
  1. 沈德潜散文文论探析

    An Analysis of SHEN De-qian 's Theory on Prose

  2. 沈德潜的《唐诗别裁集》在唐诗学史上有重要的地位。

    Confirming the " Tang Special Collection " in the History of Tang has an important position .

  3. 对格调派领袖沈德潜的研究是本论文的重中之重。

    The leader of pattern school , Shen De-qian , is the most important in this paper .

  4. 沈德潜在诗教统摄下论述格调说,其意义无疑是深远的。它使历来侧重于体现体制声律的格调不至步入形式主义的老路。

    It makes always focus on the " style of poems embody system ," not enter formalist footsteps .

  5. 沈德潜在散文文论方面也有自己的理论主张,文之与道为一是他论文的理想和最高标准。

    SHEN De-qian has his distinctive theory on prose : writing techniques have to be based on Confucianism , the ideal and supreme standard .

  6. 沈德潜温柔敦厚说之所以招致批判,主要原因在于其温柔敦厚说的确存在严重局限。

    Although Shen De-qian " tender and gentle " said was been criticized , the main reason lies in its " tender and gentle " say really exists serious limitations .

  7. 清代格调派是清代影响较大的诗歌流派之一,其领袖沈德潜更是研究清代诗学史和诗歌史无法规避的重要人物。

    Pattern school is one of the influencing poetry genres , its leaders were Shen De-qian , an important figures in the research history and poetry history impossible to avoid .