
  • 网络timeless beauty;Eternal beauty;B&F
  1. 蒲柏诗歌创作中的永恒之美

    Eternal Beauty in Poetical Creation of Alexander Pope

  2. 永恒之美的追求

    In Pursuit of Eternal Beauty

  3. 最后,抵达金色永恒之美是没有什么将被得到。

    The beauty of attaining the golden eternity is that nothing will be acquired , at last .

  4. 生命无常,充斥着混乱、秽与痛苦。死亡意味着宁静、序及永恒之美。

    Life is change , chaos , filth and suffering . Death is peace , order , everlasting beauty .

  5. 免去陪审团义务的人;免税的收入;永恒之美。

    Persons exempt from jury duty ; income exempt from taxation ; a beauty somehowexempt from the aging process .

  6. 在美国建筑摄影师迈克·托利最新出版的摄影册上,(人们可见到)他捕捉到那块神秘的历史遗迹,它展示了马丘比丘的奇异与永恒之美。

    In a newly published collection of images , American architectural photographer Mike Torrey captures the wonder and timeless significance of this mystical , historical site .

  7. 在那里他冥想着脑海中盈溢的幻象,并且构思着各种结构和形态,思索着如何在大理石雕中更为逼真地体现出永恒之美。

    There he would meditate upon the visions that filled his mind , and there devise the forms of beauty which later became immortal in breathing marble .

  8. 花魂是美的化身,是一切抽象美和具体美的不灭精神体,是作者对永恒之美的追求情结,反映了作者对生活和美好的热爱、眷恋与执著追求的积极人生观。

    " Huahun " is the spiritual embodiment of the beauty , is the eternal carrier with the nonfigurative and figurative beauty . reflects affirmative philosophy for the devotion of subsistence and goodliness .

  9. 正是因为走向另一极端,我们这个时代变化观念取代了永恒之美,掩盖了以理念优先于艺术、艺术将追随理念的古老的等级秩序。

    Due to our extreme pursuit , change , in our generation , was took place of eternal beauty and covered up the old hierarchy system of concept priority to art and art follows concept .

  10. 京派小说家出于对城市文明的失望而转向乡村,试图建立一个充溢永恒人性之美的世界。

    Due to the deep disappointment about the civilization of city , the novelists of the Beijing school turned to the country , and tried to build up an invariable humanistic world filled with aesthetic feelings .

  11. 摇滚明星、演员章子怡的丈夫汪峰也发表微博表达了哀悼:“我们失去的不止是一位不朽的大师,更是一个让我们能永恒凝视生命之美的卓越灵魂……”

    he wrote . Wang Feng , a rock star and the husband of the actress Zhang Ziyi , also mourned Mr. Bowie 's passing with remarks on Weibo . " We not only lose an immortal master , but also an excellent soul that has made us gaze forever at the beauty of life , " he wrote .