
yán xí
  • follow;obtain;carry on as before
沿袭 [yán xí]
  • [carry on as before;follow] 依照旧传统或规定办理;因袭

沿袭[yán xí]
  1. 塔塔承诺将沿袭这两个品牌的前任东家福特(ford)的业务计划,直至2011年,工会对此格外满意。

    Unions were particularly happy with a commitment from Tata to follow the business plan of Ford , the previous owner , up until 2011 .

  2. 事实上,这种不事张扬的方式似乎沿袭着Twitter联合创始人中杰克•多西的经营理念。

    Indeed , the understated approach seems to follow the philosophy of co-founder Jack Dorsey , who is said by some former employees to follow a " back-to-work " approach regardless of company milestones .

  3. 我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。

    Our legal system inherited laws from the English system .

  4. 如今人们看到的单人喜剧表演好多内容都是沿袭前人。

    A lot of what you see in stand-up comedy today is very derivative .

  5. 这个风俗从18世纪就沿袭下来。

    This custom has been passed down since the18th century .

  6. 它沿袭了于1961年创始的OSCAR计划的成就。在这一计划中,一个总部设在美国的团队于前苏联人造卫星发射后的第四年,建造并发射了第一枚非政府卫星。

    It continued the efforts , begun in 1961 , by Project OSCAR - a U.S. - based group that built and launched the very first nongovernmental satellite just four years after Sputnik .

  7. 这个说法沿袭了sweettooth押韵规律,并进一步演绎。Sweettooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。

    This term is a rhyming play on the well-known phrase sweet tooth , a craving or fondness for sweet food , which has been in the language for over 600 years .

  8. 通过使用扩展映射,就可以对InformationServer外部的数据流执行数据沿袭分析。

    By using extension mappings , data lineage analysis can be performed on data flows external to Information Server .

  9. 这种集成意味着业务用户可以使用web链接访问业务术语表和来自业务报告的沿袭报告。

    The integration means that business users can use web links to navigate to the business glossary and lineage reports from the business reports .

  10. 以往的PLC编程方法大多沿袭了传统的电气继电器控制线路的设计思路,而数据编程方法则是将与控制设备工作状态相对应的控制数据直接由PLC输出对工作设备实施控制。

    The data programming method directly use the control data related to control the work state of controlled equipment via PLC .

  11. 欧洲央行(ecb)沿袭了这一传统。

    The European Central Bank follows this tradition .

  12. MetadataWorkbench的核心特性之一就是它的一项内置支持,即在由InformationServer组件创建或导入的元数据之间自动推断沿袭关系。

    One of the core features in Metadata Workbench is its built-in support to automatically deduce linkages among metadata that Information Server components create or import .

  13. ARM主要集中于SCA中每个流程的完成状态、间隔时间和事务沿袭(lineage)。

    It mainly focuses on the completion status , interval time , and transaction lineage for each process in SCA .

  14. e品牌的特殊性决定了CI形象设计不能沿袭传统品牌形象塑造的方式,必须有所改变。

    It has to be changed because its specific character does not allow the image design of CI to copy the modeling way of traditional brands .

  15. FIPA体系结构,基本上沿袭了OO思想。

    It is inherited 00 thought in FIPA architecture .

  16. 数据沿袭报告显示DataStage准备阶段或列、物理数据源和BI报告字段涉及的信息流。

    Data lineage reports show how information flows through DataStage stages or columns , through physical data sources and into BI report fields .

  17. Workbench的作用是在来自各个来源的数据之间建立自动的链接,提供有用的沿袭报告和影响分析信息。

    Workbench plays a critical role in establishing the automated link between the data from various sources and provides useful lineage reports and impact analysis details .

  18. 关联规则的下钻操作沿袭了OLAP中的下钻的概念,它是通过对已经挖掘得到的用户感兴趣的规则进行再分析,挖掘出用户感兴趣的子关联规则。

    Drill down operator of association rules , which follows the same concept of OLAP , can analyze the association rules and mine its son association rules .

