
liú sàn
  • Diaspora;wander about and scatter
流散 [liú sàn]
  • [wander about and scatter] 流转失散

流散[liú sàn]
  1. 敦煌经卷多已流散国外。

    Most of the Dunhuang MSS are now scattered in various foreign countries .

  2. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)23日发布报告称,故宫计划追索流散文物。“流散文物追索”可以用表示。Retrieve表示找回,重新获得,比如追讨官员赃款(),找到遗体()。文物可以用culturalrelics/historicalartifacts表示。

    The Palace Museum , also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics , the museum said in a report on Tuesday .

  3. 试验结果表明:电压34V,电流150A时,涂层的抗折弯性能最佳,随着电压和电流的增加,抗折弯性能下降,涂层扁平粒子流散加剧,合金元素烧损加剧。

    The experimental results show that , anti-buckling performance of coating is best when voltage is 34 V and electric current is 150 A. With the increase of voltage and electric current , the anti-buckling performance decreased , the flat particle flow went up , and alloying element loss increased .

  4. 流散调味品制袋充填包装机的选择

    The selection of the packaging and filling machinery in the flowing flavouring

  5. 流散生活的一个主要特点就是无根性。

    A major characteristic of life in diaspora is rootless .

  6. 几星期前,有个流散人员在她那儿逗留过。

    Some itinerant had stopped at her place a few weeks before .

  7. 流散现象是伴随全球化进程产生的新现象。

    Diaspora is a new phenomenon that emerged along with the globalization .

  8. 流散于美国的犹太人,身上的文化血液是复杂的。

    Diaspora Jews in the United States , on the cultural blood is complicated .

  9. 流散写作与中华文化的全球性特征

    Diasporic Writing and Global Characteristics of Chinese Culture

  10. 而且,每个民族都有过大流散,往往远离家园。

    Moreover , every nationality had a diaspora , often spread far beyond its homestead .

  11. 油流带电造成的绝缘纸表面电荷的积聚及流散

    Accumulation and Disappearance of Charges Caused by Oil Streaming Electrification on Surface of Insulating Paper

  12. 有关全国性金融危机的传言四处流散,而央行官员拼命试图平息这些传言。

    Rumours circulate about a national financial crisis which central bankers frantically try to squash .

  13. 论当代流散文化中民族性的消解与重建&兼谈斯图亚特·霍尔的流散理论

    On Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Ethnicity in Modern Diasporic Culture and Diaspora Theory of Stuart Hall

  14. 流散国外的金铜造像

    Overseas-drifted Gold - copper Statue

  15. 作家的艺术就是他真正的护照&异类流散作家纳博科夫对身份认证的超越

    The Writer 's Art is His Real Passport : V.Nabokov 's Insight into Diaspora Writers ' Identity

  16. 流散文学与身份研究&兼论海外华人华文文学阐释空间的拓展

    Literature of Diaspora and Identity Studies & Also on Expanding the Interpretive Space of Overseas Chinese literature

  17. 后殖民理论家们多用二元对立、流散、杂合、抵抗等术语来界定后殖民语境下的自我。

    Binary opposites , diaspora , hybridity and resistance are the terms used to define postcolonial selfhood .

  18. 地网流散电流对二次电缆影响引起保护误动的分析及对策

    Analysis and solutions of fault trip resulted from secondary cable influences caused by dispersed current of grounding grids

  19. 对于流散文学的研究主要着眼于后殖民语境下的移民,身份,归化等问题。

    Studies on diasporic literature mainly focus on issues of migrants , identity and identification in the postcolonial context .

  20. 美国领导的联军出兵伊拉克已经五年,但是伊拉克依然面临人口流散的严重问题。

    Five years after the U.S. - led invasion of Iraq , the country continues to face a displacement crisis .

  21. 她的成长为第三世界流散妇女摆脱父权制和殖民歧视提供了一条可能的途径。

    Her growth had provided a possible way for the thirdworld diasporic women to shake off patriarchy and colonial discrimination .

  22. 身份构建也成为当代文学,尤其是少数族裔和流散文学的重要主题。

    Accordingly , identity construction becomes an important theme of modern literature , especially literature of ethnic minorities and diaspora .

  23. 但是总而言之,流散写作还是在某种程度上促进了中华文化和文学的全球化进程,彰显了其全球性特征。

    On the whole , diasporic writing has promoted the global process of Chinese culture and literature foregrounding their global characteristics .

  24. 和世界各地的很多中国戏曲一样,这些演出也是大量华人流散海外的产物。

    Like so much of Chinese opera throughout the world , the performances are a product of a large Chinese diaspora .

  25. 性状:棕黄色流散性粉末,有菊花的特殊气味。易溶于水、植物油和正己烷。

    Characteristic : Brownish yellow flow powder with characteristic marigold flower odor . Well soluble in water , hexane and vegetable oils .

  26. 针对储罐充装油品的动态过程,研究了罐内静电电荷的流散和积累变化规律。

    Dispersion and accumulation law of electrostatic charges in storage tank was studied during the process of oil being filled into storage tank .

  27. 一般而言,海外华人流散者身处异质文化的语境中,都必须面对双重文化冲突的难题。

    Generally speaking , the diasporic Chinese living overseas who dwell in an alien culture context have to face the challenges of dual-culture .

  28. 在多元文化共存的当今世界里,流散文学将会回答如何实现冲突中的融合。

    In the world of pluralistic coexistence , diasporic literature will answer the questions on how to achieve the integration of different cultural conflicts .

  29. 作为一个流散在英国的印度裔作家,他总是漂游在现实与虚幻的两个世界中。

    As a diasporic English writer of Indian Brahmin origin , Naipaul always floats between " the two worlds " & reality and illusion .

  30. 生命的第三个十年虹影开始四处漂泊,并最终来到英国,成为一个流散作家。

    In the third ten year of her life , she began drifting aimlessly and arrived at England at last , becoming a free writer .