- The Yongle Canon

[ Yongle Canon ] 中国大型类书。成于明永乐六年(1408),姚广孝、解缙等修撰。全书22937卷,约3.7亿字。采录宋元以前古籍七、八千种,按韵目分列单字,依单字辑入各项内容。元以前佚文秘籍多赖以保存。永乐大典正本毁于明亡之时,副本毁于1900年八国联军入侵北京时。现遗存约800卷
“ The Yongle Canon ”, compiled by 2,000 scholars and completed in 1408 , A.D. , was the world 's earliest and biggest encyclopaedia , which contains 22937 volumes bound into 11095 books with a total of 370 million Chinese characters .
Preliminary exploration on the medical literature in The 17th Volume of Great Canon of Yongle Newly Discovered Overseas
This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty .
They successively compile " Great Encyclopedia of Yongle " and " A Collection of Books Ancient and Present . "
This article discusses the amount and the arrangement of the edition from mountain village about the Collection of Han Shan Poems in Yong Le Da Dian .
Comparison between the Compilation of " Yong Le Da Dian " and " Si Ku Quan Shu "; Functional Similarities and Differences of Poems and Verses Among the Four Chinese Famous Works
This article tries to gather the materials as many as possible , in order to show the complete features about collection and compilation from Yongle dadian and figure out their achievements in different periods .
In addition to the storage of the Ming Dynasty in the " Record " and " Faith " and " Yu-dish ", but also collections " Yongle Canon " copy and other important files .
In the Ming Dynasty , it has originally been lost , now it passes on this center edits for the clear four storehouses hall feudal official from " Yonledadian ", which was arranged 22 volumes .
This thesis , based on Yong Le Da Dian Xi Wen San Zhong , has been written to systematically compare and analyze its format and system , role and performance , as well as subject and structure .