
  • 网络Yongzheng;Eisho
  1. 有志者事竟成,最后永正获音乐系录取,入学后更成绩优异,并希望明年毕业后往美国深造。

    Caleb is now a top-rated student who wishes to pursue his studies in the USA after graduating next year .

  2. 正如鲍勃·比蒙1968年因打破跳远世界记录而震惊世界一样,法国水手弗朗西斯·茹瓦永正在以前所未有的方式刷新航海纪录。

    And just like Beamon , who astonished the world with his record-breaking long-jump in1968 , the French sailor Francis Joyon is rewriting the nautical record books in an unprecedented fashion .