
hóng dū lā sī
  • Honduras
洪都拉斯[hóng dū lā sī]
  1. 他们在洪都拉斯以4比1获胜的那场比赛尤其激动人心。

    Their 4-1 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair .

  2. 我是洪都拉斯《论坛报》驻华盛顿的记者。

    I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras .

  3. 洪都拉斯媒体报道了18起涉嫌偷拐婴儿的案件。

    The Honduran press published reports of eighteen cases of alleged baby snatching .

  4. 1823年,洪都拉斯成为了中美洲联邦的一部分。

    In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America .

  5. 奥尔逊指出,相比在墨西哥,DEA在洪都拉斯采取行动要自由得多。

    Olson observed that the DEA has much more freedom to operate and maneuver in Honduras than in Mexico .

  6. 2月25日,来自洪都拉斯一处叫LaMosquitia的偏远雨林科学家给我们带来了这个难以置信的消息。

    On February 25th , researchers emerged from La Mosquitia , a very remote jungle area of Honduras , with some incredible news .

  7. NPR新闻,嘉莉·卡恩洪都拉斯报道。

    NPR 's Carrie Kahn in Honduras .

  8. 放任的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya昨日踏进自己的国界。

    Exiled Honduran President Manuel Zelaya back at his country 's border yesterday .

  9. 在洪都拉斯SPS市建设的全预制装配混凝土结构足球场工程以较低的造价中标。

    In SPS city of Honduras , a prefabricated concrete football field engineering of forty thousand seats was built with the technique from China .

  10. 不过,参与洪都拉斯项目的学生本杰明怀斯(BenjaminWise)表示,他因参与该项目而不得不去思考如何运用课堂上学的概念。

    But Benjamin Wise , a student who worked on the Honduras project , says that it forced him to think about how to apply concepts learnt in the classroom .

  11. 然而,他提醒说,这并不意味着DEA在墨西哥没有什么部署,它仅仅意味着它在洪都拉斯可以展开更加自由的行动。

    But , he cautioned , this does not mean that DEA does not have an important presence in Mexico , it simply means it has more latitude in Honduras .

  12. 据NPR新闻的嘉莉·卡恩从洪都拉斯带来的报道,该国的经济处于崩溃的边缘。

    And as NPR 's Carrie Kahn tells us from Hondurans , the economy is on the brink of collapse .

  13. 而最新的一种猜测则来自于洪都拉斯国防部副部长罗伯托·富内斯(RobertoFunes)。

    The most recent speculation came from Roberto Funes , the Vice Minister of Defense of Honduras .

  14. 20年前,弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(FrancisFordCoppola)在伯利兹西部建造BlancaneauxLodge客栈时,洪都拉斯这个中美洲小国连游客都很少。

    Twenty years ago , when Francis Ford Coppola opened Blancaneaux Lodge in western Belize , relatively few travelers had ventured into this small Central American country .

  15. 在若干国家,汇款已经占国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之一了,如塔吉克斯坦(45%)、摩尔多瓦(38%)、汤加(35%)、莱索托(29%)和洪都拉斯(25%)。

    Remittances already make up a large share of GDP in several countries , such as Tajikistan ( 45 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ), Tonga ( 35 % ), Lesotho ( 29 % ) and Honduras ( 25 % ) .

  16. 联合国大会的主席在周五陪伴总统Zelaya去洪都拉斯的旅行流产返回值后告诉记者上述消息。

    The UN General Assembly president spoke to reporters Friday , days after returning from accompanying president Zelaya on an aborted trip to Honduras .

  17. 联合国大会的主席说他认为在接下来的几天里对于被驱逐的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya职位的回复已经很临近了。

    The president of the UN General Assembly says he believes the deal is near to restore the ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to office in the coming days .

  18. 洪都拉斯被罢黜总统ManuelZelaya昨日设法回国,被临时政府勒令不准其在首都机场着陆。

    In Honduras , the ousted President Manuel Zelaya is vowing to try to return home after the interim government refused to let his plane land in Tegucigalpa yesterday .

  19. 左翼总统ManuelZelaya试图组织一场违宪的公投来让他连任,其后洪都拉斯发生军事政变。

    There was a military coup in Honduras after Manuel Zelaya , the leftist president , tried to organize an unconstitutional referendum to allow him to stand for a second term .

  20. 在与洪都拉斯总统的幕僚长奥克塔维奥桑切斯(OctavioSánchez)的一次会晤中,罗默教授向前者呈交了他们的一些研究结果。

    Some of their findings were presented in a meeting Prof Romer had with Octavio S á nchez , chief of staff to the Honduran president .

  21. 整个五月份,你在绿咖啡购买任何咖啡类产品,当中有5RMB会用来给洪都拉斯咖啡农,实现他们的公平贸易梦!

    In May , any coffee item you consume in the Green Room , 5RMB will go to support the coffee farmers in Honduras , to accomplish their dream of joining Fair Trade Family .

  22. 它是哥斯达黎加,危地马拉,洪都拉斯还是尼加拉瓜?

    Is it Costa Rica , Guatemala , Honduras or Nicaragua ?

  23. 服装厂正从洪都拉斯搬往尼加拉瓜的自贸区。

    Garment factories are moving from Honduras to a Nicaraguan free-trade zone .

  24. 洪都拉斯政府拒不批准该约。

    The government of Honduras refused to ratify the convention .

  25. 联合国难民署给洪都拉斯的救援比其他任何联合国机构都要多。

    UNHCR sends more aid to Honduras than any other UN agency .

  26. 他们一家人都是来自洪都拉斯的非法移民。

    and her family were all undocumented immigrants from Honduras .

  27. 卡列哈斯是洪都拉斯前总统。

    Mr. Callejas is the former president of Honduras .

  28. 洪都拉斯将于11月份举行总统选举。

    Honduras is to hold presidential elections in November .

  29. 显然你正在洪都拉斯做些什么。

    Obviously something you 've got cooking in honduras .

  30. 周日法国对抗洪都拉斯的比赛奠定了2014巴西世界的时尚地位。

    Sunday 's France v Honduras game clinched Brazil 2014 's fashion status .