
  • 网络BISCAY;Biscay Bay;The Bay of Biscay
  1. 他们航行通过比斯开湾。

    They sailed through the bay of biscay .

  2. 法国位于西欧,毗邻比斯开湾(bayofbiscay)和英吉利海峡(englishchanne),位于比利时和西班牙之间,英国的东南面,毗邻意大利和西班牙间的地中海。

    France is located in Western Europe , bordering the bay of Biscay and English channel , between Belgium and Spain , Southeast of the UK ; and bordering the Mediterranean Sea , between Italy and Spain .

  3. 比斯开湾时常风浪很大。

    The Bay of Biscay can be very rough at times .

  4. 比斯开湾风浪形成与航法

    Storm and wave form and how to navigate in Biscay bay

  5. 位于比斯开湾的法国西部的农业地区。

    An agricultural region of western France on the Bay of Biscay .

  6. 比斯开湾矿石租船合同

    Ore Charter Party for the Carriage of Iron Ore from Bay of Biscay

  7. 法国中西部一低洼地区,濒临比斯开湾。

    A low-lying region of west central France on the Bay of Biscay .

  8. 法国西北部的一个省,位于卢瓦尔河的比斯开湾地区。

    A department of northwestern France in the Pays de la Loire region .

  9. 法国西北部一城市,位于布雷斯特市东南部比斯开湾沿岸。

    A city of northwest France on the Bay of Biscay southeast of Brest .

  10. 比斯开湾上空电子总量对磁暴的响应

    The Response of the Ionospheric TEC to Magnetic Storms over the Bay of Biscay

  11. 比斯开湾是世界著名大风浪区之一。

    Biscay bay is one of the famous zones of the heavy storm and wave in the world .

  12. 为了增加恐怖的气氛,伯特一面敲着茶盘一面吹奏着《比斯开湾之曲》。

    To increase the terrifying effect , Bert rattled the tea tray and played The Bay of Biscay .

  13. 沉积岩的层片刺破了比斯开湾西班牙巴里卡镇的浓雾。

    Slabs of sediment puncture the fog at Barrika , a Spanish town on the Bay of Biscay .

  14. 佛罗里达州东南部的一座城市和旅游胜地,濒临比斯开湾;佛罗里达州最著名的城市。

    A city and resort in southeastern Florida on Biscayne Bay ; the best known city in Florida .

  15. 西班牙西北部一区域和古王国,位于大西洋上的比斯开湾。

    A region ( and former kingdom ) in northwestern Spain on the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay .

  16. 原法国西北部一省,位于英吉利海峡和比斯开湾之间的半岛上。

    A former province of northwestern France on a peninsula between the English Channel and the bay of biscay .

  17. 英国,法国,爱尔兰和西班牙联合起来宣布了他们对凯尔特海和比斯开湾的主权。

    Thus Britain , France , Ireland and Spain have jointly made a claim in the Celtic sea and the Bay of Biscay .

  18. 位于在法-西边界的比利牛斯山脉,由地中海一直延伸到比斯开湾,形成了法国的另一道山界。

    The Pyrenees Mountains , extending along the Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay , forms the other mountain boundary of France .

  19. 调查发现,北海,波罗的海,法国西班牙之间的比斯开湾仍然需要更好的控制。

    The study found that better controls are still needed in the North Sea , the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain .

  20. 法国从地图上看近似六边形。它东边与德国、瑞士和意大利接壤,东南与摩纳哥和地中海为邻,南边是西班牙和安道尔,比斯开湾和英吉利海峡则分别在西面和北面形成了天然的屏障。

    France , approximately hexagonal in shape , has a boundary on the east with Germany , Switzerland and Italy , and is bounded on the southeast by Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea ; on the south are Spain and Andorra , with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders .