、干燥部等部分。

    The cleaning of papermachine include all the sections such as approach system , wire section , press section , sizing section and drying section .

  22. 面粉流送,进入风筛机,以除去有碍的物质,然后由气力输送系统送入混合机进料斗。

    Flour should flow into the air sifter to be sifted and to eliminate obstructions and is conveyed to the hopper of the mixer by the pneumatic conveyor .

  23. 木材流送模型试验相似准则的探讨本课题从木材流送的角度研究高水头单漂水力过坝的技术条件。水工模型是按1/25缩尺制做的。

    Similarity Study on Model Test about Log Floating in Flow Fields In this paper the technological conditions required to float logs across high-head dams by hydraulic means are discussed .

  24. 也可以使用双向方法,截住由现有类生成的事件流,做一些修改,并把修改后的事件流送回生成新类的事件流。

    You can also use the two sides together , intercepting the stream of events generated from an existing class to make some changes and feeding the altered stream back into the generation of a new class .