
  • 网络Lord Shen
  1. 摧毁那件兵器,用正义制服沈王爷!

    Destroy this weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice !

  2. 年轻的沈王爷将继承宫门城。

    Young Shen was in line to rule Gongmen City .

  3. 为了沈王爷,你拿走了我所有的金属锅!

    You stole all my metal pots for Lord Shen !

  4. 我们是来解救宫门城,将沈王爷绳之以法的。

    We 're here to liberate the city and bring Shen to justice .

  5. 沈王爷,桥怎么办?-

    Lord Shen , what about the bridge ? -

  6. 但是他们的儿子,沈王爷在烟火中发现了黑暗力量。

    But their son , Lord Shen , saw darker power in the fireworks .

  7. 就要完成了,沈王爷,但是我们的金属用完了。

    It 's almost done , Lord Shen , but we 've run out of metal .

  8. 不是武功招数,沈王爷造了一件兵器,喷火吐金的兵器。

    It was no technique . Lord Shen has created a weapon , one that breathes fire and spits metal .