
dǎo dàn qū zhú jiàn
  • guided missile destroyer
  1. 导弹驱逐舰(护航舰)舰船探测,舰艇搜索

    Guided missile destroyer ( frigate ) vessel detection

  2. 目的:新型导弹驱逐舰因其全封闭的特点,使舱室大气组份复杂,浓度差异,只有对其进行全面的定性定量测定,才能正确给予卫生学的分析与评价。

    Objective : Due to complexity and concentration variety of chamber gases in the completely closed compartments of the new type guided missile destroyer , hygienic analysis and assessment could only be made through overall qualitative and quantitative measurement of gas components .

  3. 美海军中的此类系统是遥控猎雷系统(RMS),它可配置在阿利·伯克级宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰上。

    Navy 's remote minehunting system ( RMS ) and it can be installed in an Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer .

  4. “拉申号”(USSLassen)导弹驱逐舰已载救灾人员和设备抵达泰国海港,随时准备参与搜救、救灾和重建工作。

    The USS Lassen is in port in Thailand with personnel and equipment ready to move in on rescue , relief and recovery efforts .

  5. 唐纳德·库克号是第四代导弹驱逐舰。

    The USS Donald Cook is a fourth-generation guided-missile destroyer .

  6. 导弹驱逐舰模拟训练系统

    Simulating System for Guided Missile Destroyer

  7. 驱逐舰操纵性预报基德级导弹驱逐舰作战能力分析

    Analysis on the Operational Capabilities of US Navy ′ s " Kidd " Class Missile Destroyer

  8. 新型导弹驱逐舰舱室大气质量卫生学分析与评价

    Hygienic Analysis and Evaluation of the Air Quality in the Compartments of a New Type Guided Missile Destroyer

  9. 美国海军派遣导弹驱逐舰协助马来西亚航空公司失联航班的搜救行动。

    The US Navy has sent a guided-missile destroyer to assist in the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines flight .

  10. 周二,美国证实,美国导弹驱逐舰科蒂斯·威尔伯号在台湾海峡进行了例行过境。

    On Tuesday , the U.S. confirmed that the guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur conducted a routine transit through Taiwan Straits .

  11. 以日本宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰金刚号为例,计算了它的感应电场大小及空间分布情况。

    Take one Japanese missile destroyer for example , the magnitude and spatial distribution characteristics of its induced electric field are analyzed .

  12. 日本海上自卫队高波级“涟”号导弹驱逐舰24日下午抵达广东省湛江港,开始为期5天的访问。

    The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship , Sazanami , arrived in Zhanjiang , Guangdong Province Tuesday afternoon to begin a5-day visit to China .

  13. 基德级导弹驱逐舰是美国建造的多用途导弹驱逐舰,具有较强的立体作战能力。

    US navy ′ s " Kidd " class missile destroyer is a multi function destroyer that possesses a strong three D operational capabilities .

  14. 此事使得中国导弹驱逐舰上周对日本的历史性访问留下了缺憾。这是中国海军舰船在二战后首次访问日本。

    The move marred the historic visit this week of a Chinese missile destroyer to Japan , the first by a Chinese naval ship since the second world war .

  15. 美国“科蒂斯·威尔伯”号导弹驱逐舰周二在海峡航行,周四未经中国政府许可非法进入中国西沙群岛附近的领海。

    The guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur was sailing in the Straits on Tuesday , and illegally trespassed into China 's territorial waters around the Xisha Islands on Thursday , without authorization from the Chinese government .

  16. 在导弹驱逐舰、护卫舰和潜艇上任职的士官,都经过院校深造或正规的专业培训,有的在新装备研制阶段就开始接受系统的理论和实操培训。

    Navy officers serving on board destroyers , frigates , and submarines have received either advanced education in college or formal professional training . sometimes , training in theory and practical operation of systems starts as early as in the research and development phase of new equipment .

  17. 美国国防部长查克·哈格尔表示,美国将向日本增派两艘导弹防御驱逐舰。

    Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel says the US is deploying two missile defence destroyers to Japan .

  18. 这种旨在拦截入侵弹道导弹的爱国者三型地对空导弹,是对日本宙斯盾(Aegis)导弹驱逐舰上的舰对空导弹的补充。

    The land-to-air missiles , designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles , complement sea-to-air missiles being installed on Japanese Aegis destroyers .