
  1. 在大自然中,有的鱼以死鱼为食。

    Some fish scavenge on dead fish in the wild .

  2. 那条死鱼在树下慢慢腐烂。

    The dead fish laid putrefying under that tree .

  3. David教授称在三月八日收集来的死鱼胃里应为含有软骨藻酸经过测验呈强烈的阳性。

    Professor David Caron said fish collected on March eighth , the day of the kill , tested " strongly positive " for domoic acid in their stomach contents .

  4. 死鱼经发酵后pH值偏酸性,7.0-5.0,随发酵时间推移pH值下降,复合组添加了乳酸杆菌,pH较低。

    After fermentation , the pH of dead fish was 7.0-5.0 , and the pH value decreased with zymotic time . The pH of composite group which added lactic acid bacteria was low .

  5. 武田俊美向CNN透露,公园会解冻冰场,把鱼都撤走,并为这些死鱼办一场体面的祭祀,最后把它们用作肥料。

    Takeda told CNN the park would unfreeze the skate rink to remove the fish , hold an " appropriate religious service " and then reuse them as fertilizer .

  6. Cruz说道,不仅湖水变成了红色,整个湖变成了散发死鱼恶臭的池塘。

    Cruz said that the lake not only turned red but was also transformed into a small pond that reeked the stench of dead fish .

  7. 据估计,这些死鱼的数量高达数百万条。

    Estimates put the number of dead fish in the millions .

  8. 死鱼式握手流露出害怕与缺乏自信,这不专业。

    The DEAD FISH handshake shows fear and lack of confidence .

  9. 河水氨污染急性死鱼模拟试验

    Simulated Acute Lethal Experiment on Fishes in Ammonia Polluted River Waters

  10. 戈登:他是否给了你一个死鱼式握手?

    Gordon : Did he give you a dead fish handshake ?

  11. 当地居民约翰·阿奇博尔德这样形容这些死鱼的气味。

    Local resident John Archibald described the smell this way .

  12. 那些漂浮著的扁平的脸,那对死鱼眼.

    Those floating , flat faces , those dead eyes .

  13. 你可以用那死鱼眼瞪我。

    You can stare at me with those dead-ass eyes all you want .

  14. 用鱼类急性毒性试验分析死鱼事故原因

    Using Rapid Toxicity Experiment Analyze Fish Died Accident Cause

  15. 我曾把很多类种子装入死鱼胃内。

    I forced many kinds of seeds into the stomachs of dead fish .

  16. 死鱼事故监测调查规程探讨

    Discussion on the Investigation Procedure of Fish Death Accident

  17. 他周围的水面上到处漂着死鱼。

    Dead fish lie around him in the water .

  18. 在被污染的河岸边的一条死鱼。

    Dead on the Bank of a polluted river .

  19. 有一次,他在这里发现了一条鱼,不过是条死鱼。

    Once he 'd found a fish there , but it was dead .

  20. 我想你来这里是为了拿回死死鱼人所应得的奖励吧?

    I suppose you 're here to collect the reward for killing those murlocs ?

  21. 图为在广东省沿中国南海海岸上拍摄到的死鱼。

    A dead fish lies on the South China Sea shore in Guangdong Province .

  22. 此人是条死鱼。

    This person is a dead fish .

  23. 他不忍心再朝这死鱼看上一眼,因为它已经被咬得残缺不全了。

    He did not like to look at the fish anymore since he had been mutilated .

  24. 那条死鱼看起来很恶心。

    The dead fish looks ugly .

  25. 尤其是在冬季,乌鸦的拾荒者,吃腐肉,死鱼和垃圾。

    Especially in winter , ravens as scavengers , eating carrion , dead fish and garbage .

  26. 我有一次和他握手,他冷冰冰的样子简直象和一条死鱼在握手。

    I shook hands with him once and it was like shaking hands with a dead mackerel .

  27. 夜里有些鲨鱼来咬这死鱼的残骸,就像人从饭桌上捡面包屑吃一样。

    In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table .

  28. 人们发现成百上千的死鱼因为污染飘浮在海河的水面上。

    Hundreds of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe because of serious pollution .

  29. 上周,南加州太平洋海岸一个社区的居民醒来之后发现海面漂浮着大量死鱼。

    People in a community on the Pacific coast in Southern California a sea of dead fish .

  30. 是你那“死鱼眼”的眼神出卖了你,但其实并非“死鱼眼”.对吗?

    It 's the dead-eyed stare that gives it away.Except it 's not dead-eyed , is it ?