
  1. 每个部分都讲诉了在不同阶段柯景腾和沈佳宜之间的关系。

    Each part illustrates a different phase of the relationship between Giddens and Shen Chia Yi .

  2. 而柯景腾却因为害怕被拒绝不敢鼓起勇气向沈佳宜告白。

    Yet Ko , afraid of being rejected , cannot bring himself to ask Shen to be his girlfriend .

  3. 他们都喜欢上了同班的好学生沈佳宜(由陈妍希饰演),而沈却只对柯景腾情有独钟。

    They all have a crush on Shen Chia-yi ( Michelle Chen ), an honor student in their class , who falls for Ko only .

  4. 某天柯腾因过度恶作剧被导师处罚,坐到好学生沈佳宜前面,由她代为监视。

    Naughty in nature , Ko was ordered by their homeroom teacher to sit in front of honor student Shen for her to keep close tabs on him .

  5. 几年之后的最后一次相遇,柯景腾对沈佳宜说:也许在另一个平行时空里,我们是在一起的,他们的感情因一个不幸的误解结束。

    Maybe in an alternate universe , we will be together , said Giddens to Shen Chia Yi years after their last encounter , which ended in an unfortunate misunderstanding .

  6. 该片会让我们想起自己年少时做的那些愚蠢、鲁莽之事,提醒我们,每个人的青春都不是完美的,就像柯景腾和沈佳宜一样。

    It might remind us of something silly or reckless we did at a young age . It might remind us that our youth isn 't all perfect like Ko and Chen 's.

  7. 几年之后,已经成为作家的柯景腾同高中的好友们一起见证了沈佳宜同另外一个男生步入婚姻殿堂,她看上去还是像他们记忆中那样美。

    Several years later , Ko , now a writer , and his high school mates watch Shen walking down the aisle with another man , appearing as beautiful as they remember .