- 名Coastal zone;littoral

The seepage flow from thin aquifer caused on a narrow littoral zone on lakeshore interface , and the seepage velocity decreased as a descending exponential function along the transversal profile with offshore distance .
The ratio of upward irradiation and downward irradiation ( R ) on coast surface water lower than in open water region ;
The NNE-striking Qikou coastal zone is located along the northern extension of Liaolan fault separating Taihang Mountain from Luxi basement .
Based on the synthetic , ecological surveys in the coastal zone of Jiaozhou Bay in recent 20 years , this paper deals with the decrease of the organism resources resulted from the coastal development .
The killer storm is now headed toward the Bahamas and bringing rough surfs to florida .
Study on Tourist Spatial Structure Optimization in Offshore Stripe at the Upper Reaches of Yellow River
Studies and Demonstration Engineering on Ecological Restoration Technique in the Littoral Zone of Lake Dianchi : the Target and Feasibility
The effects of removing the pollutants by aquatic plants in the restoration zone in the northeastern of Di-anchi Lake were investigated in this paper .
Each fish specie biomass had two peaks in a year . One was in spring or summer when fish spawned , and another was in winter . Choice theories of Selection ;
An Analytic Study of Regulation and Sailing Method of Inshore Traffic Zone
Study on the Land-use Change in the Industrial Integration of Yangtze River Coastal Economic Belt
Hazards tendency of environmental change and its sustainable development countermeasures along the coast of the Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea
Meanwhile , the coupling of coastal front with gravity waves generated a less active gravity wave , which was named a wave trapped by coastal front .
On the basis of analyzing the function and the potential of the belt of riparian landscape for the ancient canal , this article aims to come up with the total goal and principal plan for developing tourism and the initial design for the canal segmental development .
In this paper , 102 surface sediment samples on foraminifera are analysed along the coast of Zhejiang in ranging from intertidal flats to 20m isobath . The results show that the distributions of individuals and assemblages of foraminifera are very different in the study area .
The seasonal change of marine algae in weihai , shandong Province
On the Functional Development and Design of Cultural Landscape Belt along Shanghai 's Suzhou Crook
The general situation and the proposal of the study on intertidal ecology in China seashore
Constructing the Yangtze River Coastal Region Economical Belt : Comprehensive Superiority , Basic Function and Countermeasure Creativity
The development and environmental pollution in sea land interaction zones cause tremendous hazards to marine ecological environment .
The historical course of the coordinative development of China 's regional economy summons and makes the Yangtze River coastal region economical belt .
Barrier in this area - the main causes of the lagoon depositional system with a combination of barrier islands , tidal channel , tidal lagoon and its coastal zone and combination .
Here there are abundant resources for disposition , vertical and horizontal transportation networks , potentially giant market , multipolar Yangtze River culture and economical development of national strategy ; all these comprise the comprehensive superiorities of Yangtze River coastal region economical belt .
Study on Functional Development of Cultural Scene Belt Along Metropolises & Using Suzhou River in Shanghai as a case in Point