
ɡuó jiā zhǔ yì
  • nationalism;statism
  1. 该文集记载了亚洲政府追求经济国家主义的各类方式,即使这当中揉合了国际经济。

    This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy .

  2. 航空业是经济国家主义最后的堡垒之一。

    Aerospace is one of the last redoubts of economic nationalism .

  3. 国家主义者的一个早期目标是推动民众对权威的接受。

    Popular acceptance of authority had been an early aim of the Nationalists .

  4. 过去的国家主义狂热可能再次被点燃

    There might be a rekindling of the kind of nationalistic fervour of yesteryear .

  5. 但AdrianoPires表示,巴西最近的石油政策让其变成“国家主义者和平民主义者”。AdrianoPires是扎根里约热内卢能源顾问,同时也是巴西国家石油管理局的前官员。

    But its recent oil policy has been " nationalist and populist , " says Adriano Pires , a Rio-based energy consultant and former ANP official .

  6. 国家主义、地区主义与全球主义&兼论中国大战略的谋划

    Nationalism , Regionalism and Globalism , and China 's Mega Strategy

  7. 20世纪20至60年代,国家主义盛行了50年;

    From 1920s to 1960s nationalism had prevailed for fifty years .

  8. 国家主义理论与中华民族的自觉

    The Theories of Nationalism and the Consciousness of Chinese Nation

  9. 论柏林大学的学术自由与国家主义

    The Relationship of Berlin University between Academic Freedom and Statism

  10. 柏拉图的国家主义正义论&《理想国》的政治哲学解读

    A political and philosophical analysis of Plato 's The Republic

  11. 国家主义有基本的规定性,但却没有确定的定义。

    The state above all has basic concept but has no definition .

  12. 经济学的千年论战&论国家主义和自由主义

    Debate in Millennium of Economics & On Nationalism and Liberalism

  13. 他们试图唤醒人们的国家主义的热情来反对外国人。

    They attempted to arouse nationalistic passions against the foreigners .

  14. 论国家主义理论对梁启超新民思想的影响

    The Influence of Nationalism on Liang Qichao 's Thoughts of New People

  15. 为国家主义法制观正名&以新中国1949年至1957年的法律实践为例

    To Justify for the Concept of Nationalism Legal System

  16. 美国高等教育管理的准国家主义研究

    The Research on Quasi-nationalism of American Higher Education Management

  17. 一个真正的国家主义者把他的国家看得高于一切。

    A true nationalist places his country above everything .

  18. 英国国家主义的强度时高时低。

    British nationalism ebbs and flows in its intensity .

  19. 新国家主义将国家需要置于派系或个人利益之前。

    The New Nationalism puts the national need before sectional or personal advantage .

  20. 沙文主义尤以好战的对外政策为特征的极端国家主义;沙文主义的爱国主义。

    Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy ; chauvinistic patriotism .

  21. 从自由主义到国家主义&美国进步主义时期的政治变动

    From Liberalism to Nationalism & The political changes during the period of American progressivism

  22. 少年中国学会是国家主义派的渊源之一。

    The Youth China Academy was one of the origins of the nationalism school .

  23. 多边主义时代正在让位于新的国家主义时代。

    The era of multilateralism is giving way to a new age of nationalisms .

  24. 早期的重商主义为了资本的原始积累倡导国家主义型政府,主张政府干预经济。

    The early mercantilism for the capital primitive accumulation advocates the government intervention economy .

  25. 国家主义是促进中华民族自觉的理论之一。

    Nationalism is one of the theories that promote the consciousness of Chinese nation .

  26. 国家主义、地区主义和全球主义之间存在着战略性张力,而地区主义扮演着联结国家主义与全球主义的桥梁作用。三者相辅相成,构成谋划中国大战略的基本因素。

    Nationalism , regionalism and globalism are factors shaping up the mega-strategy of China .

  27. 全球主义、国家主义与中国竞技体育

    Globalism , nationalism and competitive sport in China

  28. 教育的民族化与国际化&日本近代国家主义教育体制的发展理念

    On Educational Nationalization and Internationalization & Establishment of National Education System in Modern Japan

  29. 在价值和价格理论上他表现出浓厚的国家主义思想。

    Mix in value the price is theoretic he shows grumous national creed idea .

  30. 其次就是国家主义,爱国主义。

    The second thing is nationalism , patriotism .