
shuǐ pínɡ fēi xínɡ
  • Horizontal flight;horizontal/level flight
  1. 飞行员稍稍减速,以保持水平飞行。

    The pilot throttles back slightly to maintain level flight

  2. 飞机在大约3万英尺的高度进入水平飞行。

    The aircraft levelled out at about 30,000 feet .

  3. leveloff变平,弄平,达到平衡,稳定下来到达1000米高度时,驾驶员便做水平飞行。

    On reaching 1000 meters , the pilot leveled off .

  4. 水平飞行的子弹在碰撞中发出的声音。

    Give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impact .

  5. 在飞行机器人进行水平飞行和垂直飞行时,对控制系统进行解耦。

    The position control system is decoupled under horizontal and vertical flight .

  6. 到达1000公尺高时,那位驾驶员便作水平飞行。

    On reaching 1000 metres , the pilot levelled off .

  7. 在这个例子里,我们从由左至右的水平飞行开始。

    For this example we 'll be flying horizontally left to right .

  8. 飞机爬升到了1万公尺高度后就水平飞行。

    The plane 's flight path climbed to10000 metres and then levelled off .

  9. 缺点:开始和结束风筝都没有完全地水平飞行。

    MINUSES : In both the entrance and the exit , the kite is not perfectly horizontal .

  10. 到了时速二百五十英里,他觉得已经接近水平飞行的最高速度。

    At two hundred fifty miles per hour he felt that he was nearing his level-flight maximum speed .

  11. 当水平飞行的飞机转弯时,同样应有一定的倾斜,倾斜角的大小可按与上面相同的考虑来决定。

    The same considerations apply to the correct banking angle of a plane when it makes a turn in level flight .

  12. 飞行员必须控制滚转力矩,才能维持水平飞行,或将一侧机翼向下压,做出平顺的倾斜转弯动作。

    Only through control of roll moments could a pilot maintain a level trajectory or dip a wing into a smooth banking turn .

  13. 他恢复水平飞行,沉默片刻后才开口。“很好,”他说,“你们是谁?”

    He recovered to level flight and was quiet for a time before he spoke . " Very well ," he said ," who are you ?"

  14. 该方法特点是适合于任意飞行方式(缓地形和水平飞行均可)和任意地形条件航空伽玛能谱的逐点地形改正。

    This method can be applied to terrain correction point by point for the airborne gamma energy spectrum in cases of any flight ways and arbitrary topographic conditions .

  15. 飞机发动机的设计优化着眼于飞机以巡航速度在同温层水平飞行,用这样的发动机在地面上为飞机加速会浪费大量燃料。

    Aircraft engines are optimised for level flight at cruising speed in the stratosphere . Using them to accelerate a plane on the ground wastes a lot of fuel .

  16. 当在6000公尺高度上水平飞行时,太阳能电池提供的5千瓦功率足以推动螺旋桨并为电池充电。

    In level flight , at an altitude of 6000 metres , the 5kW provided by the solar panels will be enough both to drive the propeller and to recharge the batteries .

  17. 在发射的最初阶段会产生一个阻力,使得炮弹可以保持水平飞行,很快阻力就消失了,自然力使得它向下运动。

    Well there is this initial impedance from explosion , sure the cannon ball can keep going horizontally but as soon that impedance goes it store its natural motion which is downward .

  18. 与相同实验条件下的单脉冲推进相比,多脉冲(大约是9个)推进的铁球的水平飞行距离为单脉冲推进的6.5倍。

    Compared with the cases of single pulse propulsion , the flying distance of an iron bead under the strike of multiple pulses ( about nine pulses ) increases approximately by 6.5 times .

  19. 想不到这个新躯体也会有力所不能及。尽管已经远远超过了过去的水平飞行纪录,但毕竟还是有限的速度,要超出过限度,还得再花一番功夫。

    There was a limit to how much the new body could do , and though it was much faster than his old level-flight record , it was still a limit that would take great effort to crack .

  20. 从水平机动飞行中确定航程性能的试飞方法

    Flight test method determing the range performance from level maneuver flight

  21. 拉高机头保持水平直线飞行。

    Level out and fly straight and level .

  22. 继续保持水平直线飞行。

    Fly away straight and level .

  23. 给出了机载观测平台水平直线飞行且无飞行姿态变化条件下的定位表达式。

    Some locating expressions are given when the observer is flying along a horizontal beeline without any posture change .

  24. 我们已经注意到,它关系到滚转刚度和飞机保持两个机翼在水平位置飞行的趋势。

    We have already noted its relation to roll stiffness and to the tendency of airplanes to fly with wings level .

  25. 研究结果进一步证明了视觉空间认知加工和场独立性水平与飞行空间定向之间的紧密关系。

    The study furthered evidences that there was a strong relationship between visuospatial ability , field & independence and spatial orientation in fight .

  26. 待直升机垂直俯冲的距离与垂直爬升的距离相同时,拉起机头恢复成水平直线飞行。

    The helicopter is allowed to fall the same distance that it climbed at the beginning of the maneuver before pulling the helicopter back to straight and level flight .

  27. 由左至右保持后退水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,将升降舵打降舵执行内觔斗。

    With the helicopter upright and flying backward straight and level from the left to the right , when the helicopter is directly in front of the pilot , push forward cyclic and execute a Tail first Inside Loop .

  28. 女飞行学员在高空耐缺氧Hb代偿反应高于男飞行学员(P<0.05),而BLA水平低于男飞行学员(P<0.05)。

    The BLA level was lower in female than that in the male ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. F1要求轮胎承受的刹车和转弯力高达5g&这一压力水平在特技飞行领域以外十分罕见。

    Formula One requires that the tyres be able to handle braking and a cornering g-force of up to 5 - a level of stress rarely seen outside stunt flying .

  30. 本文假设群目标和导弹在同一水平面内飞行,导弹对目标进行迎头攻击,应用DBS技术使弹载雷达的角分辨率提高5~10倍。

    It is as-sumed that targets and missiles fly in the same plane and missile attacks targets from the front semisphere . In this case , angular resolution will be increased 5 to 10 times .