
  • 网络Lateral thinking;MBALIB
  1. 基于此本文认为:在形成创造性的战略构思时.另一阶段思维及其方法是关键因素。本文还介绍了有助于第一阶段思维的水平思维方法。

    This paper also introduces the basic characteristics of lateral thinking that is an effective method in first stage thinking .

  2. 该模式是以问题为纽带,使学生在提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的探究过程中,通过高水平思维来学习,基于问题解决来建构知识、发展智力、提高能力。

    And it aims to develop the ability and intelligence through leading the students to raise problems , analyze problems and solve problems .

  3. 不同于传统传递式的教学模式,微世界更加关注学习者知识的建构与迁移,重视提高学习者高水平思维的能力与探究的能力,并且善于激发学习者的动机等非智力因素。

    Unlike traditional directed-style teaching model , microworld concerns more about learners ' knowledge building and knowledge transfer , attaches much importance to the improvement of high-level thinking and exploration ability of learners , and is good at stimulating the learner motivation and other non-intellectual factors .

  4. 小学语文一年级教材的P值和自然语料中的P值不同,其特殊表现,可能是要与儿童的认知水平和思维发展水平相适应所致。

    It is founded that the P value in the first year primary school Chinese textbooks is different from that in natural language materials , it is special , which is adaptive to cognition level and thinking development level of children .

  5. 这除了智力水平、思维能力、原有数学基础等方面原因外,数学学习态度、学习策略也是影响学习成绩的重要因素之一。

    Besides the intellectual level , thinking ability and foundation , mathematics learning attitude and tactics are among the factors that affect on their school records .

  6. 通过对大量的语料分析发现,汉语网聊词汇以其独特的方式反映了网民社团的语言知识、经验水平及其思维方式,体现在以下几个方面。

    Through a qualitative analysis , we find that Netspeak vocabulary reflects by its unique way netizens'knowledge of language , experience level and way of thinking as follows .

  7. 现代教育的一个持久的、长期的目标,就是帮助学生超越目前较低的思维能力,获得较高水平的思维能力。

    Modern education has a lasting , long-term goal , which is to help students beyond the current low thinking ability and to catch the high level of thinking ability .

  8. 优化课堂提问,发展学生高水平的思维,这即是学生的需要,也是改善当前课堂教学实践的需要。

    Bettering the questions and answers in class , developing higher lever of students'thoughts is not only the need of students but that of improving the teaching practices in class currently .

  9. 具体培养的方法如下:创造性思维能力是一种高水平的思维能力,是在一般思维品质基础上形成的,因而要加强聋生一般思维品质的培养;

    The specific fostering method are as follows : creative thinking is a kind of high level thinking ability which is based on the quality of general thinking , therefore , first of all , the quality of general thinking of the deaf students should be enhanced ;

  10. 实验的组织者总结道,与书面交流和可量化的读写能力相比,较少数学生具有高水平的批判性思维能力。

    The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy .

  11. 就幼儿美术学科来讲,重点是培养幼儿高水平的形象思维。

    The emphasis of infant 's art is improving their level of thinking in images .

  12. 高水平的形象思维是一切创造活动所必需的。

    The high level of thinking in images is the necessary to create all the things .

  13. 该方法提高了妇产科护士理论水平及临床思维能力和应变能力。

    This method improved the nurses theoretical knowledge level , clinical thinking ability and competence of meeting an emergency .

  14. 明确物理教学与辨证思维方法的相互渗透、相互依存关系,在物理教学过程中,把方法教育显性化,以提高学生的元认知水平和辩证思维能力。

    The penetrative and dependable relations between physics teaching and dialectic thinking methods should be highlighted in practice to elevate students ' dialectic thinking capabilities .

  15. 二语写作质量受到学习者的二语水平、母语思维等多种因素的影响。

    The quality of L2 written products is affected by various factors such as learners ' L2 proficiency and their first language ( L1 ) thinking .

  16. 首先,职业哲学家处理的那些问题当中有一些,确实需要相当高水平的抽象思维,这是真的。

    In the first place it is true that many of the problems with which professional philosophers deal do require quite a high level of abstract thought .

  17. 数学教育应保持数学特色,数学活动应保持与学生认知水平相宜的思维力度,教学与评价应从根本上关爱学生。

    Mathematics activities should keep up the thinking power , which was in agreement with students ' level of cognition . We should base teaching and evaluation on the great care of our students .

  18. 研究发现学生的数学阅读概括水平与学生的思维类型存在显著的差异。

    It reveals that noticeable difference exists between students ' generalizing capability in mathematics reading and their mentality .

  19. 相同语言水平下,创造性思维水平推进翻译转换能力的发展,进而促进其翻译能力的发展。同时创造性思维水平在各种从句的表现不一。

    In the same level of English proficiency , the development of creative thinking accelerates the development of translation transfer competence , which would further contribute to improvement of translation competence .

  20. 最后,我们从科学假设与提高认知水平、培育创新思维、促进探究活动科学化、逼近科学真理等方面探讨了科学假设的认知功能。

    Finally , we also explain the cognitive function of scientific hypothesis from the following aspects : raising the level cognition , cultivation of creative thinking , making inquiry scientific , and approximation of scientific truth .

  21. 中国原始体育文化,产生和发展于史前人类的生产与生活实践中,它是与当时社会发展水平和人的思维水平相适应的。

    The Chinese primitive physical culture originated and developed from the production activities and the life of the prehistoric humankind , and conformed with the level of the social development and the thinking mode of the people at that time .

  22. 而创新的前提是发现问题,发现问题涉及到合情推理,同时,合情推理有助于学生思维水平的发展和思维方式的转变,有助于学生的创新意识的培养。

    And finding problems are involve ratiocination , meanwhile , ratiocination is conducive to the development of students ' thinking level and the Changing the way of thinking mode , and also be conducive to cultivate students ' innovative consciousness .