
  • 网络hydrological phenomena;hydrologic phenomenon
  1. 水文现象的模拟数学模型

    Mathmatical models for simulation of hydrological phenomena

  2. 凌汛是冬季冰冻地区特有的河流水文现象。

    The melting ice flood is peculiar hydrological phenomena in the river in the winter freeze area .

  3. 根据水文现象的物理成因,通过对水文序列进行小波变换,借以测定水文序列隐含的近似周期,并利用F检验最终确定水文序列隐含的近似周期。

    By use of wavelet transform , the hidden period of hydrologic sequence is detected .

  4. 冰凌是冬季寒冷地区河流上普遍存在的一种水文现象。

    Ice is a common phenomenon in the rivers of cold regions .

  5. 研究结果表明,参数模型对水文现象作了适当简化和假定,使随机模拟简单实用,也产生了一些偏差。

    Conclusion is got that the parametric models do some simplicity and supposition about the hydrological phenomenon .

  6. 水文现象是一种既受确定性因素影响,又受随机性因素影响的复杂现象。

    The hydrologic process is thought as a complex phenomena influenced by both deterministic and stochastic factors .

  7. 暴雨洪水是自然界的主要灾害之一,它是水文现象的极端事件。

    As one of the main natural disasters , rainstorms and floods are extreme events of hydrological phenomenon .

  8. 水文现象的复杂性和水文资料信息的不足,在一定程度上限制了水文学理论的发展。

    The complexity of hydrological phenomena and the deficiency of hydrological information restrict the development of hydrology theory .

  9. 该模型模拟结果符合流动系统特征,可以得到淮河流域地下水的循环情况,并对区域内水文现象进行分析。

    We can get the Huaihe River basin groundwater circulation conditions and analyze the hydrological phenomena in the region .

  10. 论文首先阐述了感潮河段水文现象的特点、水文设计值的研究现状。

    At first , the hydrologic characteristics of the tidal reach and the current situation of design value research are elaborated .

  11. 模糊划分理论具有严谨的理论和物理基础,考虑了水文现象发生的必然性与随机性以及在划分、识别中的模糊性,是一种无模式可参考的分类理论。

    Fuzzy classified theory has strict theory and physics base . It integrates inevitability and randomicity and fuzzy classification and identification of hydrological phenomenon .

  12. 人工林大量耗水形成的难以恢复的土壤干层是黄土高原特殊的生态水文现象,是目前区域人工植被生态系统不稳定性的体现。

    Dried Soil layer was a special phenomenon of eco hydrology and also was an indicator the instability of artificial forest vegetation on Loess Plateau .

  13. 受水资源时空分布不均及水文现象周期性波动的影响,南水北调中线水资源的配置工作难度很大。

    It is difficult for water resources allocation of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project influenced by time and space uneven distribution and hydrological periodical fluctuation .

  14. 融雪过程作为一种特殊的水文现象,其复杂的物理过程以及融雪过程的不确定性是模拟融雪过程的重点和难点。

    As a special hydrological phenomenon , the snowmelt processes has complex physics courses and uncertainty , and they are the emphasis and difficulties during modeling the snowmelt processes .

  15. 过去十年来,世界许多地区应该成为水资源政策依据的观察网络和基本水文现象评估工作不断恶化。

    Observation networks and evaluation of basic hydrological phenomena that should serve as the basis of water resources policy have deteriorated in many parts of the world over the past decade .

  16. 通过分析祁连山地区的地形、地貌、降水、冰川、径流、洪水成因等水文现象以及河川径流估算,初步了解了祁连山地区的水资源情况。

    The rules of the hydrologic distribution among Qilian mountains is studied initially through the estimated rivers runoff and the analysis of hydrologic phenomena among Qilian mountains , such as terrain 、 geomorphy 、 rainfall 、 iceberg 、 runoff and causes of flood , etc.

  17. 水文现象的非线性和高度复杂性,要求从更高的层面和更广泛的角度应用新理论、发展新理论和提出新理论,以解决水科学研究中至今尚无法阐释和不断显现的问题。

    The hydrologic phenomena are highly nonlinear and complex , which demand applying , developing and creating new theories from higher chromatography and wider view to solve problems , which are unable to explain or continuous to appear in water science research now a days .

  18. 本文应用模糊数学的基本原理,结合实际水文现象,推导出了水文参数的模糊统计计算公式,在传统回归分析方法的基础上,给出了模糊回归方程。

    Determination of Hydrologic Parameters in Water Quality Modeling by Using Empirical Method The fundamentals of fuzzy sets and actual hydrologic phenomena are combined to derive the fuzzy statistics formula for calculating hydrologic parameters and the fuzzy regression equation is given light of the conventional regression method .

  19. 为此,我们充分利用北京市郊区典型的水文地质现象和交通便利的条件,建立了3条野外水文地质认识实习路线,大大提高了水文地质学的实践教学效果。

    Therefore , we can use the advantage condition of typical hydrogeologic phenomena and convenient transportation , three hydrogeologic road trips for field practice have been established in the outskirt of Beijing , the effect is very great to the teaching of field practice of hydrogeology .

  20. 矿井突水是煤炭资源开发中由来已久的水文地质灾害现象,极易造成重大经济损失和人员伤亡事故,矿井水害防治直接关系到煤矿安全和全国安全生产大局。

    Water inrush is long-standing phenomena of hydrogeological disaster in coal resource exploitation , which leads to great economic loss and personnel casualty accidents extremely easily . Prevention and treatment of mine flood is directly related to the coal mine safety and the national production safety situation .

  21. 显然,模糊水文学的主要任务在于根据模糊集有关理论考虑水文学科领域内现象的模糊特性,使水文学更好地用于实践,促使水文科学进一步发展。

    Obviously , the main tasks of the fuzzy hydrology are those for studying the fuzzy characteristics in the field of hydrological science by means of the theory of fuzzy sets and developing hydrological science in practice .

  22. 指出对经济发展产生影响的水文环境变迁的现象是:河滩、河道及海湾水域面积减少、河网下垫面剧烈改变、水污染加剧、咸潮上溯、生态环境恶化。

    The following factors may have impact of aquatic environment on the economic development : decrease of water area in shoals , watercourses and bays , violent change of underlaying surfaces of river networks , increase of water pollution , ascent of tides and deterioration of ecological environment .

  23. 水文预报是人们对水文现象认识深入的直接产物。

    Flood forcast is the direct result of the development of Hydrological phenomena .

  24. 水文模型是对自然界中复杂水文现象的一种概化,是水文学及水资源学科研究的重要领域之一。

    Hydrological model is a kind of generalized for complicated hydrologic phenomena in nature , which is the one of Hydrology and Water Resources .

  25. 如果能把模型参数与更基本的气象、水文、地形、地貌、土壤覆盖和植被分布等因素建立关系,直接从地球科学的角度来考察水文现象,将提高水文模型的应用水平。

    If establishing the relationships between model parameters and physical geographic factors , such as weather , hydrologic , landform , soil and vegetation , we can raise the model application level through interpreting hydrological phenomenon by the view of earth science .