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  • transition zone
  1. 通过叠加SS前驱波对过渡带速度间断面形貌的全球成像

    Global mapping of topography on transition zone velocity discontinuities by stacking SS precursors

  2. 经最优工艺制备的涂层过渡带很窄,有βSiC纳米晶须生成,且其抗氧化性能最佳。

    Nano-whiskers β SiC with a narrow transition zone and good oxidation resistance are obtained on prepared SiC coatings .

  3. 一种适合于窄过渡带FIR滤波器设计的方法

    A Novel Method for the Design of Narrow Transition-band FIR Filters

  4. FIR滤波器的过渡带优化设计

    OPtimum Design of Transition Band for the F.I.R. Filter

  5. 第三水文地质旋回J2t~K(J2t可属于过渡带),属于浅层强开放的重力驱动型水动力系统;

    The third one ( J 2t - K ) be-longs to shallow , strongly opened gravity drive hydrodynamic one .

  6. 鄂中、西山前过渡带农村经济持续发展研究WTO框架下我国农村经济持续发展的现状与对策

    Study on the sustainable development of rural economy at the transitional zone between middle Hubei and front western Hubei mountain areas

  7. FIR高通滤波器幅频响应曲线中过渡带局部具有近似线性的特点。

    Frequency responses of some high-pass FIR filters are partially linear in their transition bands .

  8. 基于RS和GIS的沙漠-黄土过渡带土地沙漠化分布与变化研究&以陕北榆林地区为例

    A Dynamic Study of Land Desertification in Desert-Loess Transitional Zones Based on RS and GIS : A Case Study of Yulin Area

  9. 然后,深入分析了咸淡水过渡带水敏感性的影响因素,包括临界流速、临界盐浓度、临界盐浓度递减率、临界离子强度和pH值等。

    Then , the impacting factors on the water sensitivity , such as critical fluid velocity , critical salt concentration , critical ratio of salinity decrease , critical ionic strength and pH etc. are analyzed deeply .

  10. 实验数据表明,采用免疫算法确定的频率过渡带样本值是最优的,设计的FIR滤波器的频率特性优于查表法。

    Experimental data have shown that the value of transition band sample obtained by IA can be ensured to be optimal and the frequency characteristic of the filter is improved .

  11. 高压地层顶部的过渡带可以用声波过渡时间、碳氢化合物指数(PI)、伊利石化程度、干酪根的结构以及镜质体反射率的变化加以确定。

    The top of the anomalously pressured transition zone is identified by marked increases in sonic transit time , hydrocarbon production index ( PI ), clay diagenesis , and vitrinite reflectance .

  12. 而与含有过渡带的新侵入剖面模型相对应的参数模型除包括冲洗带电导率、原状地层电导率和过渡带中点半径外,还有一个反映过渡带电导率变化的指数N。

    The parameter model corresponding to the new invasion profile model not only comprises flushed zone conductivity , undisturbed zone conductivity and transition zone radius , but also comprises an index N which reflects the transition zone 's change pattern .

  13. 采用表面处理技术,改善了MMT-淀粉接枝复合吸水剂中的MMT与聚合物基体的两相界面作用力,并提出了弹性过渡带模型。

    With interface improvement technology , interfacial adhesion of two-phase between MMT and polymer matrix has risen , and elasticity transitional zone model was designed .

  14. 利用椭圆函数滤波器较陡的过渡带特性设计前向和后向滤波器,消除由于IIR滤波器造成滤波后的数据相位非线性失真。

    A back and forward filter with steeper transitional band was designed of ellipse function . It can remove nonlinear phase distortion caused by IIR filter .

  15. PASSIM系列卷接机组吸丝过渡带轮的改进

    Improvement of Suction Band Transition Pulley in PASSIM Series Cigarette Making and Tipping Machine Combination

  16. GVA除草剂清除林农区过渡带火险可燃物的试验

    The Experimental Study on Removing the Fire-Danger Fuel on Transitional Belts in Forest-Farm

  17. 为精确估计民勤典型绿洲荒漠过渡带中优势物种生物量,我们用随机选取的82个10m×10m的样方进行优势物种调查。

    The biomass of the dominant plant species in a typical oasis-desert ecotone ( ODE ) of Minqin was measured in 82 plots ( 10 m × 10 m ) .

  18. 层间氧化带内不同亚带的水岩体系pH值也有所不同,氧化带和还原带处于弱碱性介质环境,而氧化还原过渡带则处于中性介质环境;

    The water-rock system pH values are somewhat different in different subzones of the interlayer oxidation zone , i.e. , the oxidation and reduction zones are in an environment of weakly alkali media whereas the reduction-oxidation transitional zone is in the setting of neutral media .

  19. 10&11s之间的壳-幔过渡带包含一组振幅大、连续性好的强反射,在震源下方的Moho界面上似乎被间断。

    The crust-mantle transition in 10-11 s contains a set of strong reflections with high amplitude and well continuity . However , it seems to be discontinuous beneath the hypocenter .

  20. 针对桩1块特高含水期底水稠油油藏的特点,利用NMR测井资料定量评价了该区块剩余油的分布情况,为利用水平井开采油水过渡带之上的剩余油提供了依据。

    According to the features of the viscous oil reservoirs with high water saturation and bottom water , the distribution of bypassed oil in Zhuang 1 block was evaluated with NMR logging techniques . The results provide a basis for horizontal well drilling .

  21. 在设计FIR滤波器时,往往会指定过渡带大小,但过渡带的引入只是为了便于滤波器的设计,而并不是物理上的需要,所以在设计中仅需指定截至频率。

    In FIR design , transition bands are usually specified . However , the introduction of transition bands is just to simplify the design and is not the physical requirement , that is to say , only cutoff frequence is needed for the design .

  22. 综合地震技术和地质条件进一步分析,认为Tol井可能位于油水过渡带。

    Integrated analysis on seismic data taking account of geologic setting shows that Well Tol should be located in the oil-water 's transitional zones .

  23. 文章简要介绍了408UL仪器有线放炮系统的特点和性能。该仪器采用灵活的有线放炮系统,更加方便于沙漠、山地、沼泽及水陆过渡带等恶劣环境下的施工。

    This paper makes a brief introduction of the features and capabilities of the line shooting system of 408UL ′ s instrument .

  24. 从过渡带6种禾草97份褐斑病病株标本中,分离得到了73个丝核菌分离物,用DAPI染色法进行了菌丝核相观察。

    73 isolates of Rhizoctonia were obtained from 97 specimen , 6 species of infected turf-grasses , The nuclei were stained to determine the number in vegetative hyphal cells by DAPI staining nuclear technique .

  25. 在设计不等宽过渡带的带通滤波器时,本算法优于Parks-McClellan算法的结果。

    For the design of bandpass filter with unequal width of transition band , the proposed algorithm result is better than the result of Parks-McClellan algorithm .

  26. H2S等还原剂的存在是环境Eh值下降的主要原因,从而使水中的UO2+2在氧化还原过渡带处于过饱和状态,加速了铀的吸附和沉淀。

    The existense of reductants such as H 2S is the basic factor leading to the decrease of Eh in environments and the oversaturation of UO 2 + 2 at the redox front in groundwater , thus accelerating the adsorption and the precipitation of uranium .

  27. 对采样率为10kHz,过渡带为800Hz至3800Hz的10阶FIR高通滤波器幅频响应曲线过渡带局部进行线性拟合。

    A linear fitting algorithm is applied to the frequency response of a 10-order high-pass FIR filter with 10 kHz sample rate and a transition band from 800 Hz to 3 800 Hz .

  28. 这里的壳幔过渡带厚度可达3km,推测为橄榄岩与基性麻粒岩互层。

    The thickness of the transition zone between the crust and the mantle is about 3 km and composition of the zone might be the interbed of peridotite and basic granulites .

  29. 采用改进遗传量子算法(IGQA)进行FIR数字滤波器的优化设计,将滤波器的过渡带样本值作为变量进行优化,解决了传统方法(查表法)不能保证数据最优的问题。

    Improved genetic quantum algorithm ( IGQA ) is used to design FIR digital filters . Samples in transitions of filters are optimized , which solves the problem that values obtained by look-up table method ( LTUM ) are not optimums .

  30. 结果表明:在荒漠绿洲过渡带上,0~200cm土层中土壤平均湿度介于1.45%~3·85%,变异系数在27.7%~83.2%;

    The result show : in the desert-oasis ecotone , the soil moisture at the 0 200cm soil layer is , on average , 1.45 % 3.85 % and the variable coefficient is 27.7 % 83.2 % ;