
bō luó dì hǎi
  • the Baltic
波罗的海[bō luó dì hǎi]
  1. 波罗的海的鱼类资源逐渐减少。

    Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline .

  2. 波罗的海各国人民有权决定自己的未来。

    The Baltic people have a right to determine their own future

  3. 莫斯科和波罗的海诸共和国正在重启沟通渠道。

    Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication .

  4. 我们帮他准备了去波罗的海的行装。

    We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic

  5. 波罗的海诸共和国已呼吁斯堪的纳维亚诸国提供援助。

    The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help .

  6. 法国即将承认波罗的海诸国的独立。

    France is on the point of recognizing the independence of the Baltic States .

  7. 这部学术性著作应该会引发一场关于西方对波罗的海国家政策的大辩论。

    This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics .

  8. 该提议不大可能在波罗的海诸国得到热烈响应。

    It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States .

  9. 波罗的海各国本身的民主传统将有助于其恢复在欧洲应有的地位。

    The Baltics ' own democratic traditions would help them to regain their rightful place in Europe

  10. 他们仅凭一个罗盘的指引驶过了波罗的海和北海。

    They sailed across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them .

  11. 北欧诸国很快就表示它们对波罗的海诸国的发展感兴趣。

    The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States .

  12. 没人期待波罗的海各国会让年轻的俄罗斯士兵加入其国籍,但领取抚恤金的军人可获得公民身份。

    No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers , but army pensioners can be given citizenship .

  13. 人均GDP大约等同于三个波罗的海国家。

    GDP per capita roughly equals that of the three Baltic states .

  14. 波罗的海干散货指数(drybulkindex)最近出现回落,这显示运输船舶排放量监管规则的收紧不可能导致近期出现成本扭曲。

    The recent decline in the dry bulk index suggests that tighter emissions regulations on shipping vessel is unlikley to result in near-term cost distortions .

  15. 去年,欧盟(EU)内部只有瑞典、波兰、芬兰和波罗的海诸国的经济增速超过了德国。

    Within the European Union , only Sweden , Poland , Finland and the Baltic States grew faster than Germany last year .

  16. 作为衡量大宗商品航运成本的关键指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)在过去一年里已上涨了一倍多。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a key measure of commodity shipping costs , has more than doubled in the past year .

  17. 欧盟(EU)成员国身份为爱尔兰和波罗的海国家提供了一些保护,令它们免受大国的压力,但这不能解决所有问题。

    Membership of the European Union has provided the Irish and the Balts with some protection from pressure by larger nations , but it cannot solve all problems .

  18. 我问服务员比目鱼来自哪里&是黑海还是波罗的海(TheBaltic)?

    Where was the fish from ? I asked . The Black Sea ? The Baltic ?

  19. 至于全球贸易,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)较2008年最高水平下跌了三分之二,但仍高于过去10年的普遍水平。

    As for world trade , the Baltic Dry Index is two-thirds lower than its 2008 peak but higher than where it has generally traded over the past 10 years .

  20. 但是,在波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)平均逾7000点以上达成的合约,在运费大跌后就显得很不明智了。

    But contracts struck when the Baltic Dry Index averaged over 7000 points looked a lot less clever after freight rates plunged , and the BDI touched 663 in early December .

  21. 这个波罗的海国家已经摆脱了严重的经济衰退&国内生产总值(GDP)从去年收缩14%到今年预期增长1%。

    The Baltic state has moved from a severe recession – gross domestic product shrank 14 per cent in 2009 – to growth of an expected 1 per cent this year .

  22. 根据丹麦银行的预测,不良贷款可能将使未来几年瑞典GDP总量下降2%至6%,具体降幅将取决于波罗的海国家的信贷违约规模。

    According to Danske Bank , the loans could cost Sweden a total of2 % to6 % of its GDP over several years , depending on how many Baltic borrowers default .

  23. 爱沙尼亚和南面的波罗的海国家拉脱维亚(Latvia)以及东面的俄罗斯陆上接壤。

    Estonia has land borders with its fellow Baltic country Latvia to the south and Russia to the east .

  24. 这瓶“俄罗斯-波罗的海”牌的伏特加的所有者是一位丹麦收藏家,遭窃酒吧名为Cafe33,位于丹麦首都哥本哈根韦斯特布罗区。

    The Russo-Baltique bottle was on loan to a Danish collector when it was seized from the Caf é 33 bar in the Vesterbro district .

  25. 对产自波罗的海的琥珀样品和实验室制备的琥珀仿制品样品进行了有机元素分析,测出了其C,H,N,S,O等元素的质量分数。

    The organic elements in the amber samples from Baltic and some amber 's imitations produced in laboratory are studied . The content of the organic elements such as C , H , N , S and O is also tested .

  26. 该条约使约瑟夫•斯大林(JosefStalin)控制了波罗的海国家并试图(虽然失败了)控制芬兰。

    It lead to Josef Stalin taking over the Baltic states and trying ( but failing ) to take over Finland .

  27. 与此同时,反映船运成本的波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)在不到两个月的时间内大跌60%。该指数在2008年出现暴跌,当时被一些人视为全球经济的晴雨表。

    At the same time , the Baltic Dry Index of freight costs , regarded by some as a barometer of the global economy when it plunged in 2008 , has fallen 60 per cent in less than two months .

  28. 更普遍的担忧是,普京可能会在乌克兰发动全面常规战争,或者鼓动波罗的海国家说俄语的人群揭竿而起,这些国家是北约(Nato)成员国。

    It is more common to worry that Mr Putin may launch an all-out conventional war in Ukraine – or encourage uprisings by Russian-speakers in the Baltic states , which are members of Nato .

  29. 直到2008年初反应国际干散货海运价格的波罗的海干散货综合运价指数(BDI),从2004年的3000多点一路上涨到接近12000点。

    Until the beginning of 2008 , Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) has risen to nearly 1,2000 points from more than 3000 points in 2004 .

  30. 往东,与苏格兰人一样勇敢和足智多谋的波罗的海国家,尽管是欧盟和北约(Nato)成员国,但在复仇主义俄罗斯的熊爪面前仍然自觉脆弱。

    Further east , the Baltic states , brave and resourceful as the Scots , are members of the EU and Nato but still feel vulnerable to the bear 's paw of a revanchist Russia .