
  1. 谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。

    As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction , the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable .

  2. 英国司法部(ministryofjustice)表示:“我们相信该计划已达到其目的,不再需要我们的财务支持。”

    The Ministry of Justice said : " we believe the scheme has therefore served its purpose , and our financial support is no longer needed . "

  3. 英国司法大臣肯尼斯克拉克(kenclarke)上月表示,他希望英国成为“世界律师”,并将反对“任何领域的保护主义法规,只要它们继续阻碍英国法律服务的出口”。

    Ken Clarke , justice secretary , said last month that he wanted the UK to be " the lawyer of the world " and would fight " protectionist regulations wherever they remained an impediment to the export of UK legal services " .

  4. 论中世纪英国司法的相对独立性

    On the Comparative Independence of English Judicature in Middle Ages

  5. 英国司法独立发展历程的启示

    The Illumination from the Development of Judicial Independence in England

  6. 英国司法独立的历史进路探析

    Discussion on Historical Path of British Judicial Independence Formation

  7. 英国司法体制概述

    General introduction to the British judicial system

  8. 吸收中国传统的调解制并加强规范管理,指出这些特点是英国司法殖民本性的体现。

    And the author concludes that the characters is a reflect of Britain colony of judicature .

  9. 英国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。

    British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he 's proved guilty .

  10. 英国司法大臣表示同情受害者们而且他会抵制判决。

    Britain 's justice secretary says his sympathies are with the victims and he 'll resist the ruling .

  11. 与英国司法体制不同的是,美国允许律师收取风险代理费。

    The American legal system , as distinct from the British one , allows lawyers to charge contingency fees .

  12. 英国司法大臣兼宪政事务大臣费尔康纳勋爵日前表示,该国将采取新措施减轻受害者和证人出庭作证的压力。

    New measures to reduce the stress for victims and witnesses of giving evidence in court are to be announced by Lord Falconer , the Lord Chancellor .

  13. 自17世纪以来,戴假发的社会风尚蔓延到法庭上之后,假发就成了英国司法体系的一个标志。

    Wigs have been an emblem of the British legal system since the17th century when the fashion for wearing them in wider society filtered through to the courts .

  14. 英国司法部表示,每年监狱产业的工作时间几乎达到1200万小时,为企业创造了约3000万英镑(合4900万美元)的价值。

    The justice ministry says every year almost 12m hours are worked in prison industries , valued at about 30m ( $ 49m , 35m ) to businesses .

  15. 就在同一个星期,联合国来了一份报告,该报告称欧洲石油巨头首次承认在英国司法权范围内对在三角洲发生的两大石油泄漏事故负责。

    The UN report came in the same week the European oil giant admitted liability for the first time under British jurisdiction for two big leaks in the delta .

  16. 产品责任于19世纪中期作为一个法律问题首次出现在英国司法判例中,而后逐渐成为一个相对独立的法律领域。

    Product liability first appeared in British legal precedents as a legal problem in the mid 19th centuries , and has evolved gradually into a relatively independent legal field .

  17. 英国司法界领袖上周四宣布,英国的律师和法官们将告别一个沿袭了几个世纪的传统,在出庭审理非刑事案件时不用再戴白色的马鬃假发。

    Britain 's lawyers and judges are to break with centuries-old tradition and cease wearing white horse-hair wigs in non-criminal cases , the head of the country 's judiciary announced on Thursday .

  18. 英国司法制度中例如公开审判制、职业法官制、法律援助、陪审制等对世界各国的法律制度都产生的深远的影响。

    Judicial system of Britain in the open trial system , such as occupation system , legal aid , the jury system in countries around the world legal system will have a profound effect .

  19. 第一章介绍了海上保证制度的起源。海上保证制度起源于17世纪的英国司法实践,英国《1906年海上保险法》作了详细的规定。

    The first chapter introduces the origin of warranties in marine insurance , which were originated from English marine insurance practice and judicial practice in the 17 century and were stipulated in MIA 1906 in details .

  20. 这名法官表示:如果我们认为,向亚洲、非洲、南美、中东以及东欧的专业人士提供体验英国司法制度的机会是浪费时间,那我们就错了。

    The judge said : We make a mistake if we think we are wasting our time by offering Asian , African , South American , Middle Eastern and indeed eastern European professionals the opportunity to experience the British legal system .

  21. 第一章论述香港回归祖国之前的司法审查,包括香港司法审查的理论基础、法律依据和内容,其中涉及到对香港司法审查与英国司法审查的比较分析。

    Chapter one analyzes judicial review in Hong Kong before its returning to China , including the theoretical foundation , legal basis and contents of judicial review in Hong Kong . This chapter analyzes the differences between judicial review in Britain and that in Hong Kong .

  22. 英国青少年司法体系的改革及启示

    The reform of British juridical system for youth and juvenile and its hints

  23. 英国仲裁司法年度评论&2002

    Annual Review of English Judicial Decisions on Arbitration-2002

  24. 这样的体制产生了诸多弊端,受影响最大的就是英国的司法独立进程。

    This system has many drawbacks , the most affected is the British judicial independence .

  25. 印度和尼日利亚都拥有源于英国的司法体系,但那里充斥着腐败。

    India and Nigeria have English-derived legal systems , but they are plagued by corruption .

  26. 英国的司法审查之诉

    On Judicial Review Proceedings of England

  27. 法庭制度一直沿用英国的司法理念,并具有现代西方法律通用的模型。

    Its court system follows British judicial concept and has the mould commonly used by modern western law .

  28. 在英国是司法部首脑和上议院发言人的内阁大臣。

    The British cabinet minister who is head of the judiciary and Speaker of the House of Lords .

  29. 19世纪,英国的司法判例中首次将产品责任作为一个法律问题提出。

    In nineteenth Century , British came up with the product liability as a legal question in their judicial precedent for the first time .

  30. 顺应历史潮流,英国的司法界正在探索新的道路改革陪审制度来适应社会发展需要。

    The judicial society in UK is seeking for new methods to reform the system in order to adapt itself to the social development .