
běi hǎi
  • the North Sea;Beihai;Bohai Sea;Baikal Lake;the Northern Border
北海 [běi hǎi]
  • (1) [the North Sea]∶大西洋东北部一个浅海,位于欧洲大陆东北与不列颠岛之间

  • (2) [Beihai]

  • (3) 中国广西壮族自治区重要港口城市。著名渔港,工业有水产加工、贝雕工艺、电力、造船、机械、化学、轻工、纺织等

  • (4) 北京市的北海公园

  • (5) [the Northern Border]∶中国北方的边区

  • 君处北海,寡人处南海。--《左传.僖四年》

  • (6) [Bohai Sea]∶渤海

  • 非挟太山以超 北海之类也。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • (7) [Baikal Lake]∶贝加尔湖。苏武居北海牧羊之所。今苏联亚洲部分南部的湖泊

  • 乃徒武北海上无人处。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

北海[běi hǎi]
  1. 他们在北海遇到风暴,船险些失事。

    They narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm in the North Sea .

  2. 他在北海学会了潜水员这一行的本事。

    He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea

  3. 莱茵河注入北海。

    The Rhine empties into the North Sea .

  4. 在北海突然发现了一支法国船队。

    A fleet of French ships was sighted in the North Sea .

  5. 看来北海的海豹又要爆发另一场疾病了。

    There appears to be another outbreak of sickness among seals in the North Sea .

  6. 北海的一处石油钻塔昨天发生了瓦斯爆炸,5名石油工人受伤。

    Five oilmen were injured when a gas explosion shook a North Sea oil rig yesterday .

  7. 他们仅凭一个罗盘的指引驶过了波罗的海和北海。

    They sailed across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them .

  8. 暖气流正从北海上空的另一个高气压带移动过来。

    Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea .

  9. 北海高涨的潮水被一场风暴推涌进英吉利海峡。

    High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm .

  10. 北海的石油开采商激烈反对要求他们在石油钻井平台使用期结束之后将其移除的立法。

    North Sea operators kicked against legislation making them responsible for removing oil platforms at the end of their useful life .

  11. 随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。

    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea , it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry .

  12. 这汽车经过北海公园吗?

    Does the bus pass the Beihai Park ?

  13. 在北海发现了大量有商业价值的石油。

    Oil has been found in commercial quantities in the North sea .

  14. 北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。

    North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of our export earnings .

  15. 英格兰东部的河流都流入北海。

    All the rivers on the east side of England empty into the North sea .

  16. 英国东部所有的河水都注入北海。

    All the rivers on the east side of England drain into the North sea .

  17. 这些瓶子属于一项绘制北海洋流图的研究项目。

    The bottles were part of a research project to map currents in the North Sea .

  18. 1906年11月30日,乔治·比德从一艘船上把一个瓶子扔进北海。

    On November 30 , 1906 , George Bidder dropped a bottle from a boat into the North Sea .

  19. 他们补充说,实验成功地显示了北海洋流的东西流向。

    They added that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west flow of the North Sea 's currents .

  20. 凤凰的姊妹从南海径直飞往北海。

    Wan1 zhou , phoenix 's sister , flew from South sea from North Sea directly .

  21. 与北海的石油产量相比,这只是沧海一粟。

    By comparison with North Sea oil production , it is a drop in the ocean .

  22. 传说故事中,南海的君王叫做“倏”,北海的君王叫做“忽”,中央的帝王叫做“浑沌”。

    Legends hold that Shu was the king of the south sea . Hu was the king of the North Sea , and Hun Dun was the king of the center .

  23. 桨叶、塔架和发电机会被运出工厂,装上一艘船,没错,一艘很大的船,然后驶向北海。

    From the factory , the blades , towers and the generator are loaded onto a boat – yep , a really big one – and sailed out into the North Sea .

  24. 南海的皇帝,名字叫“鯈”;北海的皇帝,名字叫“忽”;中央的皇帝,名字叫“浑沌”。

    The emperor of the South Sea was named " Tiao " , the emperor of the North Sea was named " Hu " , and the central emperor " Hun Dun " .

  25. 河伯顺着黄河来到了北海,朝东一望,望不见海的尽头,再看看自己才觉得自己很渺小。

    Hero followed the Yellow River to the North Sea . Then he looked at himself and felt he could not see the bounds of the sea . Then he looked at himself and felt he was so tiny and insignificant .

  26. 基于Web中国海监北海通信站数据中心信息系统

    Web-based North China Sea Branch of Communication Station Supervisor Data Center Information System

  27. 北海市无偿献血人群HIV感染分析

    Analysis of infectious status of HIV in unpaid blood donors in Beihai City

  28. 正如英国在北海(northsea)石油方面的经验所示,即便对体制健全、治理得宜的国家而言,这也是件相当困难的事情。

    As the experience of the UK with North Sea oil shows , this is extraordinarily difficult even for countries with strong institutions and governance .

  29. 南宁钦州北海SDH微波传输工程简介

    Brief Introduction to Nanning-Qinzhou-Beihai SDH Microwave Transmission Project

  30. 氟离子CIMS法测定北海高酸馏分油中的羧酸

    Determination of naphthenic acids in distillates of North Sea crude oil by fluoride ion CIMS