
  • 网络ILR;Indefinite Leave to Remain;Permanent residence;Permanent Resident
  1. 他们已经入境该国,并申请了永久居留权。

    They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence

  2. 摩尔多瓦看护人科约赫鲁希望获得永久居留权,这样她就能将两个孩子带到意大利生活;孩子们和她的姐姐生活在摩尔多瓦,那里的工资水平是欧洲最低的。

    Cojochru , the Moldovan caregiver , hoped obtaining permanent residence would help her bring her two children to Italy ; they live with her sister in Moldova , where salaries are among the lowest in Europe .

  3. 奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。

    Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage .

  4. H-1B签证需求的上升,一定程度上是由于绿卡的供应量有限。绿卡授予持卡人以永久居留权。

    Demand for H-1B visas has surged , in part , because of the limited supply of green cards , which confer on recipients a right of permanent residence .

  5. 为什么这些海外人士要申请中国永久居留权呢?

    Why do overseas citizens apply for permanent residence status in China ?

  6. 她是一个有英国永久居留权的印度公民。

    She is an Indian citizen with British permanent-resident status .

  7. 澳大利亚政府还提供激励措施,鼓励海外学生申请永久居留权。

    Canberra also offers incentives for overseas students to apply for permanent residence .

  8. 你通过被收养取得永久居留权吗?

    Did you gain permanent residence through adoption ?

  9. 我得到永久居留权前,我不会回香港。(我要等到得到永久居留权后才会香港。)

    I won 't go back to Hong Kong until I get full permanent resident status here .

  10. 对于他对杭州的特殊贡献,杭州市政府授予他永久居留权的称号。

    The municipality of Hangzhou has awarded him the permanent residence for his notable contribution to the city .

  11. 近来,“购买”黄金居留许可、永久居留权,乃至国籍的行为变得普遍多了。

    These days it is much more common to shop for golden visas , permanent residency and even citizenship .

  12. 另一个获得永久居留权的方式是找到工作,也被称作雇用优先。

    Another way to gain permanent residency is to have a job offer , also called an employment-based preference .

  13. 你什麽时候得到永久居留权(绿卡)?在美国,绿卡是对移民身份的官方认可。

    When did you become a Permanent Resident ? A Green Card gives you official immigration status in the United states .

  14. 他没有获得工作许可证,是因为“我全身心地投入到工作中去”,而没有去申请加拿大永久居留权。

    He didn 't obtain a work permit because'I was totally obsessed with work'to obtain the permanent Canadian residency status required .

  15. 如果调查员没有发现婚姻只是为了移民的话,他们在两年后可以得到永久居留权。

    It can be made permanent after two years if investigators are satisfied that the marriage was not just for immigration purposes .

  16. 2013年,英国授予了超过2.6万名印度公民无限期居留许可——相当于永久居留权。

    In 2013 , the UK granted indefinite leave to remain - essentially permanent residency - to more than 26000 Indian citizens .

  17. 这项在参议院提出的法案可以批准有效期为三年的临时签证,不像加拿大那样会批准永久居留权。

    The proposed Senate bill would grant temporary visas valid for three years , unlike Canada , which would grant permanent residency .

  18. 假如你有机会出国劳务,并且有机会获得永久居留权,你会留在国外吗?

    If you have the opportunity to work abroad labor , and to have access to permanent residency , you will stay abroad ?

  19. 部长的决定授予他永久居留权,意味他能够在塔斯曼尼亚州念书及成长。

    The Minister 's decision grants him permanent residency , meaning that he will be able to study and grow up in Tasmania .

  20. 这不是直接授予公民身份,给予永久居留权,或是提供与其它公民能享受到的一样的权利。

    It does not grant citizenship , or the right to stay here permanently , or offer the same benefits that citizens receive .

  21. 移民署已向立法院递交了立法草案。根据这项草案,进行大额投资的外籍人士将被授予永久居留权。

    It has submitted draft legislation to parliament under which foreigners who make big investments would be granted the right of permanent residence .

  22. 1996年一个针对取得永久居留权的移民的分析表明,先前居住在美国的人中几乎有三分之一是非法移民。

    An analysis of immigrants granted legal permanent residency in1996 shows that almost one-third had previously lived in the United States as illegal immigrants .

  23. 在葡萄牙,非欧盟家庭花费至少50万欧元购买房地产,就能在该国生活五年,并在随后申请永久居留权。

    By spending a minimum 500,000 on a Portuguese property non-European families can live in Portugal for five years and then apply for permanent residence .

  24. “配偶”的定义还包括事实配偶,如果申请人是作为他(她)们目前同居伙伴的事实配偶而取得永久居留权的话。

    The definition of'spouse'will also include a de facto spouse where the applicant became a permanent resident as the de facto spouse of their current partner .

  25. 另一个考验是,围绕是否应给予在港居留满7年的外籍家庭佣工永久居留权而展开的法律较量。

    A legal battle over whether foreign domestic helpers should be granted permanent residency after having lived in the territory for seven years is another test .

  26. 每天有大约100人从塞拉利昂、几内亚和利比里亚飞抵美国,他们多数是美国公民,或拥有永久居留权。

    Approximately 100 people a day arrive to the United States from Sierra Leone , Guinea and Liberia , most of them American citizens or permanent residents .

  27. 在长期的“湿足,干足”的政策下,到达美国领土的古巴人被允许保持和申请永久居留权。

    Under the longstanding " wet foot , dry foot " policy , Cubans who arrive on U.S. soil are allowed to remain and apply for permanent residency .

  28. 最低只需投资50万欧元购置该国房产,就能获得该国5年的居留权,在此期间还可自由出入欧洲其他25个国家、并申请永久居留权。

    A minimum property investment of 500,000 allows you to live in the country for five years , travel to 25 others in Europe and apply for permanent residency .

  29. 加拿大新推出的所谓创业签证,可以让持有人可能在未来获得永久居留权,享受该国相对较低的企业税,并享受公共医疗保险。

    Canada 's new so-called start-up visa offers them the prospect of permanent residency and with it , the country 's relatively low business taxes and public health insurance .

  30. 考虑有不少印度公民不必放弃原有国籍就获得了美国和英国的永久居留权,这样的立场很讽刺。

    Such a stand is ironic , given how many Indian citizens obtain legal permanent residency in the US and UK without having to give up their original citizenship .