
chá pán
  • tea tray;teaboard
茶盘[chá pán]
  1. 为了增加恐怖的气氛,伯特一面敲着茶盘一面吹奏着《比斯开湾之曲》。

    To increase the terrifying effect , Bert rattled the tea tray and played The Bay of Biscay .

  2. 这静动兼备,水天一色的景致,构成了“千里茶盘湖水色,含烟带月碧于蓝”的醉人画面。

    This is both static and dynamic , same color scene constitutes a " tea tray Trinidad lake color , have with Pitt in blue on " the magnificent screen .

  3. 他走过去把茶杯放到茶盘上。

    He went over and laid down his cup on the tray .

  4. 她端着一个用茶盘盖布盖着的大盘子。

    She carried a platter covered with a tea towel .

  5. 她端起茶盘走出房间。

    She picked up the tea-tray and marched out of the room .

  6. “你不是很聪明吗?怎么不端个茶盘来?”

    " Clever , aren 't you ? You could have brought a tray . "

  7. 肖家湾-鸭子港区及三仙湖-茶盘洲区是洞庭盆地第四系生物气勘探的有利区域。

    It is suggested thatXiaojiawan-Yazigang and Sanxianhu-Chapanzhou regions are favourable for Quaternary biogas exploration of the basin .

  8. 他用手巾架、茶盘和枕头做了一只日用的木筏。

    He made a daily raft out of the towel stand , the tea trsy , and his pillows .

  9. 纳斯塔西娅送来了茶水,还有无柄的日本茶杯和小盖碟。她把茶盘放在一张矮桌上。

    Nastasia brought the tea , with handleless Japanese cups and little covered dishes , placing the tray on a low table .

  10. 她端起茶盘走出房间。他走过去把茶杯放到茶盘上。

    She picked up the tea-tray and marched out of the room . He went over and laid down his cup on the tray .

  11. 菲比亲自送去整洁的茶盘,以及特地为这意外来客准备的、小小一碟遮盖着的火腿蛋。

    Phoebe herself brought the neatly arranged tea-tray ; and the little covered dish of ham and eggs which had been prepared for this unlooked-for visitor .

  12. 一闪,一闪,小蝙蝠!不知你往哪里扑。高高飞翔离地面,像个茶盘在天间。

    Twinkle , twinkle , little Bat ! How I wonder what you 're at ! Up aBove the world you fly , like a tea tray in the sky .

  13. 茶具分为茶炉、茶壶、茶杯、茶碗以及茶盘。如今随着泡茶过程的发展,我们可以只用一个瓷碗来泡茶。

    Tea wares consist of ovens , teapots , cups , tea bowls , and trays and so on.Nowadays with the development of tea procedure , we can make 。 cup of tea wit with a single porcelain cup .

  14. 沃尔特把两只胳膊肘支在茶盘上,身子向前弯过去,更加亲密、更加亲切地说道:别对我瞒什么,舅舅,如果发生了什么事情,那么请把一切都告诉我。

    ' said Walter , leaning his elbows on the tea tray , and bending over , to speak the more confidentially and kindly . ' Be open with me , Uncle , if there is , and tell me all about it . '

  15. 1840年,第七世贝德福德公爵夫人安娜?玛利亚?罗素每天都会吩咐仆人在下午4点备好一个盛有黄油、面包以及蛋糕的茶盘,因为她发现自己每天下午4点都会饿,而当时时兴的晚餐时间是晚上8点。

    In 1840 , Anna Maria Russell , the seventh Duchess of Bedford , started asking for a tea tray with butter , bread and cakes at 4 pm every day , as she found she was hungry at this time and the evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at 8 pm .