
duō gē
  • Togo
多哥[duō gē]
  1. 在G组的最后一场比赛中,法国前锋蒂耶里•亨利和多哥前锋伊曼纽尔•阿德巴约均面临积分危机和声誉问题。

    Thierry Henry of France and Emmanuel Adebayor of Togo both have points and pride at stake when their teams meet in their final group G clash .

  2. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  3. 通过NanaBenz公司引进到多哥市场的蜡印织物生意曾经可谓是十分繁荣。

    The Wax Print business since it was introduced in the Togolese market by the Nana Benz has been a flourishing business .

  4. Stevens-Johnson综合征和中毒性表皮坏死松解症的疾病进展和病因学特点:在Lomé(多哥)的40例病例研究(法国)

    Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Lom é( Togo ) . Evolutional and etiological profiles of 40 cases ( Fren )

  5. 这里是VOA特别英语发展报道。多哥一个新成立的互联网培训中心将为这个西非地区的年轻人提供机会来提高自己的工作技能。

    Classes Start in March at Internet Training Center in Togo This is the VOA Special English Technology Report . A new Internet training center in Togo will give young people in that part of West Africa a chance to improve their job skills .

  6. Ibrahim来自西非的多哥,他的儿子和女儿虽然出生在香港,却是和超过580名难民儿童一样没有居留权,因此这些年轻人无法找到工作或离开。

    Ibrahim is from Togo in west Africa , and his son and daughter , despite both having been born in Hong Kong , are among the more than 580 refugee children denied the right of abode , making it impossible for young people to get jobs or leave .

  7. 我的现在是英格兰的阿森纳和多哥队。

    My life is in England now with Arsenal and with Togo .

  8. 多哥同修献给师父的画。

    A painting offered to master by a Togo practitioner .

  9. 瑞士2比0战胜多哥,而乌克兰则以4比0大败沙特。

    Switzerland beat Togo 2-0 , while Ukraine trounced Saudi Arabia 4-0 .

  10. 多哥的民间音乐包括各种舞蹈打击乐。

    Togolese folk music includes a great variety of percussion-led dance music .

  11. 多哥共和国位于西非。

    The Togolese Republic is a country in West Africa .

  12. 反对派称福雷纳辛贝家族已经统治多哥太久。

    The opposition says his family has ruled Togo for too long .

  13. 多哥采购无边帽和抗生素。

    We are exporters of multi-vitamin caps and antibiotic from Korea and india .

  14. 排在其后的是多哥(59%);

    They are followed by Togo with 59 % ;

  15. 多哥的西部和西南部是多哥山脉。

    To the West and the southwest of the tableland lie the Togo mountains .

  16. 英语在加纳和多哥的中学使用。

    English is spoken in neighboring Ghana and is taught in Togolese secondary schools .

  17. 尤其在多哥,银行等金融机构已经成为储蓄与投资的最主要的中间渠道。

    Financial institutions are the main intermediation channels between saving and investment in the country .

  18. 6月份将审批塔吉克斯坦、多哥和也门的请求。

    In June , requests will be processed for Tajikistan , Togo , and Yemen .

  19. 三个国家今年首次在排行榜上亮相了:毛里求斯、斯洛伐克以及多哥。

    Three countries debut on the list this year : Mauritius , Slovakia , and Togo .

  20. 在多哥,咖啡的产地价格是边境价格的三分之一。

    In Togo , the farm price for coffee was a third of the border price .

  21. 西非的贝宁、加纳、尼日利亚和多哥在2007年爆发了禽流感。

    In West Africa , Benin , Ghana , Nigeria and Togo have had outbreaks in2007 .

  22. 经过上半埸的赛事后,南韩尽力追和多哥。

    After the first half of the game , South Korea pushed for an equalizer against Togo .

  23. 多哥首都和最大城市;位于几内亚海湾南部。

    Capital and largest city of Togo ; located in the S on the Gulf of Guinea .

  24. 多哥从海湾向北只延伸579公里,最宽的地方也只有160公里。

    Togo stretches 579km north from the Gulf and is only 160km wide at the broadest point .

  25. 多哥北部保护区的基础研究是保证该区土地资源可持续利用的关键。

    Basic scientific research in Northern Togo protected areas is fundamental to ensure the sustainability of land resource management .

  26. 喀麦隆、刚果、加蓬、苏丹、多哥和乌干达正在报告越来越多的病例。

    Increasing number of cases are being reported from Cameroon , Congo , Gabon , Sudan , Togo and Uganda .

  27. 下个月,世界银行可能为多哥、也门和塔吉克提供赠款。

    Over the coming month , the World Bank expects to provide grant support to Togo , Yemen and Tajikistan .

  28. 从该基金首批援助受益的其它国家包括孟加拉国、海地、塞拉利昂和多哥。

    Other countries to benefit from the first round of funding include Bangladesh , Haiti , Sierra Leone and Togo .

  29. 本文使用横截面研究方法,涉及自我管理,文献引用和数据搜集,以及对多哥营销决策者的考察。

    It employs a cross sectional research design involving self-administered , delivery and collection , surveys to Togolese marketing decision makers .

  30. 在兵工厂效力三个半赛季多哥前锋,已基本同意了曼城的条件。

    The Togo striker , who has spent three-and-a-half seasons with the Gunners , has still to agree terms with City .