
hóng shuǐ qī
  • flood period
洪水期[hóng shuǐ qī]
  1. 洪水期中采集的颗粒有机碳的δ~(13)C范围为25.419.7×10~(-3),这说明在河口区中河流有机碳与海洋有机碳的混合作用。

    The δ 14C values of POC collected during the flood period ( June , 1980 ) range from - 25.4 to - 19.7 × 10-3 , suggesting the mixing of riverine and marine organic carbon .

  2. 经观测,洪水期10~20m宽生长茂密、半淹没灌木防护林带,可平息60~70cm高波浪,减少堤坝淘刷29%,减少堤坝水土流失173m3/km。

    Observations show that during flood period , 10 ~ 20 m wide shelterbelts composed of dense shrubs drowned half can level down waves 60 ~ 70 cm high . and decrease in lashing dikes and dams by 29 % and in soil erosion by 173 m3 / km .

  3. 结果表明,湖泊水体δ18O主要反映了湖泊水源变化及湖泊水体与长江洪水期/枯水期交替演变的特征关系。

    The results show that δ ~ 18O shifts in lake waters reflect the variations of water sources of the lakes , and the relations of alternative evolution between lake waters during flood season and dry season of the Yangtze River .

  4. 在洪水期水量沙量集中时,应尽量降低水位(295~298m)排沙运用,增加峰前比降,加大洪水冲刷力度,排沙效果会更好。

    When incoming water and sediment are concentrated in flood season , the water level should be lowered for discharging sediment , the water surface slope before flood peak increased and flood scouring enlarged , the effect of discharging sediment can be better .

  5. 洪水期稳定流量计算方法的探讨

    Discussion on the computational method of the stable discharge during flood

  6. 四湖地区洪水期遥感图像的解译

    The interpretation of remote sensing image of flooding period in the Shihu region

  7. 洪水期悬移质日平均输沙率计算方法的分析研究

    Analysis Research on Daily Average Sediment Flux of Suspended Load in High-water Period

  8. 黄河下游洪水期沙峰滞后特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of Sediment Peak Delay in Flood Season of the Lower Yellow River

  9. 水库洪水期风险调度方法

    Risk operation of reservoir during flood period

  10. 洪水期岸滩崩塌有关问题的研究

    Study on bank collapse during flooding periods

  11. 1998长江全流域特大洪水期河口区床面泥沙运动特征

    Micro-features and Their Changes of Bed Configuration in the Changjiang Estuary during the 1998 Disastrous Flood

  12. 黄河下游洪水期输沙用水量与河道泥沙冲淤分析

    On the water volume required for transporting sediment and the fluvial processes in the Lower Yellow River

  13. 本文利用大型结构分析软件对大吨位缆索吊机锚碇组合结构在洪水期的振动特性进行了分析,提出了合理的结构形式;

    The thesis analyzes the vibration character of large tonnage cable crane underwater by large structural software .

  14. 根据风险调度原理,本文提出了水库洪水期风险调度方法。

    Based on the theory of risk operation , risk operation method during flood period is proposed .

  15. 黄河下游洪水期断面调整对过洪能力的影响

    Effect of Cross Section Regulation in Flood Period on the Capacity of Conveyance Flood of the Lower Yellow River

  16. 洪水期水库调水调沙与黄河下游河道排沙分析

    Analysis on the Adjustment of Water and Sediment from Reservoir and Sediment Delivery in the Lower Yellow River in Flood Periods

  17. 洪水期透明度下降、水流速加快、食物匮乏等因素导致在这段时期水生生物的生物量大幅下降。

    Transparency decline , water velocity accelerate , food shortages result of aquatic organism biomass slump when flood period . 2 .

  18. 洪水期渭河过流能力急剧减小,防洪能力十分严峻。

    The flow capacity of the Weihe river during the flood period dramatically decreased , which makes the situation of flood controlling serious .

  19. 最后对洪水期各形式碳的响应变化趋势进行重点分析并与相关流域的研究成果进行对比。

    Finally , focus the research on the response to the various forms of carbon in the flood period and comparied whith other river .

  20. 双岸整治方案是基于窄深河槽洪水期具有很强的输沙潜力与泄洪能力。

    Banks training is conducted based on narrow and deep channel in flood season that has strong potentiality of sediment transport and flood carrying capacity .

  21. 以岸滩稳定分析为基础,论文研究了在洪水期及洪水升降过程中的河岸崩塌过程及特点。

    This dissertation has studied the process and characteristics of bank failure during the flooding period and in the changing process of the water level .

  22. 洪水期冲积物中的木本植物花粉主要是由雨水片流将春季落入表土的花粉带入河水中所致。

    Arboreal pollen in alluvium mainly came from the surface pollen fallen on the ground in spring which was carried by sheet flow during the floods .

  23. 根据岩性、沉积等特征,划分为水道、砂坪、混合坪、泥坪和沼泽等5种沉积微相类型,洪水期和枯水期各微相的发育特点和平面展布不同。

    Five microfacies ( water channel , sand flat , mixed flat , mud flat and marsh ) are classified in terms of lithology and depositional features .

  24. 施工船舶在忙碌了一个施工期后,为确保下一阶段的正常工作,必须在每年的洪水期进行修整。

    After a busy construction period , in order to ensure normal work of the next phase , ship should be repaired during the annual flood period .

  25. 天然河道洪水期的水位~流量关系,因受洪水涨落率和回水顶托等因素的影响,一般成为非线性绳套状曲线。

    In general , water level and discharge relationship is non-linear ropy curve for natural river during flood season because of fluctuation rate of flood and back water pushing .

  26. 首先,根据洪水期调度过程,将洪水期划分为三个阶段;其次,针对涨水段和退水段,建立了以获得效益为主的洪水调度方法。

    Firstly , flood period is divided into three stages , then , aimed at rising limb and falling limb , flood control model is established using the objective of maximizing profit .

  27. 鄂黄长江公路大桥在一个枯水期完成两个主塔墩水下基础施工,保证了洪水期连续作业。

    The underwater foundation of two main tower piers of Ehuang Highway Bridge over the Yangtze River are completed in one dry season , so the continuous work is ensured in flood stage .

  28. 长期旋回表现为每个中期主洪水期越来越小、水道沉积规模变小,间洪水期形成的红色泥坪厚度逐渐加厚,代表气候越来越干旱。

    Different from the two cycles above , in long-term cycle , it has a trend that the scales of the channel decrease in main flood period while the thicknesses of red mudflat increase in inter-flood period .

  29. 变动回水区枯水期一般主要受电站运行水位影响,表现为库区特性,洪水期主要受上游来水来沙影响,表现为河道特性。

    Mainly affected by operating level of the Plant , fluctuating backwater area appeared characteristics of reservoir region during low water period , and those of river channel during flood period in consequence of upstream incomings of water and sediment .

  30. 常用的加固方法一般工期比较长、施工复杂,影响洪水期水库的运行,并且由于场地狭小,一些大型的机械根本没法使用。

    As to the common reinforcement method , it needs long time , has complicated construction , moreover goes against the flood discharging during the flooding , and the place is so narrow that some large machinery is unable to be used at all .