
mì shí
  • forage ;scavenge
觅食 [mì shí]
  • [look for food] 指鸟兽到处搜寻食物吃

  1. 我们惊动了一只一直在路边觅食的野猪。

    We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside

  2. 它们是群居鸟类,会集群觅食。

    They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks .

  3. 这种鸟活动的范围很大,因此觅食不成问题。

    Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area

  4. 它们是适应能力很强的觅食者,赖以生存的食物来源很广。

    They are adaptable foragers that learn to survive on a wide range of food sources .

  5. 雌鸟孵卵16天左右,这期间雄鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about 16 days while the male brings food .

  6. 这些鸟类不再飞行数千英里去寻找食物,而是把垃圾场变成它们冬天的觅食地。

    Instead of flying thousands of miles in search of food , they make the waste sites their winter feeding grounds .

  7. 到了秋天,它们就到浅水区觅食。

    And when it is autumn , they move to shallow water and get their food .

  8. 它们互相"谈论"很多事情,比如他们的年龄、感情还有觅食的过程。

    They " talk " to each other about a lot of things-such as their age , their feelings , and finding food .

  9. 一只年轻的海豹在南非干斯拜附近的巨藻丛中觅食

    A young fur seal forages amid bull kelp near Gansbaai , South Africa .

  10. 然而,水鼩为了能吃到在河床和溪床上生活的所有昆虫幼虫,不得不到水下觅食。

    But the ability to feed on all the insect larvae2 that live on the beds of rivers and streams has driven them to forage3 under water .

  11. 研究人员们分析了无人机在加拿大圣劳伦斯湾拍摄的蓝鲸和长须鲸的照片,圣劳伦斯湾是鲸鱼夏季的重要觅食地。

    The researchers analysed images taken by drones of blue and fin3 whales in Canada 's Gulf4 of St Lawrence – an important summer feeding ground for whales .

  12. 科学家们设计了一些任务来模拟鸟儿觅食时必须解决的问题。例如,翻开叶子状的盖子发现食物,并想办法获得藏在圆筒中的食物奖励。

    The scientists designed tasks to mimic2 the problem-solving the birds have to do to find food – flipping3 over leaf-like lids to reveal a treat and working out how to reach a food reward that 's hidden inside a cylinder4 .

  13. 南乔治亚的水域生产像磷虾等鲸鱼爱吃的虾类,所以蓝鲸确实应该回到这片物产丰富的觅食地。经过50年的保护,这似乎终于成为现实。

    South Georgia 's waters teem4 with the shrimp-like krill that whales love to eat , so Blues really ought to be returning to this productive feeding ground , and after 50 years of protection this seems finally to be the case .

  14. 以这种方式捕食的鸟类比不以这种方式捕食的鸟类吃塑料制品的可能性要大5到6倍。众所周知,海龟在游向觅食区域时,会周期性地破开水面,并嗅空气中的气味。

    which pursue their food in this way are five or six times more likely to eat plastic than those which do not . Since turtles are known to break the surface periodically and sniff the air when navigating12 towards their feeding areas ,

  15. 母鸡带着一群小鸡在地里觅食,当它感到危险时,便将小鸡拢在翅膀下面,紧紧护住,天上飞过的鹰见无机可乘,只好悻悻飞走。

    A hen and a flock of chicken were looking for food in the field . When she felt any danger , the hen would protect the chicken under her wing . The eagles and falcons could find no opportunity but to leave sulkily .

  16. 第二天,当蛇出洞觅食之时,他举起斧头就砍那条蛇。可惜太操之过急,没砍中蛇头,只砍断了尾巴。

    The next day , on its coming out of its hole for food , he took up his ax , but , making too much haste to hit the snake , missed its head , and cut off only the end of its tail .

  17. 微粒群优化算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization,PSO)是通过模拟鸟群觅食行为而发展起来的一种基于群体协作的随机搜索算法。

    Particle Swarm Optimization is a random search algorithm based group collaboration by simulating the behavior of birds foraging .

  18. Karl将这种蜜蜂成为觅食蜂。

    Karl called the bees that collect the food forager bees .

  19. 首先把蚂蚁觅食原理结合k-means提出了一种基于信息素的k-means改进算法;

    Firstly , an algorithm of k-means based on pheromone is presented .

  20. 首先介绍了基于群体智能的蚁群聚类算法的四种模型,然后将基于蚁群觅食行为的蚁群算法引入Web使用聚类。

    Firstly , four clustering models based on ant colony behavior are introduced . Then , we apply ACO in Web usage clustering based on ant colony foraging behavior .

  21. 绒山羊登高觅食所用的时间显著长于绵羊(P<0.01),登高觅食习性比绵羊表现得更明显。

    Time spending in climbing feeding of cashmere goats was significantly longer than that of sheep ( P0.01 ), and climbing feeding behaviour was more obviously in goats than in sheep .

  22. Karl认为侦察蜂通过舞蹈传递给觅食蜂三个信息,

    He thought the scout bee 's dance told the forager bees three things :

  23. “Freerange(自由放养)”这个短语通常与动物有关,指鸡或牛被放散出去自己觅食,而不是被关在笼子或牛圈里喂养。

    The expression " free range " usually relates to animals-often chickens and cows that range or go looking freely for food , rather than being closed in a cage or yard .

  24. 群体机器人觅食任务Eulerian建模与分析

    Eulerian modeling and analysis for foraging mission of swarm robotic system

  25. 人工鱼群算法(ArtificialFishSwarmAlgorithm,AFSA)是源于对鱼群觅食行为研究而提出的一种新型群体智能优化算法。

    Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm ( AFSA ) is a new kind of swarm intelligent bionic algorithm based on the " looking for food " behaviour of fish swarm .

  26. 蚂蚁算法是一种相对较新的启发式方法,通过模拟蚂蚁的觅食行为,提出了求解Qos组播路由问题的改进蚂蚁算法。

    The ant algorithm is a relatively new meta-heuristic algorithm . The paper proposed an improved ant system algorithm to solve the QoS multicast routing problem by simulating ants'foraging behavior .

  27. 秦岭野生大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)的觅食行为

    Feeding Behavior of Wild Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) in Qinling Mountains

  28. 同时,运用HSI(生境选择适合度指数)模型,对震旦鸦雀冬季种群的觅食生境进行了初步评价和探讨。

    And meanwhile , Habitat Selection Index Model was used to estimate the foraging habitat of Reed Parrotbill population in winter .

  29. 在研究细菌觅食优化(BFO)算法机理的基础上,改进了BFO算法。

    The bacterial foraging optimization ( BFO ) is studied and improved in this paper .

  30. 蚁群算法(Antcolonyoptimization,简称ACO)作为群体智能算法的一个分支,是受真实蚁群觅食行为的启发而逐步发展起来的一种模拟蚂蚁群体智能行为的算法。

    As a branch of Swarm intelligence , inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants , Ant Colony Optimization ( ACO ) is an intelligent algorithm to mimic the collective behavior of ants .