  19. MetadataWorkbench用户可以创建数据沿袭报告,分析数据从数据源到作业和准备阶段,再到数据库、数据文件和商业智能化报告的整个流动过程。

    Metadata workbench users can create reports that analyze the flow of data from data sources , through jobs and stages , and into databases , data files , and business intelligence reports .

  20. 为了沿袭大型双门轿跑的传统,这款君威轿跑也将搭载一个动力强劲的发动机&一个2.8升的涡轮增压V6发动。

    In keeping with the tradition of big two-door cars , it would be powered by a hot engine : a 2.8 liter turbo-charged V-6 .

  21. 本文没有沿袭成象领域中常用的付里叶光学法,而尝试采用离散付里叶变换(DFT)来分析声成象技术中多波束扫描法(MBS法)的工作原理。

    The principles of Multi-beam scanning ( MBS ) method in the acoustic imaging techniques is analysed by using Discrete Fourier Transform instead of Fourier Optics usually used in the imaging area .

  22. 他们的研究方法大多沿袭传统的均值一方差分析方法,但将VaR技术运用到寿险定价的利率风险管理中还未尝见到。

    There are many experts and life insurance workers studying on Interest Spread Risk from qualitative or quantitative ways by the mean-variance method , but writer has not yet found who analyzes Interest Spread Risk by VaR technique .

  23. 福特(Ford)、捷豹(Jaguar)和阿斯顿马丁(AstonMartin)看起来好像是三家不相关的汽车公司,但实际上它们背后站着两个相同的设计师,他们为这三个品牌设计的车身外观已经各自沿袭了20多年。

    Ford , Jaguar and Aston Martin are seemingly unrelated car companies , but they 're unified by a pair of designers whose iconic look has carried through each brand over the last 20 years .

  24. 来自CognosBI的报告元数据、来自DataStage的ETL作业元数据和来自DataStage的仓库元数据需要相互映射,以便能够通过沿袭报告跟踪它们。

    The report metadata from Cognos BI , ETL job metadata from DataStage , and the warehouse metadata from Database , need to be mapped to each other to enable traceability through lineage reports .

  25. 目前关于词汇衔接的研究大都沿袭Halliday和Hasan的模式(1976),将其与四种语法衔接手段并列在一起。

    At present , studies on lexical cohesion are mainly guided by cohesive theory proposed by Halliday Hasan in 1976 in which lexical cohesion is parallel to the other four grammatical cohesive devices .

  26. 考察了移动机器人的轨迹跟踪问题,针对以前沿袭线性化的思路设计的控制律带来的局部稳定特性,基于后退(backstepping)方法的思想设计了具有全局渐近稳定的跟踪控制器。

    This paper concerns trajectory tracking control of mobile robots . In order to overcome the local stability resulted from linearization design methods , a global asymptotically stable ( GAS ) controller is designed using backstepping method .

  27. 新秀丽的全球创意总监昆汀麦凯(quentinmackay)表示,随着旅行市场走向高端,该品牌沿袭了它的fashionaire印花皮革旅行包系列。

    As travel goes upmarket , Quentin Mackay , its global creative director , says the brand has followed with its fashionaire printed-leather luggage range .

  28. 但是APEC现在需要进行的机制化并不是要沿袭欧洲联盟那样的机制,而是要像当初组织成立时寻找APEC方式那样,寻求一个有自身特色同时也适合组织发展需要的新型机制。

    But now the APEC need not to follow along the European Union that mechanism , but was like when looking for " APEC organization , seek a way " has its own features , but also for the new organization development needs .

  29. 自1999年启动欧元以来,欧洲央行一直非常看重货币供应指标,将其作为长期通胀趋势指标。这沿袭了德国央行(Bundesbank)的传统。

    Since the launch of the euro in 1999 , the ECB has attached much weight to money - supply indicators as indicators of longer-term inflation trends , a tradition it inherited from Germany 's Bundesbank .

  30. 第二部分沿袭了匹萨雷亚迪斯(Pissarides,19851994)搜寻模型的基本框架,构建了一个包含教育与就业的两部门搜寻模型。

    The second part builds a two-section search model including education and employment , which follows the basic frame of Pissarides ( 1985 , 1994 ) .